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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Don't worry about it, you tried and did your best, and that's what matters more. I'll play through it, and see if I can help you find some tweaks for it for future reference. Designing things is not easy.
  2. I looked for it, and could not find it. I'll seriously consider giving it a shot if you have it on hand. That map seemed pretty bad, but I want to try it.
  3. It might be worth doing, honestly there aren't enough generic base grunts. I've looked around too, and I think I know exactly what you mean. Let me see what I can do.
  4. And an implication isn't sufficient because I never said that. So yes, it is being needlessly aggressive. Even in your response doesn't make sense to what I was saying. Yes, you can weaken the boss with Robin, but again, that doesn't sound very fun and is exactly what I mentioned was my problem with it. And somehow people funnel in their own assumptions -- of how they get to these conclusions I'm not even sure and then respond in ways leaving you scratching your head thinking "what are you talking about?" Primarily. And that's not what my complaint was at all.
  5. And yeah, I get what you're saying. And it's just I did not find Lunatic fun. I used Gaius x Cordelia, Sumia x Fred, and Chrom x Robin in the end, and I used Morgan with Severa as well. And supported Cynthia x Lucina but opted not to later on because the support was lame in my opinion. It is more for Lunatic+ (but mentioning them both constantly gets annoying really quickly), but I just don't find them fun. I mean, I felt like HHM was such a good balance of annoying and challenging, and none of the other difficulties at their max levels really hit that golden spot for me. But honestly... I'm not getting why Yoshi is having such a problem with me basically saying "I didn't like it," and trying to explain things to me like... I just don't understand Lunatic and + when I did beat them. It's not like I was saying that Lunatic is impossible to beat or anything... It just feels so needlessly aggressive.
  6. Yes. Because contrary to what some people seem to act like at moments, having fun with the game comes first and foremost. I don't feel good just from seeing the victory screen. I want to have fun while doing that. And I don't find Awakening's spread to be fun with that. If I want to use Chrom, the game shouldn't make it annoying to use him. That's not the sign of fun difficulty IMO. Just the sign of poor balance. I mean imagine if you were playing a RTS, and you play Hardest mode, and it's like: yeah, don't build all of those other units, just spam Unit A and you'll win. Does that sound like fun? I already mentioned that I don't like it, and what you're doing is akin to if I said I did not like the color green and your response is: "well let me explain the color green to you." I know what it is, I don't like it. But that's the thing, there hits a point where you can play by its rules and it's still not fun. Bravely Default for instance? Its hard mode basically wants you to use strategies that end up working on... Every enemy that can be conceived by the game. Once you get to that point and figure that out, it no longer becomes fun to some. It's not a matter of "getting away with anything," it's a matter of having some liberties to be able to do things in different ways without the game itself becoming tedious or less fun. I find Lunatic pretty pathetic anyways because it's not actually hard in the sense of it requiring me to sit and think. It just requires me to abuse the most abusive and busted mechanics Awakening offers... Which is totally not the same thing as say... Being good at an action game where it's you recognizing enemy patterns and avoiding their attacks and the like through learning how the enemies fight. It's the equivalent to picking up an overpowered weapon and then steamrolling through the game. The hardest difficulties again aren't designed in a way that's challenging and fun to some. There lies the issue. There's a balance. Take a look at something like Mass Effect 1. There's no doubt that Mass Effect 1 in Insanity is harder than the lower difficulties, but Vanugard inheriting Singularity and then you bursting down everything with Throw +Lift + Singularity and slapping Immunity on yourself to reduce pretty much all incoming damage and then Adrenaline Bursting down anything else that survives isn't fun. Even if it IS the most effective thing you can do to beat the game. Perhaps a person DOES want to play an Engineer instead. Then compare that to Mass Effect 2 or 3 where the game is definitely harder in the hardest mode, but it's not a chore to play. Lunatic hits that point for some people. The first time I beat Lunatic, it was in 90 minutes while I was waiting in line for repairs to be done on my car. It was more fun than watching the walls, but it's not something that I find fun to after you've beaten it once or twice. Thus, I don't find myself liking Lunatic mode because I don't want to play it after I won. I can find other games that provide an adequate enough challenge and don't feel so bland. And I personally don't find throwing Robin around to be fun. The issue is that what I did to beat the harder difficulties is what I did when I tried to see how fast I could get through the game "use Robin." So in the end, I find Lunatic, lame.
  7. I suppose that's true, I don't think I'd want to do that though. And that's exactly why I don't particularly like Lunatic in Awakening. You really aren't saying anything I don't already know. You're just saying why I don't like Awakening Lunatic with more words. My team when I won the first time wasn't very large, but the fact that the game is designed the way it is in Lunatic is what makes me say "I don't like it." There's no need to say all of this: I know how it works; I don't like it.
