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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. While FE4 does have its problems, I do agree with it being a highly enjoyable and frustrating saga. Literally the whole continent becomes a battlefield at one point. The cast is interesting, and it's a nice touch to see how the second generation is affected by the events in the first generation and who their parents are. I'm glad you enjoyed FE4. It's tedious, but also enduring. I'm currently playing through it right now, avoiding canon couples too much.
  2. There are canon pairings, so I would like to see the buildup that lead to their endings. It also makes me wonder if there's going to be 3 way supports or a sequence of events regarding 3 characters, kind of like the base conversations.
  3. I got a 5 star Lyn on my first draw and Alfonse was moved to one of my lower tier teams. Anna is pretty bad. She's still on my main team because my other green units that will surpass her soon enough are in the middle of training. It took me forever to get them. Sharena is a cool rallybot. Not so good combat-wise. But the Rally Attack is never not useful.
  4. I agree. I'd rather have a non-royal lord. BUT, if we're going to have one of royal blood, a "fallen from grace" lord would be interesting. Raven was one of the most intriguing characters in FE7, so I'd like to see more of that approach to storytelling.
  5. Wow that's real. Then I'm not really sure.
  7. I'd prefer an avatar like Kris. Not a big role in the story. Just someone who had a Soren/Mist-level of importance. They were there and present in most of the scenes, but not all of them. They were huge supporting characters, but not the main characters. If we were to take a backseat role, a la Mark. I wouldn't mind it, but I want more though. Mark just seemed forgotten about once the game started picking up and their sole purpose was just to have someone Lyn can talk to early game. If we were to expand on it, I think it would be cool if a backseat tactician could also be responsible for designing the armor colors of the army, which path we should take, etc. (like if our role was a good friend of the lord who can't fight, but is brilliant)
  8. It sounds a lot like FE4's style of promotion, where a unit could promote at Level 20, gain bonuses, and still be at level 20. It would be interesting if they had this style with branching promotions, and you need some sort of item if you wanted to switch to the other class (but you'll stay the same level) It'll be interesting to have, as it can nerf people from breaking the game by continuously reclassing over and over again.
  9. I believe what determines "Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced" is the average level of the team. If you're facing a high level character in beginner, there's probably a Level 1 on that team too.
  10. So for a harem run, we figured Claude!Lana is the best Lana, so what about Larcei? She can't be screwed up, but who will be great for her? I'm stuck between Lex and Holyn. Although she gets Ambush, Holyn will give her Major Odo Blood and access to the Balmung right?
  11. Is Azel!Lana or Claude!Lana the best Lana? I'm interested in doing a Celice harem run maybe.
  12. I think the fact that they lose HP explains the reasons why mages uses tomes in the first. Since the mages in Gaiden learned spells as they leveled up (not tomes), the power to summon spells fatigued them. It explains why mages need tomes in the series, so they don't lose HP when casting magic. Also for the damage thing you're talking about, Celica doesn't have enough defense to only take 1 damage. She seems to be at Level 1, bc her original HP base stat was 20.
  13. I nominate Athena. She did have a peculiar accent that may explain her origins. She's not a mercenary, but she could also fulfill that sword-bearing role. Plus she's obscure enough to be revamped by the magical fingers of Hidari.
  14. It wouldn't really make sense plot-wise, and it would retcon all of the characters' epilogues. Plus the original Gaiden itself wasn't a long enough game to warrant a second generation. I know they probably added a little bit to this game so it's not as short, but I still don't think it would be long enough to warrant a second generation. If IS wants to make a game with the Second Generation as a mechanic, like how FE4 did it, I would rather it be on the new Switch game they're developing rather than forced into a remake that doesn't need this feature and could potentially, hurt the title. I do agree that a pairing mechanic similar to FE4 would be a middleground that veteran fans and newer fans could enjoy, since the general consensus here on this site was that FE4 was great.
  15. I'm torn between which warrior path I'll make her embark on. She may make a good mage, healer, or pegasus knight.
  16. FE4 and FE8 had similar villains to what you described- Alvis and Lyon respectively.
  17. For FE games with those themes (that I wouldn't mind returning, here's some examples: For 1.) FE10's first part focused a lot on that particular theme. FE4's Second Generation (only if you do a 'substitute run') also has that theme present (but it's not the focus in this title). For 2.) No FE has been like that. There have been some good guys that gradually became more corrupted in this series, so we have the inverse in a lot of the games though. For 3.) Same as 2- it would be fresh in the series and only antagonists or side characters have played a similar role. For 4.)
