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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. When Jabarro talks to Aless after they deploy, Jabarro implies that Bramsel's intentions with the dancer were of sexual nature. He probably planned to put her in the dungeon to scare her and use it as a tactic to coax her into the act. For the dialogue thing, Laylea pretty much has the same personality as Leen, but sultrier. Maybe it's because I just watched a substitute-only run recently, but all of Laylea's scenes have a romantic tone to them, which I think contrasts with her opinion of Bramsel. then again she's my favorite substitute so I may be seeing everything in a glamorized lens.
  2. I'm excited for them. I don't expect them to get a drastic makeover like Boey, since their looks are pretty iconic within this series. It'll be interesting to see their new armor though.(and their voices!)
  3. Sure why not. I wouldn't use it, but it's a feature many fans enjoy so I don't see any harm in doing it. If they can, a 4 player arena like the GBA games could be a fun mode to add.
  4. Regarding a FE4 remake. I'm worried about them censoring the story (for reasons I've stated too many times now I sound like a broken record, plus Ghast said some of it too). And it'd be better for it to be remade on the Switch than the 3ds, since the maps are larger and there can be tons of enemy units on the map at a time. The 3DS probably had enough power for it, but it may be weird. It should have no problem with powering FE5-8 though.
  5. Probably. It'd be a huge missed opportunity if they don't.
  6. I'd still consider FE4 darker. The incest is siblings, which I would consider even grosser than cousins (although historically, it was normal for royalty to marry their cousins). But I feel like they could retcon Deidre and Alvis to be cousins, and Sylvia is an easy fix. Emmeryn's suicide was sacrificial, which makes the tone a lot lighter than Tailto/Titlyu's suicide where she basically gives up because she couldn't handle her crippling depression, PTSD, and the domestic abuse she suffered from her sister-in-law, leaving Tinny alone and emotionally unstable. Plus Tailto had such a bright personality as well, which makes a stark contrast to the cause of her demise. Meanwhile Emmeryn had the personality of a pancake. She was just made out to be a virtuous ruler, and that's how she ended. She was patriotic, while Tailto was a tortured soul. For the Elise incident, Xander's intent was not to kill her. It was to kill Corrin but she threw herself in front of him and took the blow. He wasn't trying to murder his sister, and she defended Corrin out of her love, which makes the moment sad and dark, but it's not F***ed up kind of dark that FE4 was sometimes. But as I was reading your post, I slowly see myself being convinced by your argument though. Although the gameplay is weird, it has the eugenics element familiar to the newer fans.
  7. Gameplay-wise, FE4 is still a weird game, with it benefiting mainly mounted units and holy blood units. Although I do think newer fans would appreciate the pairing mechanic for children, and it's done better here than Awakening and Fates IMO. However, what would make FE4 less likely than FE5 for candidacy is the actual story-content. There's incest, severe sexual harassment, PTSD (among other mental illnesses and issues), domestic abuse, Sylvia's age, and suicide (not the sacrificial trope). It's definitely the darkest FE in the series and I fear how much they'll censor.
  8. In the original, mages learned spells as they gained levels and it costs a small amount of HP to cast a spell, so they could be using the original mechanic for this game. I think it's interesting, and really explains why mages uses tomes and staves in the first place, so their HP won't be drained.
  9. I'm ready to see the redesigns of the cast and see who changed drastically. I like that it's a smaller cast of characters this time around, because I hate having tons of characters sit on the bench. I'm also excited for the game mechanics as well, since, it's the only Fire Emblem that features dungeon crawling, HP-based magic (no tomes), and sidequests. And I'm curious to see if they made improvements where it was needed: more story, more character development (they didn't have support conversations), actual growth rates, actual drop rates (not that 0.014% BS), and not have any repeated maps.
  10. The side characters' personalities and origins aren't explored in Gaiden so it's definitely a possibility! He, along with Mae and Genny worked at the Novis Monastery prior to the events of the game and that's all we really know. They don't have any backstory, so it's a definite possibly if they decided to flesh out the supporting cast this time around.
  11. Other than the obvious ones that were talked about in their epilogues, there could be ones that come out of nowhere since the original didn't have a lot of script in the first place. A Sonia/May rivalry could be hilarious IMO. And the new girl Effie/Elfie/whatever they call her could have supports with Alm and the other villagers. Maybe a romance with Cliff since it seems like they're both going the mage route. Possibly romance with Luthier or befriend Dyute/Delthea. Who knows. I just hope Python gets some good supports. With a name like that, he's gotta have a cool backstory.
  12. I can see the Saber/Genny dynamic being similar to Julian and Lena. A rough-around-the-edges guy ends up with a goody-too-shoes girl can be their dynamic (since he's associated with pirates and she's a cleric.) Whatever they talk about, it better not be about some freaking pies and then bam I love you. unless the pie is that bomb though
  13. Basically what everyone else said. It'd be a shame if they didn't update the game, because Gaiden could be great if they fix the flaws of the original (not enough storytelling, little character development, repeated maps, no class diversity). If they fix those and add in supports that don't end up with your units knocked up then it should be able to appeal to newer fans and older fans.
