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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I'd really want a remake. If they censor it (undoubtedly), they need to be real careful about what they change. FE4 is supposed to be dark.
  2. What about Sylvia's "ever seen a little girl with THESE?!?!". It'd be too iconic to censor IMO. Until we realize she's 14. But she can pass for 18 though. That's a change I wouldn't mind too much. I'm still on the fence with the censoring the story too. I mean, Saizo and Belka's support conversation was changed to a series of ellipsis and changed the original of them talking about their assassin past (why this was censored I'll never know). Nintendo censors the weirdest things.
  3. Am I the only one that's confused on Lester and Lana's designs? Lester has blue hair and Lana has orange. And all of the other Ulir family have blonde hair. Lana's hair color is close enough, but where does Lester's blue come from? It would make sense if Fin or Lex was his dad, but it seems like blonde is the dominant gene in that family. But I really like Lana's design though. She looks like a girl from a Gundam game/anime. Lester is pretty bad unless his father is Midir, Jamka, Fin or Lex (but more expensive with Fin and Lex if you buy a bow ahead of time.) And as everyone is stating, Lana can't really be screwed up. She at least an 8/10 with a physical father, but 10/10 with Claude as her father. Lester is a 7/10 with a good father, but can be easily screwed up. Lana's gloriousness and majesty has to be sacrificed so Lester is playable. Dimna is a 2. He's weaker than Midir (which is saying something). Hardly any benefits. Even his pursuit can't really save him because he isn't strong nor fast. If you put some TLC into him, he can become a 4. But I'm giving him a 2 because it's a hassle. Mana is cute, but essentially a watered down version of Lana. She's a staffbot, and will remain that way after promotion. Thankfully Ch. 6 and Ch. 7 don't rely on your mounted units too much (especially since Dimna is there), so she doesn't have much difficulty keeping up. She just has a basic Live staff, which sucks because Saint Lana can come with an arsenal of much better staffs. I'll give her a 3. She's still useful, but she doesn't heal as well as her counterpart. She's like Aideen, but slightly worse. Just slightly.
  4. There are some similarities between the two mechanic/plot-wise. Genealogy had 2 generations. In the first generation, you had to pair up all the female playable units with any of the male units that way their children (and holy blood) can be passed on. There are 12 types of Holy Blood and a special case of Unholy Blood (not official name since I'm trying to avoid spoilers). Awakening has the pairing and child aspect, however, unlike Genealogy, having all the kids is optional and not an integral part of the story. Who you match with who does affect the children a lot so you want to be smart with who you pair up with who. In Genealogy, if a female unit goes unmatched, in the second generation, two "substitute" characters replace what would be kids. But since she was never wed, they were never born, prompting completely new and overall weaker characters to appear (with the exception of a couple of substitutes, who can be more useful than the originals). For Awakening to be like this, they'll need to have the cast all have Holy Blood. Since people with Holy Blood were generally royalty, Chrom, Lissa, Emmeryn, Robin, both Khans, Say'ri, Yen'fay Walhart, Maribelle, Ricken, and some other select characters will have holy blood. All mothers will need to have at least 2 children to have a similar number of characters for each generation and some mothers may need to removed as mothers and become children units. Since 11 mothers can seem overwhelming compared to FE4's 7. But it could work with 11. The whole long campaign aspect worked for FE4's marriage system too, since levels were long which gave you time (50 turns. Sounds like a lot, but not in that game) to raise them love points. The other similar aspect between these two games in the cult villain thing, which Validar and his crew covers. And Honestly, I'd recommend giving FE4 a spin. It has its issues, but has one of the most, if not, the most intriguing stories in the series. But patience is needed for the gameplay. But it's still fun to try different pairings, but you may want to start with the "canon" choices first, just so the 2nd Generation isn't so hard on your first time. It'll still be difficult though.
  5. Maybe I'm colorblind but it looks more like a strawberry blonde, pinkish orange color to me.
  6. You know I'm ready to post them on this thread when the time comes. Just hoping IS starts releasing them soon. From the screenshots that we've seen in the trailer, Silque, Mae, and Genny didn't have much of a revamp. Genny still rocking her pink ponytail and Silque's hair went from a purple/indigo to blue. The hairstyle is still a bob though. Mae's hair is more of a fushia color now, but she still has her pigtails. The only other character you've mentioned that we've seen a battlefield sprite of is Clair. Her hair color doesn't look blue anymore (probably not to look to similar to Catria or Sheeda). She appears to have long blonde hair now, which makes her look more like Clive's sister than she did in the original. Fun Fact: she'll be the first blonde pegasus knight in the series, save Cynthia or Matoi if their father/mother was blonde. But since their official artwork doesn't depict them with blonde hair, I'm giving the title to Clair (if she is blonde, it was hard to see).
  7. Oh yeah I forgot they did it for free. And IMO, I wouldn't really call the Gaiden cast an army. They seemed like 2 bands of warriors to me.
  8. I meant the game itself as a nice bonus. But the new music sounds great. Glad the oldies are on the CD too though.
  9. The remastered tracks are giving me an eargasm. I wonder if they'll include the originals too for fun? Celica's Departure sounded great originally IMO, and the remastered version really enhances the mood. I can't wait to hear it in-game.