  8. The way the game seems to program is...? No. What happens is that he's pretty much guaranteed to hit the enemy at that point. I guess if you could the accuracy as silly than yes, it could be. As for the strength boosts, I guess that there point was to lower the might bonus against fliers? That's all I can think of, not that it makes much of a difference. I too can read those texts a bit better.
  9. My issue with it is more so that Robin is the best solution here (yes, I know it requires Lissa and Chrom next to him in a line formation). Robin doesn't really need EXP, and the first time it happened to me, I got hit by it trying to get Chrom more than 1 level because I was worried about the snowballing offense and because Chrom is forced every chapter. I really don't like how in Lunatic, it feels right to use a "when in doubt, use Robin" to work Lunatic over. Sort of how in Fire Emblem 4, when in doubt, use Sigurd. And honestly, using Sigurd is the best strategy you could use for several parts. For an added bonus, get him the Javelin so he can have 1-2 range too. After some time, the javelin and the silver sword get kill bonus criticals compounding on the excessive use-- the same way Robin gets with Veteran. Even the enemies struggle against Robin after while. The funny thing here, I actually understand why you like it. Because in this isolated example, it's a clear example of how a strategy game with RNG should be designed: where the player can negate things through proper placements of unit and strongly remove elements of lethal RNG-- and for that, I agree. The issue is that this isn't happening on say, the final boss, but instead, the first boss, where you may want to spread your EXP around-- more specifically, to Chrom, whom is not only forced, but nets you and instant game over if he dies. I like the notion of the game having punishing difficulty on the highest level. I don't like that there's levels involved here. If Lunatic had characters as forced minimum levels and the like for each chapter? I would so be all over this difficulty. But yes, I do agree that some of the early game's 70% or you die moments are pretty lame. And I agree with you on the enemy strength. Their defenses are pretty miserable. I think that's done so the enemies can use the classic dive bomb tactics where they die and continue to attack you because you cleared up the spaces. I never really had a problem killing them until like Chapter 17ish with any random mook unit I chose.
  10. Jagen. The reason? I know that he was important, so I wanted to see how the plot would change with him dead. Also, because he's old and it makes sense for him to die out of everyone because of it.
  11. I played Lunatic and stuff and beat it. But it doesn't feel like something I can go back and play time and time again by virtue of how the game works like the other games. I play Normal/Casual to complete the support log. Something about filling up the supports makes me feel less stressed. I really can't explain it at all. I absolutely would hate to play Lunatic or + while trying to complete the support log. And also, I'm not a fan of Awakening's difficulty because it's like: Chapter Prologue Normal: Sissy bronze weapons. Chapter Prologue Hard: Sorta dangerous steel weapons. Chapter Prologue Lunatic: Silver weapons that can kill you. And I absolutely loathe how the first boss has like 1% critical on you for no reason. And yes, it did hit me and OHKO which makes me hate Lunatic because even though you can mitigate the luck by playing well, there's not much you can do outside of "Ooop that 95% hit missed! Taste forged Silver Blade + 3." There's a point where the enemy stats aren't just competent, but just silly. I feel like Lunatic and hard after chapter 11 go overboard with that. Personally I'm not a fan of many of the hard modes in the series because of how they are done TBH even if I have beaten like all of them.
  12. Micaiah's caps are absolutely delicious in Tier 3. Now that line of "leave the fighting to Micaiah" is actually believable.
  13. Laura's Con is that she requires a bodyguard for all of those weaker levels. Weapon ranks won't be so bad with some discipline. Honestly though, I'd give Laura a bit more than 2% growth. At that point it may as well be 0%. 5% or even 10% isn't so bad. Although, I see where you're going with that though, because you want people like Oliver to have something over her by the end. Staves on the paladins sound interesting. I don't see anything wrong with it for the primary bow users, as Astrid now has a niche, and it also means that you can make the chapters with the Crimean Knights far more malicious. Somehow I'm almost afraid to see what you have in mind for part 2. I have a feeling you plan on having endgame not able to be defeated in 1 turn anymore. Nah man, you're forgetting the best ones. Cat versus General. THE BEST.
  14. Uh... Lol? http://vocaroo.com/i/s19PbMkgqRk9 I don't know what format you want it in, but that site will let you download it in multiple types.
