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Everything posted by Nym

  1. Banned for thinking I was saying otherwise (Lucina is close though)
  2. Banned for having a funny imagine of Selena whipping Laslow with her hair.
  3. This thread's title should have been: "Why making VW a copy of SW with a few minor tweaks was a bad idea". As much as I like Claude, this route did nothing to portray him in a good light unlike the other two's routes. As much as people complains about CF being short, AT LEAST your route is unique. We never see Claude do anything with his schemes in VW outside of that one time in Fort Merceus. But even then, all of that build-up for just Claude being deploy far from your units with a few green units alongside him. After that, no more schemes. Ironically enough, the battle against Claude in CF has shown better how much Claude can be a good tactician with his schemes.
  4. Free picnic Felicia, let's go! She got Rezzy'ed but oh well at least I have her now!
  5. @TheSilentChloey Call me a prophet 😛 Also rip your orbs.
  6. Has wishes me happy birthday on my profile Don't worry, I did XD Thanks! Thanks Espurr! Thanks again!
  7. Also wishes Happy birthday! Thank you! 😊
  8. Wishes me Happy birthday just like the person above him. Thanks! XD Thanks! 😛
  9. Didn't just get 22 years old today.
  10. That's a weird way to pronounce Marth.
  11. I don't know how many you have right now, but if you don't plan on changing teams after that and only use the 1 per week for the bonus unit, it would have been worth it after all.
  12. One week ago, I noticed my astra galeforce team sucked really badly. And it's not just because Galeforce is really hard to use, but the units weren't as good as the Light team one on an already very difficult season. You know what I did? I swapped their blessings. They still aren't as good but trust me, both Eir and Peony's presence are enough to make a difference. If your Hawkeye can't compete in Astra, swap him to Light and make TECH units around him. He will appreciate a dancer and TECH units more than Brave Ike and Lucina, plus Altina will increase Ike's attack. Especially if you give Double Drive attack to Lucina.
  13. The secret is to have TECH units if you can't make different teamcomps. As strong as Brave Ike and Brave Lucina are, sometimes simply pressing End Turn and enemy phase isn't the best approach. The problem is that you can't really have a TECH unit in a Ike-Lucina comp (unless it's a Mythic Bonus week). So if you want the bonus points, you might need to make the other 4 team slots as the same team except Lucina is replaced by a TECH unit. Also, I notice a few issues with your current Brave Ike, you can take them in consideration: Special Spiral: Special Spiral is a dead B skill on a Ike-Lucina combo. The whole point is to have him get his Aether on every single engage. If you cannot give him Close Call or Null-C Disrupt, at least sacrifice a spare Morgan and give him Dull Range or Dull Close from Cormag. Infantry Pulse: Another dead C skill on this teamcomp since it doesn't affect him and he doesn't need it anyway. The problem is if I remember correctly, you both have a 10+ Kaze and Summer Flora right? Attack Smoke would work wonder on him so try to summon another Kaze if you can. Bad boon: This is probably the least problematic issue but the boon isn't necessery, he already has damage reduction anyway. +Attack or +Speed would be better. Your Brave Lucina's build: This might be another issue, can you tell me what are her skills? Keep Quick Riposte on his seal, it's perfect for him.
  14. They don't give her galeforce though.
  15. Isn't hoping Atlas will one day bring Persona 5 royal (or even Vanilla Persona 5, I'm that desperate) into the switch.
  16. Banned because of default badge.
  17. I can't believe it. I have reached Tier 27 Not sure if it's because of me or because Legendary Leif bonus is that dumb.
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