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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. I think it's interesting, but it's not very good.
  2. Yeah, I guess my first question is which method do you use so I can try that out. It doesn't seem like you're into the Sappy/ Song Editor method are you?
  3. I don't think many people are fond of same turn reinforcements, because it literally is a sub-par idea in general. Because they don't give the player time to prepare on a first run through, and after that, it's just stupid because the player knows when they are coming so they may as well appear without being an ambush spawn. Then that would mean that it never was luck based. That said, I don't think it's very good on the account that it's pretty crippling in the methods that one uses to go through. The issue is that most people don't want to make a smaller team and funnel EXP into units like that. And I can understand why. Lunatic, and by extension Lunatic+ kinda feel like a RPG with some strategy slapped on it. Rather than the reverse. Sure, no one won't deny that making smarter moves isn't needed for Lunatic+ or Lunatic, but you NEED stats in order to even realistically have options for more types of strategies. It's one the biggest reasons that earlier chapters of Lunatic are hell in comparison to the rest of them.
  4. Yes, but your stats are limited by the fact that your supports are hurting someone else. Pair ups like that hurt 2-3 potential units, not just 1. Rolling with my example still, If Robin supports with Gaius for an A support, he'll leave Gaius for Basilio when he joins. Gaius will now lose that stats that Robin provided him and vice versa. Gaius will either now have to be dropped, or find someone else. I never said it was anyone's fault. But from a gameplay perspective, it's still bad. You'd only want adopted children to see what they were like, but from a pure gameplay perspective, they'd be bad. And more specifically, only obtainable if you were gay and/or unpaired. Which doesn't seem very good. That's a standard problem with Awakening's support system in general. This isn't like Fire Emblem GBAs where you had 5 supports total that you could use in anyway you chose, so when you start over, you effectively "lose" the support when you pair up with someone else. Yes, it's the same problem that happens if you choose to support with someone late game, but there's a reason that people normally don't unless they are more concerned about supports than actual gameplay benefits. With a gay/lesbian Robin, the problem is even worse than it is when you are heterosexual by virtue that there are far less choices. Sure, and it really isn't fair if the advantages/disadvantages aren't equal. Just because it's already done doesn't mean that it's not fair. We do. I think the best idea would be they'd have to roll it back to the older support system styles. As Awakening's support system is a giant funnel that encourages shacking up early and as quickly as possible.
  5. And I see nothing wrong with making a man hating character. It's just another character in a cast of people. Not all of them have to be nice people. Heather just doesn't have enough characterization to really be MUCH of a character in general, but such is Radiant Dawn.
  6. Read my post. I clearly state that this is awful from a gameplay perspective, and it is. In real life, there are perks to being hitched, but you don't literally "lose stats" for doing so. A man that's married to his wife doesn't suddenly do his job better than you because he's married and you're not. Let's see what you miss: stats, defense chances, offensive chances, a child, yeah, you miss a lot. Not to mention, you'd be hurting another unit by doing this, as Robin is using a clutch support for the time being and then starting back over to NO SUPPORT in my example. That was my point. Yes, we don't know how it's handled in If, but Fire Emblem is not a game that goes well with that if they keep marriage in the games. Most games with romance do not even bother to give you bonuses, it's merely a cosmetic or roleplaying choice. Here? It's not. Which is why I believe they opted to not have homosexuality here so no one would get screwed over. And there's a reason that most people say Female Robin is better than Male Robin from a strict unit perspective. The biggest edge Male Robin has is that he can produce 2 sets of full class units with more women than female Robin can do with men. She can only do this with Chrom while Male Robin can do it with pretty much anyone that isn't a post act 1 unit. And more specifically, this has nothing to do with homosexuality on the direction you've dragged it. Because if that were the case, a gay man could just play as Female Robin and a lesbian woman could play as male Robin. That doesn't actually solve the problem.
