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Everything posted by Nym

  1. You could also use a Sothe, even a 3 star or 4 star will do the job for TT
  2. Please don't, Lucina and Severa would make awesome sisters which would hurt even more 😞
  3. 1. I think it was when the first duo unit was introduced, so back in October. Dunno if they made a statement on their Twitter, I just saw it here. 2. Then you can expect her to be on it at some point? When? Well not any time soon that's for sure. 3. I would expect that too. Yeah, like I said, he got options. But Elincia wouldn't be the highest possibility.
  4. If I remember correctly, IS said they were planning a duo unit for every single main character. So you can probably expect one for Ike, but one for Elincia will depend. Does IS consider Elincia a main character? I don't think she was in PoR, and in RD, she quickly got overshadowed by Ike and Micaiah. So unless she's the futur duo partner for Ike-- which could be unlikely there are many characters that could be with Ike like Soren, Mist, Greil, Titania, etc-- I don't know how else she will be a duo unit.
  5. Well that's another try to get SS3 for Cynthia.
  6. Sadly, the best hard counter is Null-Follow up. Your Bike could have that if you have a copy of it.
  7. Sharena week really make AR a breeze.
  8. The only reason I managed to clear Infernal is because I had a Rinea. This is a very difficult map to do without range units with a dancer.
  9. Not sure between Tellius or Awakening, got to be one of the two.
  10. Corrin's dragon hat LOL Did he stole it from Kirby?
  11. I don't think anyone is going to argue it's isn't up to IS's discretion. But it stays frustrating. Why? I'll always say it even if you disagree: IS has shown favoritism towards Edelgard and the Black Eagle even before the game came out. And tbh, it wasn't even necessary, Edelgard was going to be popular no matter what. Being a well written female lord in a while was all she needed to be popular and the Black Eagle would then be the most popular class because of it. And now, it's spreading to heroes: Edelgard already has 2 alts (yes Flame Emperor counts...) and the Black Eagle has 5 students compare to 3 for the other two. And for the comic, they have shown Edelgard way more than the two other lords, same for the BE students including the newer students Bernadetta and Ferdinand. Meanwhile Lysithea and Annette have yet to be in the comic despite being on the same banner. Of course, that's not every chapter. But honestly, I would have prefer the OC with Taguel ears. But Yarne just so happen to dream about three Black Eagles students is really shoving Edelgard and the BE down our throats.
  12. That depends, but I don't want to open a can of worms about whatever people can be aware that they are dreaming. But they just so happen to be the Black Eagles is what is pissing me off. Hilda was only a cameo I think while the other students (aside of Lysithea and Annette) have been main characters of a comic so far. Also, Clarisse has actually been in the comic. It's the one about Est wanting a picnic with Catria and Katarina suggesting to Clarisse that they should go to but she can't because her GHB is soon.
  13. Would probably help if they didn't add 5 students for the Black Eagles compare to 3 for the other two class. Seriously, if I would be able to bet feathers with someone, I would bet 200 feathers that the next comic will feature Legendary Edelgard either as the main character or cameo.
  14. Even if that would be the case, it's still unnecessery. Lucina, Owain and Noire would have been better instead of those three, Yarne have known them for longer. Also, at least if they could show different students than the Black Eagle/Edelgard for the 5th time already.
  15. Honestly, this is my favorite. It shows Peony's power and best Bunny boy is here for the first time. My only complain is why Three houses AGAIN and only the Black Eagles AGAIN? You tell me he wouldn't dream of his own friends being Taguel? Instead, it's the newcomers in the series?
  16. First time I heard Grey Chun in a not calm tone LOL Meh, fallen units.
  17. I don't get what you are trying to say by just the link. If you meant that he already got a unique weapon, that doesn't mean he can't have a refine. Remember Thunderhead Olwen and Red Tome Erika? Or any units before them that had a unique weapon and got a refine on their weapon?
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