  10. I feel like Anna would be that Trader that somehow can get through the mountains to trade with both parties, defying all odds and logic that your main party can't switch sides/traverse the rubble but some random money-hungry trader can. It only makes sense for it to be Anna.
  11. I talked about how weird the marketing was in another thread recently and a lot of people are assuming it'll be like Fates where a whole bunch of information was released the month before it came out. I'm not sure if I can wait til March. I need MORE.
  12. I think we're correct on all of the character names and artwork so far. It's weird how they didn't release the names with the artwork, but maybe they really wanted fans to guess who's who. I'm expecting a lot more New Look, Who Dis? moments.
  13. The screenshots are nice! Let's hope they'll be generous and give us a few more character portraits. I'm actually weirded out by the marketing strategy. I know we still have a couple months to April, but it seems weird they haven't revealed a whole lot yet. Looks like they're following Nintendo's latest trend of revealing something just a couple months before you release it. But I mean, there's only about 10 weeks left to promote this game (in Japan at least), so you think they'd start doing a weekly reveal of like 4 characters (32 original cast members + potential new characters + significant antagonists should be around 40 characters). And I doubt they'll reveal character artwork a week before it launches, because usually a trailer comes out at that time.
  14. Ok so I'm not the only one that thought some of the sprites looked like phallic-shaped objects. Glad to know I'm not going crazy.
  15. Obvious Ones Grey, Robin, and Clair. I think a 3-Way Support would be cool, especially since all 3 of them are needed to be alive at the end for a special epilogue. If just one of them died during your run, it affected both of their endings, so a 3 Person support seems fitting. Leon, Valbar, and Kamui were sworn brothers, so their relationship can be expanded upon as well. The last 3-Way is the Whitewing Sisters for obvious reasons. Sabor and Genny- implied relationship. Clive and Matilda/Zeke and Tatiana- canon relationship. Clive and Clair/Luthier and Delthea- sibling relationship. Boey and Mae- rivalry; can be expanded on to romantic or maybe comical. Maybe both. (If it's both, I'd rather their supports not include a cheesy proposal. An ending where it says they fought and fought, then they got married. They stayed the same." would be funny. Alm and the Villagers- childhood friend dialogue. Not So Obvious Ones. Mae and Sonya- Mae is really competitive, so I think putting her up against another female spellcaster could give us WWE Diva smack talk in FE. Mae and Genny- outspoken girl and shy girl trope. Delthea with anyone- her ending is kinda sad, but it's a perfect set up to be expanded on. She can definitely be paired up with someone like Kliff or Fols, or maybe just added to in general. Perhaps she became a teacher or author or something. Fols and Python- someone mentioned this and they both seem mysterious so yeah why not. Alm and Cliff- they're both considered leaders for the Zofian Army, so a dynamic between them would be interesting. Elfi with someone- she's the new girl so she's a wildcard. Deen and Sabor- they both have eye patches, so I wonder what kind of talks they'll have over a couple of beers. Atlas and whoever has a similar class to him- since Atlas starts off as a villager, it would be cool for him to have a student-mentor relationship with another person in the army. Mercenary:Sabor, Archer:Leon, Mage:Sonya. EDIT: Alm and Clair- I believe Clair had a crush on Alm, kind of like a Marth&Catria/Chrom&Cordelia type relationship. That's all I can think of right now. The spoilers aren't outright spoilers, but they do talk about the epilogues so I'm playing it safe.
  16. UPDATE: The blonde character that I couldn't identify on the first page seems to be confirmed as Clive as I suspected. So here's the comparison of the old artwork and the new artwork. It looks like they stuck to his original character design, as he's always been a blonde cavalier it seems. I'm digging his new armor. It matches Alm, which it should since they're both considered leaders of the Zofian Liberation Army. I really hope they expanded on the personality of this character, since his backstory/position and epilogue are really interesting.
  17. They're both serve Khan Basilio so it makes sense to me that they're an implied couple.
  18. The shops don't even sell armor so I doubt they'll sell underwear.
  19. It's a good way to let off some steam in my opinion. I don't like watching videos of Warriors games, but I love playing them. The original warrior games (not crossover games) are based on historical events, so if you enjoy history like me, it can teach you a lot of cool stuff. It makes learning history fun (you just need to know that some of it is fiction for entertainment purposes, but the battles did happen and the generals/officers did participate in it. The battles are a lot more fun on harder difficulties and/or a lot of mission objectives. I also like how each character has a distinct personality and style as well, and there's plenty of characters as well. Plus, every character has their own signature moveset, which is impressive with a game with a large cast.
  20. L'Arachel is the real protagonist of FE8. Who's the blue hair people? Certainly not our very own Princess of Rausten, crusader of light, prevailer over evil, the desire of foreign princes, and inheritor to the Heavens, her majesty L'Arachel.
  21. I agree. Fire Emblem fits the setting of a Warriors game a lot more than the Legend of Zelda, and Hyrule Warriors was a decent game. FE4 and FE9/10 would work perfectly well with this format, since there's so many countries/houses that can lead to a similar select screen as Dynasty Warriors. Plus, FE4 has huge battlefields.
  22. I want them to stay faithful but then I remember how agonizing it is to use Nosferatu and any archers before they promoted.
  23. As long as he can be a mage then bring me the Kliff redesign.
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