  15. Vandal Hearts does this pretty well. Vandal Hearts 2 as flawed as it is, is pretty fun.
  16. I would disagree that you can solo with him pretty easy. Fredrick is strong, but really, I think you should be using him for that delicious +3 defense and +2 speed he gives with Pair Up. If things go wrong, use him as a RNG shield...Freddy isn't good for very long because of how fast the enemies become with their super weapons. As for this game, it's not you, the game is very unforgiving in the early game on harder modes.
  17. My response is "meh." I'm not really into characters being DLC in a "fighting" game, and the ones we did get were underwhelming. Roy and Corrin aren't really anything for me to get excited about, and Cloud, while cool just doesn't really fit with what smash is about IMO. He hardly has any history with Nintendo. Even characters like Cecil would make more sense honestly. And Bayonetta is cool and all, but... Really? That's kind of random. Especially when there are still Nintendo franchises they haven't put in the game. It feels weird to have that many guest.
  18. Edward + Nolan + Resolve on Edward is actually pretty good. Makes Edward and Nolan essentially immune to Biorhythms in the sense that at worst they are facing -1 hit and from there you can pretty much assume neutral avoid and ignore it from there. Honestly I don't think most of the DB is terrible, it's that they have a ridiculously short amount of time to reach the levels they need. Meg is probably the only one that I'd say is out and out bad. Leonardo is not an endgame unit, but he IS useful in the chapters you have him most of the time. And really, Leonardo is just all sorts of mucked up. Low speed + ranged unit with Cancel? It's like they wanted him to use Crossbows all of the time. Crossbows don't use strength, and he has super luck to help him with avoiding critical attacks. Maybe that's what IS was going for with him... This was the game they introduced crossbows, so maybe in their mind they wanted a unit that would "specialize" in crossbows and wouldn't need good strength to be a contributing member.
  19. I suppose they could have made her a sage, but I was thinking of what they did with Serra and made her a War Cleric with a Bolt Axe. And that's true. But a lot of characters changed. And that's a really good point.
  20. I like your style. it reminds me of those little glass paintings.
  21. I think that they made Micaiah a dark mage because having her wield axes is completely unfitting to her character. More than her using dark tomes. And having her with dark tomes still keeps her from using a "common" magic type. And yeah, I agree on the laguz. They need to have better levels for when they join.
  22. And the thing is, is that other people can fairy Ike too. For instance, if you took of Savior from Fiona and then carted it over with Ilyana, Haar can do this. It's faster too rather than using Oscar. Yes, Oscar can double them if he reaches 24 AS, but 6 levels is a bit much for 3-3 don't you think? I'd say so. 3-5? Sure, but I don't believe Oscar will have the strength to kill them even if he doubles. 20 base strength is 35% growth is pretty miserable. But it's not natural for Oscar to hit 21 without using a crown. It really isn't. He has a difficult time killing things even when he doubles because of it. Adept doesn't fix his issues. It helps mitigate the strength he starts with. Forged weapons go further for his atk than Adept would for consistent damage honestly. It's not just his base. It's the caps with the growths that's the problem. 65% growths that pretty much cap out 4 levels early is lame. If he didn't have that pitiful cap, he'd have 26 speed and then promote and have 28 speed on promotion. Now that's pretty impressive. But even your arguments point out who'd want it: Gatrie wants it pretty badly too because the difference between Gatrie having it and not is being able to keep up with the army under normal circumstances and getting the ability to start doubling more consistently. Soren if you're using him might want it, because it gives you another healer so you can opt to drop Rhys if you don't want to use him and keep using Soren. Nephenee could want it a bit early as well if you're into her. Mia might want to use it as well. Haar and Tita are fine. It's not just about them. No. It's that these caps are absolutely wretched for Oscar. Speed is one of his best stats, and he can't even show it off because he caps so early that he can't do anything with it. So he ends up being slower than people that he should be faster than... Like say, Boyd for instance. For Geoffrey they actually screw up his strength and serve to make him not worth using after his charge in part 3. Ike with Celerity > Ike w/o Celerity. Gatrie with Celerity >>> Gatrie w/o Celerity. Ike with Celerity > Gatrie with Celerity. The issue at hand is that you were saying "Ike is overrated." So... People are naturally defending Ike on this one because he should be. It's not far to compare Gatrie with Celerity and Ike without it and then conclude that Gatrie is better than Ike or even Ike's equal when Ike doesn't need anything and Gatrie does. That's the difference. And Ike also has a better affinity which makes him more useful to his partner, Aether > Luna because even if both are largely overkill, Aether still heals Ike helping him to survive even longer than Gatire. When playing normally, people are definitely go to spread the power around the units that they use. But... In terms of which unit is straight up better? The one that requires less to function to powerful utility. I think that's kind of why people hated arguing which units are "better" so to speak and rather just label the units as "good," "bad," and "meh."
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