  14. Boey is on Celica's route and in the trailer we see a white hair mage at 4:43. So I think it's safe to say that's Boey. I'll link the trailer below.
  15. Probably some of the more normal classes, but probably not all of the special classes introduced in Fates. I don't see stuff like Orochi, Kinshi Knight, ninja, etc. making the final cut. Possibly griffon rider, but I think they're going back to the necessities with this one. Potentially dark mages, griffon knights, and axe-wielding classes, and I'd be hyped if there was a dark pegasus. I want to make the Whitewing sisters Dark Pegasi just for the sheer irony.
  16. It could be Clive/Clieve! Since he was a cavalier/paladin in the original, and the new artwork of the blonde guy looks like he's a cavalier.
  17. Literally watching it right now. Because of how dated it is, it's hard for me to play but I enjoy watching it with he and his friends' commentary.
  18. Well, they're gods, so I think it's safe to assume that they can transform, which is typical of gods from different mythologies can do. The woman in the trailer sitting on the Zofian throne is probably Mila in her human form, but is probably a dragon in her "divine form". In the FE Manga, Mila and Duma were depicted as human in one part. Her character even looks like Naga from Awakening. If there are multiple mortals that can shapeshift in the Fire Emblem world, then it shouldn't be a surprise that the gods could too. Dragons are generally the go-to creature mainly because they're large/mighty and fit in with the medieval setting. If they were other creatures, they would probably be minor gods.
  19. Yeah the more I look at him the more I'm starting to think that there's no way they'd change Zeke's blonde hair. Looking at the trailer again, he looks like one of Rigel's officers, so he may be a new character entirely.
  20. I kind of like having the avatar, mainly because it was one of the selling points that allowed this series to boom. As many problems as it has, here are some of my suggestions. I think the options of expanding customization and subduing plot relevance would be better. I feel like Robin's role in the first and second arcs of Awakening were fine; it made him important, but he didn't overshadow Chrom. He felt like a customizable Soren until the 3rd arc where they gained so much relevance. I think a mix of all of the custom figures from the 3 games that had it may be good. From Awakening- the plot relevance in the early story, from FE12, the "normalness' of the character. They weren't some sort of special class, they were just another cavalier/mercenary/myrmidon/priest/etc. Although unlike Kris, they shouldn't be the ones given credit for every victory. One or two, three tops is fine, but the whole war? Sorry henny that's a group effort. If an exclusive class was given to the avatar, I think it should be the dancer/bard, because the sick part of me wants to be a wayward musician that gets involved in a whole bunch of sh*t and next thing they know, they're performing for the army. I believe FE12 also had a "background" trait, like affluent prodigy/rough thug/former stripper/etc. (not the real traits of course) and it affected stats. I think this can be expanded upon, instead just influencing your stats, your background/personality trait can affect who your avatar can bond with. It makes sense for someone that was an affluent prodigy to attract more units that were of nobel lineage, or someone who's used to protecting them, those that want greed or fame, and maybe one unit that is poor and your character has to find a way to settle your differences and grow from them. From Fates, the amount of customization was good, like the accessories and scars, I think they can add more beards/scars/etc. to further differentiate our characters. Other suggestions include- customizing all of the uniforms of playable characters. By that I mean all characters will don a similar color palette and have a reoccurring motif to look more like a team. I know other people would prefer the individuality, but the OCD within me just wants everything to match. Maybe have 2 customizable characters, which may also decrease one avatar's relevancy. By having one more, we can potentially decrease their value, and they'll just be a supporting cast member.
  21. this game has a lot of caves man. They make echoes. Echoes. the people saying it's because it's a remake are probably right.
  22. If the writing is good enough, maybe? I'm worried his inclusion could be written poorly and not make much sense, even though the times are close. (Valentia is 401, but Archanea was early 7th century, while Tellius is mid to late 7th century)... But time in this game has always been weird though.
  23. I don't see why we wouldn't. Aside from Alm and Celica, they're the only characters that got any real development in Gaiden, and it's probably due to them being in other FEs. They're part of the story, and it may awkward to replace them. The whole reason the Whitewing sisters are there is because Est was kidnapped by pirates. They can just bring in 3 new girls and say the youngest was captured in a battle, but these 4 characters are popular enough for fans to raise a big stink about them not appearing.
  24. Save marriage for a small thing of text in the epilogue, not a gameplay mechanic. I think supports should be added into this game, but their purpose is to flesh out characters and give battle advantages, and that's about it. No one is getting hitched and popping out babies until the epilogue where it doesn't matter because you already beat the game. Like how the GBA games did. I'm fine with new characters, they're a given in a remake, and the cast of the original was small, so I'm not completely opposed to it. New classes are good too, mainly since many of the units in the original had the same thing (there weren't even playable axe users) so I wouldn't mind the addition of more classes and altering characters to fulfill their new roles, that way they have more of a purpose. Tbh I wouldn't mind the weapon triangle. I usually end up making my units powerful enough to where it doesn't matter they'll still crush the enemy. But I do use it early game, so I'm cool with it. Perhaps Tobin would be more useful this time around.
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