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Everything posted by Raven

  1. My personal preference is that future Legendary Heroes continue to be either Heroes OCs like Fjorm and Gunnthra, or already-existing/future Lords/main characters within the main series of Fire Emblem titles like Ike and Ephraim.
  2. My apologies. I wouldn't want our first meeting to be at your funeral.
  3. *shug* you don't have to watch the last ~7 minutes of it, because it's to do with a competition he was hosting.
  4. Yes, I made an edit to my post before you replied. I guess you didn't catch it. I'm also aware of these specific videos - at least the first one. The like:dislike ratio is quite impressive. This video explains my own opinion on the matter.
  5. Such a trade mechanic will never be implemented if it means the publishers can't continue to abuse your desire to obtain specific rewards from these lootboxes/gacha pulls, milking you dry in the process. Maybe they could implement a large in-game currency charge for both players to trade items/characters, etc., but that's probably discussion for a different topic. Edit: Didn't notice you said "mandated" - but yeah, that would piss off many gacha/lootbox devs for the above reason. They will no doubt implement the feature either behind a paywall of sorts, increase the cost of in-game currency, or both - or some other completely different method/s.
  6. I'm personally a fan of the french lace style of women's underwear. On women, not me - in case that wasn't obvious.
  7. Physical items are cheaper and worth more than digital, in general. Physical have resell value and last for as long as the owner takes care of them. Gacha games die/go offline. Some gachas last more than others, but will die eventually. So that £1,000+ a year hobby collecting digital images attached to a ball of skills and stats just stops existing, and nobody will have anything to show for such an expensive hobby aside from some memories, videos and screenshots. This is personally why I stopped spending on this game. --- Probably didn't answer the question directly, but I think this is valid reasoning towards not putting physical collectible cards in the same basket as digital goods such as gacha games. It's not like we can spend £200 on Heroes and get exactly what we want, unlike what we can do for collectible cards.
  8. I had an ~80% cavalry battalion, and autobattled Infernal. Of course, enemies are completely random so it could've just as easily gone a lot better or a lot worse.
  9. No need to apologise - I was only explaining to help you, not trying to scold you lol.
  10. I suggest you wait for the 8% Legendary banner that will be coming up on the 29th March.
  11. That's not how it works. You're allowed to use any unit. You just can't use more than one copy of any unit, so only one Frederick, one Titania, etc.. Although, you are limited to only one dancer/singer in the whole team. Edit: I also changed my lead to Exalt Chrom. I think he's even more suited for this map than Leg Ephraim.
  12. To fix that, maybe you can go to the friends list topic and ask people with horse leads to add you. I myself have Legendary Ephraim as a lead, he is good for leaving on top of a camp because of his healing. The cavalry buffs are also pretty useful.
  13. Getting both camps and defending them to the end whilst getting bonus points for killing with horses should be enough to reach the point limit. You don't even have to take the last fort - simply damaging it gives a ton of points, without fully capturing it.
  14. The mode ends at the end of turn 10, unless you lose all units before then.
  15. Of course. Subspace was probably the best thing to come out of Brawl, and I was quite disappointed that no such thing existed in Smash 4. I wouldn't play it myself, but it was perfect for 2-player co-op - especially if the 2nd player isn't as into Smash as I am.
  16. First post's updated. Some more unique additions.
  17. Multiple greens on focus doesn't necessarily increase the output of non-focus green summons. This is why it's slightly more likely for a green stone to be a 5* than any other colour of stone - because of the smaller green 3-4* pool. They could alter the way summons are done, but this is basically how they milk their whales. They won't change it to make the odds any more favourable in a players' favour.
  18. There is literally nothing that can be done about the lack of green stones showing up during summons aside from making the green unit pool the same size as the other colour pools of units. And that will probably never happen. When a green unit is on focus, at least there is a slightly higher chance of it being a 5* than any other colour.
  19. I'm fucking salty and generally pissed off with this game. Over 100 Orbs put into all the blue, green and colourless, and a mother fucking Mist breaks my pity rate. I am literally done with anything that is not a Legendary banner from here on out. Special banners and anything else that gives the chance to pity break you can fuck right off. Fuck it all.
  20. My orbs are safe. Bring me the next Legendary banner, already. I would like that colourless dragon.
  21. I didn't even notice. What music is available?
  22. For my own list of games I'm waiting for and will probably purchase on release, in no particular order: Crash Bandicoot: N.Sane Trilogy (Switch) I don't yet own a PS4, but this was going to be one of the titles on my to-get list for the console. Since I already own a Switch, this pushes back my urgency to get a PS4. Fire Emblem (Switch) Yeah I am still completing the final story for FE14 and have yet to play FE15, but this is still on my to-get list. I really should finish FE14 (+ DLC) and FE15 before this comes out, though. Pokemon (Switch) Still yet to play Sun yet, which is between FE14 and FE15 in my backlog of games. But of course, a no-brainer, right here. Super Smash Bros. (Switch) This is a new entry into the Smash series, but I wouldn't have minded a complete ported edition of Smash 4, either - all DLC included with new maps, characters, features, etc. Since my Smash 4 disc is giving read errors, my Wii U is basically now an overpriced ornament/paperweight. GRIP (Switch) Grip is the (unofficial) successor to the Rollcage series of games, way back on the PS1. I grew up with RollCage and Rollcage Stage II. Grip is basically a fast as fuck futuristic racing game where you drive a massive vehicle with huge tyres, that's able to drive either side up at speeds of 400mph+. The game is being released on Steam, Switch, PS4 and Xbox One, but my laptop can't handle it at all, and I won't have a PS4 for quite a while yet. I assume many people here won't be familiar with neither the Rollcage or the Grip series, so here's the teaser trailer that was released just yesterday: Ace Combat 7 (PS4) I'm a massive fan of the Ace Combat series (arcade flight simulator? idk). With the monumental failure that was Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, a new game is being released for home console (AC: Infinity doesn't really count, since it was free to play on PS3), and it's looking to go back to the formula that the fans know and love that made Ace Combat 04, 5, and Zero (the PS2 releases) so damn likeable in the fanbase. Just a shame I won't be getting a PS4 anytime soon. Thankfully the plethora of Switch titles being released will make me feel less bad about not purchasing this on release day. Also will be playable in VR, which sounds fucking awesome, to be honest. NieR:Automata (PS4) The only game on my list that's already been released, but I'm not sure if my laptop will manage it. It's another reason, besides Ace Combat 7, for me wanting a PS4. My only hope is that it will come to Switch eventually. Anything's possible, right? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So yeah, that's it form me. Let's hear what everyone else is anticipating.
  23. That is useful info. Guess I'll just go straight for the fort after one camp, since it gives more points.
  24. You took both camps or just the left/right one? (and did my Grima help out?)
  25. If I were you, I'd keep the spare Hector if there's nobody you really want to give DC to, or if there's nobody in your barracks who really needs it. You never know what new units are around the corner who could really do with it. Personally, I'd give DC to my Myrrh, so she can carry my weak-ass flying team even harder. Or Ayra. But I'd probably just keep it for something even better, too.
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