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Everything posted by Raven

  1. I've been thinking less and less of them since they were implemented, especially since there seems to be a special banner every month, now. It's nice to have unique units, but my problem with them is their availability and general difficulty to obtain over every other unit in the game. I dislike the fact that their banners offer a 50% chance to pull non-focus units, and that your only other chance to realistically obtain them again is when they're part of a Legendary banner or have their Special banner re-run, as last year's Spring banner is right now. Even then. a re-run of every special banner is not guaranteed. I avoid spending any orbs on them, now. Legendary banners are far more worth my Orbs, with the mix of Special, Legendary, and generally great units that come with it. As far as Arena bonus units are concerned, I think I'll simply put effort into completing the Askr trio (Fjorm is already kitted out) and GHB units.
  2. honestly, nothing up to this point in heroes has made me think "fuck it" quite like this if i could refund everything i'd ever spent on heroes, i would probably quit playing
  3. This was just before +Atk -Res Fjorm appeared. I'm done.
  4. If you want some extra ideas on who to look out for, give this video a watch:
  5. It's you. You are Kiran. You are Mark. You are a faceless self-insert, and that will never change.
  6. The thing is, they are all great units. All have strengths and weaknesses of course, but all are generally well up there. You could try to summon a Brave Lyn, but if you don't manage to get her from summons yet want to keep the account because you had other good summons, you can just choose Brave Lyn as your free Brave Hero summon. Many strategies to complete challenges revolve around using her, because she's just that good.
  7. Gauntlets are nothing more than a feather event. I'd be happy if Mini TT replaced Ganutlets and focused on feathers while main TT focused on Orbs.
  8. That's the only positive thing about them in comparison to Minis.
  9. I'm so fucking glad it's ending today. I'm beyond worn of playing TT. Expecting to finish top 10k. Bring back TT Minis.
  10. I think you're missing the point. She's not a flier because she floats. She floats because she's a flier. Currently released legendary heroes: 2 infantry, 2 cavalry. It's only natural that they move onto the next movement type - fliers or armour. With this, two boxes have been ticked: Colourless hero, and a flier hero - both of which were missing until now. People complaining that the first Grima wasn't female Robin. Now people are complaining about Female Grima. There really is no pleasing everyone. - - - Next legendary prediction: Green colour, either armour or flier.
  11. It truly was a gross story, and I'm sorry you had to go through such an experience. I'm thankful that I haven't encountered any similar disturbing situations. I hope the woman in your situation didn't know about it at the time, otherwise that'd be pretty fucked up to let a guy do such a thing at such an inappropriate time.
  12. Zelgius: Not owned, want Lute: Not owned, want Sakura: Owned, hope to avoid Nowi: Not owned, want Tiki: Owned, dodging greens Elise: Not owned, not interested (Nino Master Race) Lucina: Owned, want merges Lyn: Owned, want merges Ike: Owned, want merges/fodder depending on boons/banes Gunnthra: Owned, want merges Fjorm: Owned, want merges Robin: Not owned, want Dodging green for these reasons: 1. I already have a 5*+10 Nino; an inferior green mage in Summer Elise would be redundant. 2. I already have Summer Tiki, but I hardly ever use her aside for Axe Valour. Extra copies would only be used for weapon fodder. I'd like more Gunnthra merges, but the chances of getting either Elise or Tikini are too damn high in comparison. Not worth the risk.
  13. She's a fine unit, although not really one of the best. She really could use a dragon team that can supply her with dragon buffs. Her default kit is also not all that fantastic on its own - she works even better with Lightning Breath+ so she can counter from a distance. Sadly she takes quite a bit of investment to become a top tier dragon, as opposed to something like Fallen Robin - a green armoured dragon who is already a great unit off the bat and requires little investment in comparison.
  14. That's honestly up to you. If you like Fae, she's not so bad. Although there are better boons/banes than that for her. You could potentially save this account, then see how the legendary banner summons treat you. If they are bad rolls, then maybe you can decide to reset.
  15. Bad idea to switch between operating systems, especially if you have any significant number of orbs on your account. When switching between OS, everything carries over - except the orbs. If you switch, the Orbs stay on Android, but are unusable on iOS. The orbs will still be there when you go back to Android. However, any orbs you save up during your account's time on iOS will also stay on iOS unless you spend them.
  16. If there are not at least 2 pools of colours I would like to summon from in the next leg banner, I may well skip the banner completely and continue saving for April's leg banner. For me to want to summon from a particular colour, I'd at least want to summon 2 of the 3 units in that colour - and would at least not mind summoning the third (so Mist being in focus would be an automatic "AVOID" tag on all colourless stones unless it's also alongside the legendary hero and Bridelia, in which case I'll take my chances). The legendary heroes themselves are always sought after, so that gives plenty of room for error.
  17. I will easily hit 120+ orbs before the leg banner hits. I just hope I pull some decent shit I will actually appreciate, and not more Mists. I don't want to avoid any colours, but I would honestly dodge colourless stones if Mist is in focus. New legendary hero be damned.
  18. I think the size of the maps are less of an attraction when your units can simply teleport through half of it. I would prefer it if there were simply well-defended points to capture throughout the map without them also serving as teleportation points - instead serving as new spawn points for your new units as current ones die. Also, a more lenient turn limit would be nice. Or even no turn limit at all, and you either capture the final point or lose all your units trying. It would probably be more challenging, but it may help with making the map feel bigger. A simple 8 vs 8 would also be nice, with the objective to either route or capture the point(s) with what you've got.
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