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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I don't really see how it affects replay-ability? Alm and Celica's relationship is symbolic, and their marriage signifies one of the core themes of the game. I feel like everyone else should be fair game though, if everyone had like 1-4 choices. As for pairings, there were quite a few in the original. Some were definitely romantic, while others are questionable. The spoiler is the other pairings in Gaiden, but I don't mind them really being switched around. I highly doubt the 6th one would be switched around, since they were already in a relationship. I mean, if you want to pair up Faye so badly, she'll probably have supports with the other villagers, Alm, Clair, and maybe Lukas. Who knows? All pairings would do is affect the epilogue and not much else (which I'm completely fine with).
  2. Well Dread Fighter originated in Gaiden and Fates interpreted as a cross between ninja and assassin, so I could see the Asian inspiration they had going with this game.
  3. It seems to be red eye liner, probably to emphasize his newly given "pretty boy" status they put in his description for Echoes.
  4. I can see Sacaen nomads being darker. Like a southeast Asian tan. I would like to see more racial diversity in Echoes, mainly because having a big redesign seems to be a trend and most of the Gaiden characters didn't really have a set looks anyways. I also wouldn't mind seeing Alec/Arden/FE4 characters being redesigned either (but Alec's turban HAS to stay. No ifs ands or buts.)
  5. I believe the last prince of Russia had that illness. Nickolav or something. But I'm not sure if his parents had any relation. The Tsarina had Germanic origins, and I'm not sure about the Tsar. I think he was also English and was somehow cousins with the German Kaiser, but I can't remember atm.
  6. Alright time for a mega update! Starting off with Alm's party. Gray He got a nice tan and lost his turquoise hair. Tobin His color scheme changed completely. I like his new boots. Kliff @KliffIsTheOG I thought of you. He looks cooler now, which is befitting of his awesomeness. I want this outfit. Faye (original character so no comparison shot) She's cute until I make her a walking death machine. They'll never know what hit them. Lukas He went from getting a girl pregnant and leaving her to getting her pregnant and having a shotgun wedding because he wants to apart of his child's life. Silque (not like the fabric anymore) She's like a second Boey. A new hair color everyday. Now we have Celica's party Mae My prediction as the breakout favorite of this game. Her design stayed the same for the most part, and even her new artwork has a similar pose. Genny Her artwork remains relatively cute. Her dress looks like Silque's in terms of color design, but hers looks more off an off-white rosy color. Valbar His armor isn't phallic-shaped anymore! He doesn't look creepy anymore! Leon Once a pretty boy, always a pretty boy. His range is OP and he looks like a villain. I'm digging it. Asaello Kamui (different one) Lost his green hair but still has a pretty green color palette. He looks more Eastern Asian now as well. Anyways that's all for now folks!
  7. Thanks for the character artwork! I'll update it to the Old Artwork vs New Artwork thread straight away!
  8. Hmmm... It could be support but the timing seems weird. Well, it would really be like the GBA games where they actually talked during battles. I'm curious as to what Mae has to say. She's cheeky.
  9. Yeah Alvis is Deirdre's half brother. Their kids didn't get deformities though, they just became the vessels of two super powerful dragons that are in an eternal battle. Go figure.
  10. Sorry if you already know, but 8-4 was confirmed to be the localization team. This is weird to me because Palla isn't in Alm's party in the original unless she dies and Alm resurrects her. Do you mean Clair? Her initial design and concept was supposed to be Catria 2.0 I believe.
  11. I just reread your initial post on this thread and I see my mistake. I'm sorry.
  12. Hooray my favorite G2 ladies. Leen With Lex or Holyn as her father, Leen is the best combat dancer since Feena (I don't count Olivia, because unlike the other 2, she has to reclass abuse). But most of the time she won't be fighting. The preferred father is Claude, which makes her as good as Laylea with the Barrier sword. Levin is also a great father, and with the wind sword, she can be able to handle her own if need be. As I mentioned in Faval's and Delmud's, I feel like her character was forgotten in development, as she has no final chapter Lovers' Conversations at all. If Genealogy ever gets a remake, IS best give her Final Love talks with Aless, Celice, Faval, Tristan, and Arthur (weirdly enough, Arthur prioritizes her the most on the jealousy chart, and I'm willing for badass Holsety on a horse to have the most useful utility girl in G2). Maybe Leaf too. #JUSTICEFORLEEN. She only has a meager 4 conversations BUT SHE ACTUALLY HAS DECENT CHARACTERIZATION. I dare say she has more characterization than most characters in Fates. She appears cheerful yet spunky at first, but it is SHE who convinces Aless to be more understanding with Celice and the dynamics of war. She can seperate duty and emotion. And in the small chance you decide you hate yourself but love yourself to keep Holsety and pair Levin with Sylvia, Levin's conversation with Leen is touching, as she reveals she's felt alone most of her life, and has some deep seeded abandonment issues. And her confidence is only a facade to hide her inner pain. YES IS. This is rushed, but it's actually dare I say, characterization?! Plus G2 isn't as mount-heavy when you get her, and when it does, she'll probably already have the leg ring so she should have no problem keeping up. All in all, great character, cute design, I mean just look, STUN 10/10 why hasn't her cipher card released yet? Corple He's an Est character, so while that works great in concept, it's that great here though. Here's the thing: he's a healer, and by this time in the game, you most likely have at least 3, and this number can go up to 6. 