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Posts posted by Nym

  1. In general, I give Three Houses a 8/10. It's a great game and very polish but it has its fair share of issues there and there.

    The lore and the characters are by far the best thing about this game. The backstory of these characters show the harsh reality of the imperfect world called Fodlàn, no matter where you live in. And having a few of them having people they care about killed or be kill during the story only make these characters so much better as they get make it more personal to archive the leader's role. I like all the playable characters in this game, even if I didn't like how IS handled the Black Eagle's popularity. The villains are okay for the most part, not as terrible as those in Fates. Obviously, TTSITD could have used a bit more development. I don't like the concept of Byleth, they should have been their own character instead of their pseudo avatar that they tried to do. If you want to make a main character who is a mix of a silent protagonist/avatar and their own character, look at Joker from Persona 5 for a good example.

    While the story is much better than in Fates, it has it's flaws. Creating different story paths depending on which house you choose is cool at first, but each path has its own issues:

    Crimson Flower

    • Too short (adding a chapter to defeat TTSITD wouldn't add anything tbh, this map was copycat once already)
    • Lack cutscenes
    • All the others students become Edelgard's yes men and women, they don't have a lot of development in this story or any involvement aside of one liners.
    • Edelgard is too dependant on Byleth

    Silver Snow

    • Being forced upon you if you didn't talk to Edelgard at one specific moment was a dick move
    • Very generic route over all
    • Seteth is a cool dude, but he can't replace a Lord
    • Final boss doesn't make any sense whatsoever

    Azure Moon

    • Best story overhall, but a bit rushed at the end
    • Missed opportunity to have a meaningful choice with gameplay impact when asked to choose where to attack the Empire first or return to the Kingdom
    • Dimitri's redemption arc is too sudden and doesn't make sense (hello Byleth, don't you want to use Divine Pulse to stop Flechette to kill Rodrigue... no?)
    • TTSITD are killed by complete accident, you wouldn't known they even exist if you haven't played other routes

    Verdant Winds

    • Worse story overhall, only saved by Claude and the students
    • Copycat of Silver Snow, despite having two extra chapters
    • The route doesn't do Claude any justices because of being a copycat of Silver Snow. We are told many times that Claude is a schemer and a master tactician much later, yet he doesn't do anything of the sort aside of ONE chapter and his amazing scheme is just him spawning at another side with a few green units at his side. Claude was better shown to be a master tactician in Crimson Flower when he was an enemy than in his own story!
    • Too much exposition, Hilda was basically the exposition girl for the time skip. How they handled Dimitri's death is a good example.

    Another issue was Nitendo's dumb move to advertise the time skip. The time skip would also a bit more impact if we would have played one chapter without Byleth, with the students freaking out as they for once have to do everything on their own.

    The music and the voice acting are excellent.

    Aside of the reused maps, the gameplay was enjoyable even if a bit easy.

    Maddening mode is not a good difficulty.


  2. 5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I mean, I'd be glad to have him in the game at all, just as I am with Sylvain despite him debuting as a summer unit, but I still want their regular versions too, so we have them in the normal pool as well. That way, I won't be as pressured to get all the copies I need to +10 them quickly. They can come gradually. Especially if they're both also demotes. Which is possible given that Kieran isn't super popular and Sylvain's summer version is a demote already.

    Funny enough, we kinda lack in axe cavs at the moment. His inclusion or anyone else being an axe cav wouldn't hurt anybody.

  3. 9 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Please no. We just got several and with no normal versions in way over a year. Tellius needs a regular new heroes banner first.

    Oh yes, we need a Kieran seasonal alt his first apperance in Heroes! (I'm teasing you, I am not serious about it).

  4. 2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

    Wait, what?! That's awesome if true, and would fit the whole reality warping thing she has going on too! Do you or anyone else have a list of which FE theme occurs when in the track?

    There's a few songs that a few people figured out already:

    • Duma's theme
    • Fairy's battle theme from Heroes
    • One part of the song is a mix of Gaiden/Echoes, Path of Radiance, and Blazing Sword's attack themes.
    • Tokyo Mirage Sessions
    • Paths that Will Never Cross from Three Houses
    • Sacred Stones' attack theme can be hear briefly



  5. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    So far this year though, this is exactly what it's been. Alts or seasonals. Ashnard is the only new Tellius character that is neither and he was a GHB. Fallen Ike is great, but he's still an alt. The seasonals are limited time and don't give any Tellius fans much of a project to look forward to working on. Especially if they're actually not the Tellius characters they want to see, which is probably the case for many. The most requested Tellius characters right now that aren't in the game are Jill and Shinon, both of which were far more desired than Rafiel or Rhys. And I actually like Rhys, admittedly. But I wanted to see him added with some other Tellius characters that aren't in yet.

    I know quarantine has been long and at all, but I think I need to remind you that there's still a few months in 2020. There's plenty of times to add characters from Tellius until 2021. I don't understand when you some of you freak out for no reasons. The longer they come, the less they will get powercreep later even if they are the demote.

    Also IS won't always throw all the popular characters in banner. Look at poor Severa, she was voted high too. They save a few characters for future banners, you need some high premium juicy unit sometimes.

    5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    New Mystery is a remake though (as is the original Mystery of the Emblem). RD is not. From what I know, anyway.

    Yet they added quite a few characters. Also a remake pretty much override the game it remakes, so it's still a sequel like RD. In fact, Radiant Dawn is pretty much an excuse to make alts of the cast.

    Yet not merging the two Tellius games when you merge the two Archenea games is kind of... hypocrite maybe? Especially since most of RD's unique characters are secret characters or dislike because they are the Dawn Brigade.

    2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Yeah the thing is, FEH itself does not make a distinction between the two Archanea games. Aside from Wrys, every character is labelled as being from [New] Mystery of the Emblem. Wrys is the only one with a Shadow Dragon label, and that's probably because he was entirely absent in Mystery of the Emblem.

    I see, so they do merge them. I wonder if they merge the Tellius games, my guess is no but I could be wrong.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    Regardless, I do count them.

    As I said to Ana, if you start counting those games together, you gonna need to count games like PoR and Tellius together. Because there's barely any difference between them, only a few new characters, the main cast is still there.

    And I'm pretty sure that's what IS has been doing.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Archanea still had a banner more recently than Tellius. And it's been three years since Path of Radiance had one.

    I mean if you are going to count FE11 and FE12 together, by that logic we also count PoR and Radiant Dawn together right? Same characters, just a bit older. Then it wasn't three years. 

    6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    IS just doesn't fucking care. They think we're satisfied by a little sprinkle of alts instead of real new characters when we're not.

    Considering how big the Tellius cast is, very unlikely it will only be alts. Look at Awakening, Fates and Echoes whose casts are like 25% remaining, alts are more likely for them.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Tellius is never getting a proper banner again, I guess. Fuck you too, IS. A couple seasonals/alts and a GHB ARE NOT THE SAME THING.

    I'm skipping. Spark or not.

    Tellius will get its turn. Pretty everyone forgot FE12 existed and who knows how long they had a banner, longer than Tellius for sure.

  9. 2 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    I wouldn't even be surprised if it was another Fates banner after just how bad that last Awakening one was.

    I don't understand why the last Awakening banner was bad. It is because the characters weren't the main members of the Shepherd?

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