  18. @Gima Thank you for the elaboration. Those recruitment conversations made me forget how lowkey iconic Caeda is. Archers usually get the short end of the stick, and a bow that works as an armorslayer would be a nice addition to the class. The thing archers have over mages is that they tend to be less squishy than mages, and are the only physical units that can counter them at range. And they're also good at weakening enemies so your less weaker units can score some exp kills. They have their niche, however limited it may be. There are some archers in the series worth using though, like Jeorge, Jamka, Faval, Tanya, Wolf, Louise, Shinon, Rolf, Niles and Takumi. I think the only way for a magic bow user to work is if they're able receive a bow that has some sort of elemental affinity, like a levin sword, so it's effective against pegasus knights and armored units.
  19. The problem about having a magic bow user is that there's no incentive to use bows. Why use a weapon that's not good for melee and only range when you're also able to use a weapon that is both melee and ranged? The bow will be quickly discarded in the favor for magic. Unless the bows in that game are like Gaiden. Can you please elaborate on this more please? My qualm about having a "Queen" lord is that she can't necessarily leave her country to fight a war. In most FE games, we're the prince/princess because their parents/king/queen are at home. There's some special cases, but lords are there for the whole game, and in game time can span a few years. A king/queen doesn't have the time availability to do so. What I wrote earlier. Camilla is not a "lord". A "lord" in Fire Emblem refers to the main character, regardless of social class/position. Camilla isn't a lord because she's not the main character. She's an important character, but she's not the main.
  20. 1.)Agreeeeeed. I feel like a separate generation would be the only way for newer fans and veteran fans to agree on the child issue. FE4 did it the best, having originals and substitutes. While characterization was a problem at times (i.e. after you recruit Leen, she's doesn't have any dialogue until you recruit Corpul. Her substitute has more lines than her lol) So if they were able to blend FE4 with the modern style, it may work well. 2.) I can take em or leave em. If they're done well in Echoes, we'll see. 3.)Agreeed. Hidari rocks. 4.) The problem with My Unit is the pandering and the lack of choices. Pandering can be fixed with better writing, but IS needs to improve on the choices option. I felt like the "choices" we made in Awakening and Fates didn't make a difference and didn't impact the story or the characters in any way. 5.)Agreed. 6.)I prefer bonus experience. I'm OK with map grinding, but it can take away from the game if you just power through everything without having much strategy involved. That being said, I would like more diverse battle objections and scenarios, such as being flanked. 7.)I agree with the limiting. I would go to other MyCastles and their characters seemed ridiculously broken. I was like "what are even caps anymore" 8.)I would need more specific examples. I liked how the Tellius games did it. Skills took up a certain capacity when they were assigned, so abilities can't be stacked so easily. 9.) I don't really see this as a problem. It's just about planning ahead of time and is on the player to forsee. Or you can just refrain from using that character and use your other units that may need the exp more. 10.)There's no way they're getting rid of pairings. I think a part of the "waifu" subculture within the FE community contributes to their being a My Unit. So we may get less "meh waifu!!!!11" if we remove the Avatar unit. 11.)I'd be OK with that. 12.)Good ol' Tellius forge to make powerful but not broken weapons. The Fates forge just went in the corner unused.
  21. So you're planning on making a ROM hack then? Like Mageknight404?
  22. I believe I got a 4 star Setsuna and she's awesome. Too bad her actual Fates counterpart isn't as good as she is in Heroes.
  23. It wasn't necessarily a 3rd generation. More like a part 3 that was scrapped. It involved for some things to be canon, which I think they tried to avoid in-game. For instance, Tinny and Arthur were supposed to find their father, Azel, and try to figure out how to break the spell cursed on him (he was turned to stone after Barhara), and then they were resurrect Tiltyu together and finally be happy.
  24. Didn't know I could vote for more than 1 until I read the comments. That being said, I voted for Laylea because she's the sexiest. Nuff said.
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