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Everything posted by Nym

  1. Gen1: Really like this gen, the anime is also great even with some mistakes but I only played Firered (I also like a lot of pokémon in here). Gen2: Unfortunately, I can't say something about this gen since I never played a single game but at least it introduced 2 new eevolutions. Gen3: I like the legendaries of this gen and the story but the pokémon are meh sometimes Gen4: I had fun... I think, my level 100 torterra and my 3 shinies say hi (and 2 eevolutions). Gen5: I wish I could see something good about it but nothing really surprised me in this gen. Gen6: Too easy but fun (hi Sylveon).
  2. I had some free times so I looked at my story. And then, I realize I made a few errors... resubmission time!
  3. Funny, I never thought of having a favorite member since it's me. ''Umm... is this how say hello where you live?''.
  4. I found it on Google images, nothing really hard to find xD. ​
  5. I didn't know you could have a bow tie on your avatar... Edit: I think I screwed up
  6. Virion from Awakening My avatar is super hard, I'm sure NO one will ever find it.​
  7. I used Google docs myself, as long that you give the link to Tangerine and you don't forget to make it public (like I did...), there will be no problems. I'm sure Tangerine will give you additionals details anyway (since she posts here often).
  8. O_O I don't know, I thought of Looker because he's a detective/agent. Nothing too fancy or overthining.
  9. It's suppose to be a mystery type of game. No cute pikachu as the main protagonist, only cute pikachu as background characters.
  10. So Sherlock Holmes turned into a Pikachu and he drops Watson for a kid? Plz tell me that Looker will make a comeback.
  11. You can do it on Google Docs but I had to PM Tangerine with a link to the story itself (don't forget to make it public and not private because Tangerine doesn't seems to have an account and she can't see it without make it public). As for an editor, I think eclipse could help you if you ask her (even if she's a mod and not an editor) but if you want an actual editor, you can ask Elieson.
  12. Yes, but I think it's really stupid to leave an ability that does absolutely nothing to the player. They could have least give an evasion boost to the pokemon if they got the run away ability. But that doesnt really matter, I guess, since most pokémon lost this ability by evolving (such as Eevee or Poochyena). Well, yes and no. Yes, because of the 3D but the fact that the main goal is completely different from the main series, alone with the way to get pokémon. Just look at X&y when, before even the final badge, Team Flare get destroyed (and let's be honest, the whole reason of their own existence was dumb). They look like a bunch of clowns to me. Cipher on the hand, even if one kid manage to beat them all, is at least a good criminal organisation since they actually did their plan.
  13. First of all, if you don't know what is a Shadow pokémon, you can look here: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shadow_Pok%C3%A9mon (tell me if the link doesnt work, I have some issues sometimes). I really liked the mechanic of Shadow pokémon, not only that capturing Shadow pokémon is quite unique (stealing pokémon from other trainers, you almost feel like a villain) but it's also a challenge, specially in XD. Ha​ving only trainer battles (well, you can catch wild pokémon in XD but you have a total of 9 pokémon to catch and you don't run in the grass, this time around) and almost all of them are double battles is also something unique in both of these games. The goal of both game is quite different from the main games since gym battles, elite four and champion don't exist in this game but you have to fight the criminal organisation right from to start to the end. The only that is really​ sad is the fact that both of these game took place before the gen 4 split so a lot of pokémon in these game end being mediocre or really bad. Or having stupid design choices such as getting Run away in a lot of pokémon as their ability where there is not even a ''Run away'' option in the battle options. But now, with everything we have, including mega evolution (negastone for Shadow pokémon?), it would really great if we could get a 3rd game. Shadow Lugia was also the only Shadow Pokémon that change the appearance (but now there is Shadow Mewtwo, possible hint anyone?) By the way, imagine that you could use Shadow pokémon competitively, everything would be Uber!
  14. Ditto for the unit who can transform into one of your units in Shadow dragon/Heroes of light.
  15. My favorite pokémon as to be Eevee. Cute, can be either male or female (even thought they are more males for some reasons), can evolve into various evolutions and I can safely said that this is the only gen 1 pokémon (except pikachu, of course) that has been in every single region in the anime. My favorite has to be Misty too (Serena is really close). When I was little, I had no female protagonist in both the tv or in the book until I watched a few episodes of the anime. She's not exactly the protagonist but still.
  16. Since I'm much younger that a lot of peoples around here, I didn't discover pokémon by Red, Blue, or Yellow. When I was around 6 or 7, my dad bought me an exclusive Gamecube with the game that went with it. It was exclusive because the gamecube had a picture of 1 pokémon of the game. An obscure pokémon game (in more than 1 way): Pokémon XD. This game is easily one of the hardest pokémon game ever... and that was my first pokémon... so I was very bad at this game at that time and I was upset for this reason. I remember that a friday, I had to go to school but my dad was sick so he stayed at home. When I came back with my mom, my father was in the saloon, with my game on the TV. He then give me my OWN pokédex, of course, it's was just a book full of notes but he made this so I could understand the game more easily. I was also stuck at one point (and my English being non-existant at that time, didn't help me either) and my dad helped me out! Seriouly, I'm curious to know how many peoples played the gamecube's pokémon games.
  17. I don't know why, but they think like if we are the people who designed Awakening. Like I know that sometimes Casual mode can make some peoples go full- idiot mode instead of focusing on strategy. But I remembered being crited in the end of a chapter in Por and I had to start all over again. This is why I like Casual.
  18. Well, did you hear Iris's Axew saying his name? :) I admit, he may be not the cutest but still cute then others.
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