  7. Obviously not, no one would want that. You want a character that is gay or lesbian, and I'm saying it's not important. No what? This isn't a good respond because it doesn't even allow me to know what you're saying "no" to. And furthermore, it's a lazy response. And you're implying that homosexuals have gotten bad supports? I haven't seen any bad supports that can be taken as gay. There are some. Especially in the newer ones that are released globally. Raven and Lucius (and Raven ONLY has an ending with Lucius, and he even supports women), Lyn and Florina could be bisexual, and Ike with Ranulf and Soren could be considered another one. This has already been done-- in the first release globally even. Legend of Korra didn't "use this well." What it had was a diverse set of characters with various backgrounds and cultures. Say what you will about the writing, but the setting was actually pretty good. That's my issue, there should be "using" anything well. And my answer is yes, it is bad to have them for the sake of simply having them. It's why you have stupid things like that 1 black guy in that one movie who serves no purpose in terms of the plot, so what do they do? Slap him in the cast, give him "comic relief" as his role, and never have him do anything significant. There, cast diversity. That's what happens when people are in the game for the sake of having them. You shouldn't have to No. I don't support that in the sense of how you've stated it, but I don't have a PROBLEM with any sort of character in the game.Exactly what I said in my first post. That's why you're getting a ton of "if they are well written," because the vast majority of the world is not going to outwardly rage at the notion of a character that isn't exactly to their liking (if they even care enough to pay attention to the sort of thing) to stop playing a game. But I will rage at the notion of there being quotas that must be met each game. I want each cast from each of my Fire Emblems (or any media that I read, play, or watch), to be unique beast from each other. Not meeting some arbitrary quotas placed on them. Fire Emblem has been pretty good about having diverse casts overall, so I don't think it's even something worth really talking about for Fire Emblem.
  8. But it's still pretty bad though. People that want to be gay or lesbian have terrible choices in comparison to someone that isn't gay or lesbian. From a story perspective it makes sense, from a gameplay though? Terrible. It's almost like as a heterosexual you get a choice. As a homosexual, you have to settle. I don't think there should be any minimum. If 50% of the cast was gay because the writer thought that's how it should be, fine. If they aren't, that's fine too. Seeing as supports actually do something from a gameplay perspective, this is awful. Imagine if you will, that we have Awakening's cast, and we'll just say that the characters adopt to handle children issues. I'm now going to randomly select 3 men and 3 women: Men: Basilio, Ricken, Stahl Women: Sumia, Lissa, Panne. Let's make you male Robin for this example. Your options are incredibly limited now, and from a gameplay perspective, this hurts potential bonuses that you might get for pair up. With Basilio, you have to keep your purity until late game-- which means no supports past A until Basil comes, and it means that Robin will be childless for most of the game. That means to make Robin make use of an A support as a gay man, he has to settle for Ricken or Stahl while a straight Robin has the choices of Sully, Maribelle, Mirel, any of the female children, Nowi, Tharja... All of which join earlier than Basilio. So unless Basilio's support gives you untouchable godlike sources of power, there's no real point to supporting with him. It also means that gay Robins have significantly less options for his daughter. Granted she inherits all of the classes anyways, but she gets less choices for mods than straight male Robin, which has some unfortunate implications. Because you couldn't S, or the nature of the support? How about Gregor then? Gregor is more willing to share the bed with male Robin than he is with female Robin initially. Or even Fem!Robin x Flavia. Fem!Robin thinks that Flavia wants to be lovers and she gets so flustered about it initially that she runs away blushing? And considering how Basilio and Male!Robin's go, you could take that has having homosexual undertones as well. And I think the thing with Awakening is that they don't want you to get screwed over. You have a baby with heterosexual characters and for homosexuals, they get... Nothing. Adopting wouldn't really work because of the nature of the game, and would require new characters for this to make any kind of sense and there would be even MORE supports with people. And here's my issue with that: sexuality is something that is literally a character trait that doesn't even need to be brought up. We could simply ignore romance, and it really doesn't matter. Sexuality never appears because no one is showing interests in each other. The players can be what they want to be. I'd say sex and race and gender are even more of a problem than sexuality. For cripes sake, I can't even make a dark skinned Robin in Awakening, and my dad IS darker skinned in game! My issue is that I don't WANT any type of character to be in the game. And neither should you, because there's no heart put into a character that's put in the game for the sake of having a character that's in the game. If they're going to be gay or lesbian or bi, I want it to be in the way that is Lyndis or Ike, if you think of them that way. Where if they are, it's like it's just there, and not that the character was MADE to be a homosexual character.
  9. Yes please. I made a nifty couple of songs (because I got a bit excited about the idea of making a hack and inserting my own music), and then it didn't sound good when I put my music in. I then tried a MIDI from a game, and it just sounded... Okay. So disappointing. So yeah, I'd love that. I remember hearing the Dream of Five music from there, and I remember the person was like "AGRO SO GOOD..." And yeah, he was right. So learning from that would be great.