6!!! (Tine and Fee may not be there yet, but they could potentially be). So he's not really needed in the grand scheme things. He's good with Claude and Levin as his father and that's it. Sure he's one of the few holsety users, but he's the worse out of the 3 because the other 2 don't need training to use it. He's an expensive unit already, so money is a huge problem, mainly because he doesn't have his own source of income to fund all of his little stave repairs (and he needs the expensive ones to level up fast). Although he can turn out great, don't try too hard on him. It's not really worth it. He has 4 conversations like his sister, but he only receives bonuses in one of them. He gives Altenna a bonus (shouldn't it be the other way around?) Sorry Corple but you get a 4/10 why has your cipher been released already I could not believe it Laylea So now we have the sexiest character in the game and arguably the dancer that looks the part the most I mean She's gorgeous and talented. Your faves weep out of jealousy. She also has a similar characterization as Leen; she's robbed of a Final Chapter Love talk. I feel like she and Leen would give a speed boost but that's just me. She also has the highest strength growth out of all the substitutes (50%), and that's badass. Laylea doesn't play any games. She also has charisma, which is always nice, especially in Genealogy. Plus it's a skill Leen will never know so there's her edge. However, a lack of inheritance really hurts her and she may be more squishy than Leen (so Laylea is basically a mature version of Sylvia). Her secret conversation lands her the pretty sweet Barrier sword, which gives her a nice resistance boost that can comparable to Claude!Leen and is nice for being a magic tank of sorts. However, her characterization isn't as emotionally gripping as Leen's, but it is far more romantic and sultry. No wonder she has charisma. Money is a problem, but it's easy for her to fall in love with Arena Destroyer Aless, so him money-dumping her won't be much of an issue. She's not a combat dancer, but performs her job well. 10/10 because I'm seriously biased please get her a cipher card she deserves it for being on par with the original. Charlot/Chubby Shota Sigurd Lol basically Corple but easier to level because Elite. unless it's Lex!Corple (but Lex!Corple would have half the Mag growth of Charlot) He has 5 conversations though, which one of them lands him the Berzerk staff, which can lead to funny shenanigans in the Final chapter. 4.5/10 because I love the Berzerk staff.
  13. Since Gaiden didn't have vulneraries, this could be the Echoes solution to the problem. It's very RPGish, using food to replenish health when you can't use a healing spell.
  14. I can definitely see it be useful if you placed a flier onto the wrong tile. Archers are tougher this time around so I can see myself needing it for those scenarios. But Goddess Palla never fails though.
  15. Yeah. I definitely see that. It just made me realize how much I missed the old art style of the series. I like Kozaki, but this is nostalgic for me. I love it.
  16. Yeah it looks like a cleaner version of FE4's artstyle. Genny reminds me a lot of Lana and Kamui reminds me a lot of Asaello.
  17. Berkut is a new character I believe. I don't remember him in the original. His full character artwork was revealed when they announced the game. Here's the link because I'm having difficulty uploading pictures.
  18. Look at Leon being all sexy with THAT RANGE. Wow I'm afraid for my pegasus knights since archers are actually a force to be reckoned with in this game compared to others. And from the looks of it, Mae sounds like a troublemaker so she's a mainstay for me. Plus she's a great unit anyways. I'm really loving Hidari's art. Someone said it's a tad moe, and I can see that, but the soft color choices are really pleasing to my eyes.
  19. They're kind of already toned down. Holyn and Aira are like second cousins or something and it's the same case for Claude and Sylvia allegedly. The only other "incestuous" pairing I can think of is Celice and Yuria, but that's only possible with a glitch though.
  20. Ok but one incestuous pairing is part of the plot though. I'm not sure how they can work around it. They could make them cousins, since it wasn't abnormal for royal cousins to be married in medieval times. The other couples sharing the same holy blood are second cousins I believe.
  21. LMAO Only if Leen and Corple get webbed feet if you pair up Sylvia with Claude.
  22. The only ones I'll recognize is Jagen (with the Oifay subcategory, it's not it's own thing) Camus Christmas Duo Flamboyant Bandit Duo Est (Note: Donnel and Moze ARE NOT ESTS. PERIOD. They don't come in late game) Gotoh (aka I screwed up all game and he's the last resort) Lena+Julian (it's a package deal). I don't really think the "Navarres" or the "Ogmas" or the "Merrics" an archetype. They're just a niche that's needed to fulfill the roster with a particular class. And in the Navarre and Merric cases, sometimes they tend to overlap in terms of backstory. Feena doesn't get an archetype and the majority of our dancers tend to fit her personality and individual story arc, yet she doesn't get a special archetype. It's a niche.
  23. Yes, each pairing results in 2 kids, because you're essentially replacing your entire army for an upgraded one (or a really shit one if you hate yourself).
  24. Yep I think the lion is the Rigelian symbol. It's on the boxart. Here's a pic for reference so that you can add it to your post if you want. For some reason, it's not being posted on this comment, so I'll just post the link. I'm afraid it may be too big though. Here's the URL just in case you want it : http://www.nintenderos.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-of-valentia.jpg
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