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Everything posted by Nym

  1. They are also factors to consider Tellius had the issue of juggling with two games at once. It isn't as much of an issue in recent times since I think they realized they can focus on Radiant Dawn but there's a few units in the game that comes from PoR like normal Ike and normal Elincia and possibly even Mist. As much as fans of FE4 and FE5 would want the games to get more attention, there's no way in hell IS will ever give as much as attention on those games like they are currently doing with Three House until they remake those games. It's also very hard to give seasonals to units that have next to no support convo and basic personalities aside of a few oddballs there and there. Awakening, Fates and Three House might have stereotype characters but at least it gives them enough to give them ideas for seasonals or any wack ideas like the picnic banner.
  2. I doubt that's the case. They did the same thing with Peony back with the Thracia banner back in November. I imagine they have a hard time keeping up with legendary and mythic units from other games to add the OG mythics, we are halfway through Book IV and Hel isn't even playable.
  3. I might be a little bias but aren't you forgetting about Fates' villains? I honestly think they are the worse of the franchise.
  4. I think the reason for this banner is since last year was just about gen 2 units, this time it focus only gen 1 units. And apparently those not related to the Shepherd aside of Sai'ri.
  5. Honestly, the Anna alt wasn't anything spectacular. It was the same Anna we known for 3 years. This is the first new Anna we can summon. @NSSKG151, I'll be at the funeral of your orbs. Tellius were the seasonals... Not sure why Mustafa, he was an interesting minor character but we never really had time to know him. Maybe he was voted high? Oh yeah, and the fairy is not Astra, THANKS IS Summoning for Owain merges then...
  6. Male staff lord with an older sister along with an older brother. I just imagine him being the black sheep prince of the family. Not 'disliked by everyone' kind of black sheep but just absolutely awful in combat compare to his older siblings.
  7. 30 points missing for T27, defense results this week ruined it for me. Feels bad man.
  8. Choosing that artist for her wasn't exactly a good move. Then again, I have no idea how IS chooses which artist does what. One of the argument I thought about is that basically Mila was designed to be the opposite of Duma, yet close in essence. Her dragon form is similar yet different, her animations are similar but different color, her kit is "similar" to him yet different. I suppose the choice of artist was to make her a total opposite of him? But I think the reason why it can be strange is because unlike all of the heroes that Yamada has worked previously are heroes from older games. If Echoes didn't exist, it might have been normal. But since she got modern artwork from Echoes, this art seems like a downgrade or not like her at all. And I know Jagen, Ogma and Bantu's more recent game isn't all that old but since it isn't really known to this day, it never really bothered anyone. And Gunter... well not many people like him so it was fine I guess. I dunno.
  9. This art style threw me off a bit. She looks different than her Echoes art. So Mila is basically a better Bridal Fjorm on Light. Extra turn is appreciated. The only problem is that unless you want a triple Mythic comp, she's going to have a fierce competition between Eir or Peony.
  10. Lilith and Leanne are cute. This kind of comic is what I like about this series.
  11. Has anyone noticed we are only getting one week of this week current bonus units? Looks like IS really want to tempt people to buy orbs for the next Mythic hero.
  12. I have a very defensive playstyle in Arena. The reason why is very simple: I found most of the maps to be too hard to try to Player Phase. Most of the time it's more simple to sit your units on the defensive titles and look for an opening to bait someone or hope for the best. Especially if they have annoying units like Legendary Azura or Legendary Chrom. I use OG Marth (going to be replaced by Aversa once her and Flame Emperor are merged fully), Flame Emperor, the legendary hero of that season or Peony and bonus unit.
  13. Got my first Edelgard, all I need is F Byleth now. There's a new event, it's a rerun of an older Forging Bond and one of the rewards just like a normal Forging Bond is 4 tickets (one from each character).
  14. Gerome gang! If he loses, I'll joing everyone else to Masked Marth.
  15. Nym

    Site Updates

    Gotta agree on this too. Everytime you go to SF for one of your videos or when with Mangs, I'm always wondering if what you find is up to date.
  16. I won't miss Hot springs. Not fan of that concept (in this game or any forms of media, especially anime). Picnic was okay, but I don't think they could repeat that theme yearly before it gets old really quickly.
  17. I think the reason why she wasn't added yet is because of Selena. Inigo (well the not dancer one isn't yet too). The only reason why Owain got in quicker was because of the farfetched heroes. And Laurent... well he is Laurent. Left behind just like in the game.
  18. I just find it strange you would waste orbs on Nailah when Fallen Ike's banner is still up. There's no way you have him at +10 already but you do what you want. Oh. This is funnier yes.
  19. Nothing, but I don't think Ana would either get it or like it as an Ike/Elincia shipper.
  20. Oh boy, I would bet 10$ she wouldn't just because people jokes about this.
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