  10. It's a bit too much to use all of them in hard mode. The EXP curve is not very forgiving to use all of them. I can generally get 2 or 3, and that's about it.
  11. I'll try it out, but seriously, I want to learn how to put the music in that well. I tried using the Sappy / Song Editor method and my music sounded awful. Yours sounds delightful.
  12. I like the idea of Lunatic+ the enemies having randomly assigned skills is a cool idea. What I don't like is how they are purely random in the sense that in a bad roll you can get some really nasty setups. I'd much rather them be stuff like Hawkeye can appear on anyone, but only in 3 instances max or something like that. The idea of Lunatic+ is to make it to where you have to pay attention every single playthrough. But it's just... I'm not a fan of the statfest that is Lunatic in general, and how the units degenerate into skills, and stats more than their actually classes and stuff... It feels off.
  13. I wouldn't support it, but I wouldn't condemn it either. I don't want to support it in the sense of pushing for ANY type of character.
  14. Mechanically, I feel that RD is the superior game. The handling of skills in RD was much better than PoR. If a character starts with an innate skill, they keep that skill for free and can equip more skills as well. It has more weapons (although, this may not actually be a good thing as some of the things were still too limited, and expands upon things in PoR, for instance, there are more types of knives in RD than PoR, which means they spent more time giving thief units more weapon variety and progression than they initially had before. Fixes skills that were overpowered or underpowered to make them have more/better usage, and also makes supports more heavily customized by the player instead of the set supports given in PoR. This means that teams can be crafted based purely on what the player wants instead of what helps. IE, because Ike has a support with Oscar, you'll use Oscar instead of ... Someone else etc. The problem is that RD is an incredibly rushed game. Unit strengths are all over the place, and it's bad. Really bad. Most of this is because of how the units are distributed over the course of various parts... The scenario for RD is a mess and does not lend itself well to playing through. The first time through, you have no idea who you are really "allowed" to use because of how people come and go at moments. Some units join at times with strengths the are nearly impossible to even train them, let alone USE THEM. Overall, RD WOULD be better if it had its problems under control, but as it stands, I believe PoR to be the superior game.
  15. Ugh. I never talk in the bathroom, and when people talk to me when they weren't before we entered, I usually make a horrified look and flee.
  16. Literally Ike could have been like Lyn. There, but not overbearing. As much as people gripe about Lyn, at least she wasn't stealing the spotlight.
  17. I'm even with the amount of characters, they just don't have the insane amount of supports which are what caused the characters to be kinda ho-hum at moments in awakening.
  18. The same way any unit can have pathetic bases for their level regardless of where they start. Laura's stats actually aren't bad. The issue is that she gets Staff EXP and not enough time to realistically level, and her caps are garbage, so even if you do raise her, you still get a pretty crummy unit overall.
  19. I don't think it's hard to write him, the issue is that the story is bigger than Ike in RD, and making him take even more screen time just comes across as bizarre, unneeded (and a lot of it already was), and pointless. Ike doesn't even start the game with much motivation outside of "it's a job." It'd be like having someone like Dieck be the main character of Fire Emblem 6. He really doesn't have a ton of personal investment even if he IS there to help.
  20. Let 'em stay dead. That's how I roll.
  21. I'm playing through FE6 redux, and I stand by this. For me personally, I just let units die and just kind of shrug it off as nothing. The way the game is made, units just kinda fizzle out, and I don't remember units being particularly good at moments, so I kind of just let... Some of them die and don't really care.
  22. Fire Emblem 4 was my first Fire Emblem but I played it so long ago that I no longer remember much about it and I lost the game. I actually think that the avatar becoming the main lord of the series is a good thing. I like customization for the main characters. While quite a few characters are duds in Awakening, I think some of them, such as Virion, are decently well rounded. I once left Ewan for dead because he got hit by a stray bolting and Ephraim got a 7 up for his level. I liked the names they gave the "replacements" for Shadow Dragon.
  23. I would have totally done this if I saw it earlier, but now I'm about to go to bed because it's late. I could have definitely used a crash course for getting started. Hacking ROMs proves to be a more arduous task than initially anticipated.
  24. It happens with Soren in PoR. He complains that he won't be able to help Ike, and Ike tells him that he's the tactician and that he needs him regardless.
  25. And with Tempest Blades you can do just that. It has the same Might as Alondite. Sure it's hit isn't very impressive, but with Resolve on, it isn't too bad of a penalty. On the account that you're getting 20 sklll assuming you maxed your skill.
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