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Everything posted by BBM

  1. @Bizz- cuz I'm townreading you. I'm kind of disappointed I had to claim in the first place bc I was hoping that they would think it was your role and not mine and therefore not try to kill you since it's not that strong @Refa- ok I actually missed #164 that's my bad looking at it: I'll admit I could also have looked at some of your posts more but a lot of them just felt like filler without any real content to analyze to me so I guess THAT'S MY ANALYSIS fair enough about why you stuck on Weapons also I don't see what the problem iswith finding a vote on you bad just because I think that you could also be scum
  2. Eury I missed skipping your wallposts <3 @Psych- I did explain myself to Elie, twice, and it's not just the self-meta thing that's bad about his vote on me. He just dismisses all my scumhunting as terrible even though he clearly hasn't understood my Bearclaw case at all, since he's twisting it into me using self-meta to defend myself, and says literally nothing about my Refa case either. And his SB case is also really semantic and doesn't make sense. ALSO my god I'm not using self-meta. I agree with what Boron's saying. Refa literally hasn't looked at any of my posts since he initially voted me. He's just parking on it and not adding to it at all in any way. I'd still go for this lynch if people don't want to lynch Elie. anyways my claim: my role is provable and Via will prove it for me tonight
  3. Elie I wasn't even using self-meta as a defence. Seriously read the post- I'm using an example of my scum game to talk about something ALL scum do and then comparing it to something BEARCLAW is doing, and calling him scum because of it. My play, in this game, doesn't enter anywhere into it. And even if it did he's just like SELF-META IS THE SCUMMIEST THING YOU CAN DO END DISCUSSION without even explaining why self-meta is scummy. Elie is just like throwing around accusations with literally no backing about how my post is poor scumhunting and stuff because he's said nothing about my Refa case and clearly isn't reading my Bearclaw case either. His SB case is extremely semantic because it hinges on SB voting me for weak pressure despite not being as suspicious of me as others because he used "kind of". I think I prefer this to Refa right now, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Elieson
  4. also Marth what you point out as scummy about what I said about Proto is literally the exact case I made on Bearclaw.
  5. lol Elie what I wasn't using my meta to defend myself, I was using it as an example of something scum do to clarify my case on Bearclaw to SB. Also yeah what Iris said; Iris and Bizz are townreads, which is why they're at the bottom. like Elie's post makes 0 sense because he talks about SB's vote on me being bad and then... votes me for a reason related to that. He dismisses Mitsuki just because she hasn't responded to anything- what? SB is scummy... why? What was bad about his vote and unvote on me? going out for BRUNCH bbl
  6. Weapons is there actually something you can do to help me out? Reading his posts I thought he had more content than he actually did. But yesterday was like all joking around. His last post is literally the only one with reads but it doesn't explain why he finds Refa suspicious or why Refa is worse than Mitsuki (or even me, for that matter, other than my character), and the rest is just comprised of stock townreads and stuff. Read Iris as well; I have decided she's more likely town. I was buddies with her in SF3 and even though she was really into that game and talking with me and Refa constantly on Skype, she never really posted that much or tried contenting except when she felt she had to. Not like super-strong but definitely leaning town. Also realized that Refa didn't even really respond to what I asked, like why he stuck with Weapons over me and then switched to me even though Weapons did nothing really in the interim and the only new thing he added to my case was me trying to appease Bizz. Also like... maybe this is just semantics but saying a case is "okay" to me implies that you don't particularly lean any way on it. Refa > Bearclaw > Mitsuki/Weapons > Others > Iris > Bizz I guess. Elie is next but I'll probably like sleep first. I didn't include Psych anywhere in my priority because I'm kind of waffling and then ending up at NO CONCLUSION but I don't think people realize that town knowing of a cult's existence is not actually all helpful. People are a lot less trusting and a lot more paranoid when they know there's a cult. Whenever you have a townread and they survive a while you think MAYBE THEY GOT CULTED and you start doubting it. Which is good in one sense because they might actually be cult but then they might also just be town and you're being paranoid. The only thing is that Psych is a kind of impulsive player and I'm not sure he'd think so deeply about it.
  7. oh I missed a bunch of page 7 posts Not really sure what to say about me backing off Bizz after she expressed discomfort at me voting her while asking her a question except that I thought her reaction was townie, shrug. Don't know why I'd need to appease her before she even voted me or anything either.
  8. ngl Proto's last post was so much better than his normal D1 town posts I'm seriously considering the possibility that someone else is feeding him stuff to say... like, I agree with everything he said about Mitsuki but seeing him vote people for setup-spec when he's often one of the first people to engage in it is weird. Can't exactly find him scummy for playing well but keeping my eye on him I guess. Refa- is there more to your vote than what you said earlier?
  9. @SB- tbh I didn't even see your vote; that last post took me like 2 hours to make. But I think I responded to your case? Scum care about what townies think about other townies because they need townies to mislynch other townies... if townies are finding other townies townie then they're more likely to find the scum scummy. This isn't my scum meta specifically (I brought up my own game bc it was the first thing that came to my head)- it's just something all scum don't want to happen. Mituski's SKay vote is Bad; it's purely set-up spec that doesn't even count that she herself hosted a setup only several weeks back that had a town hydra slot. Like wtf???
  10. Bizz isn't a confirmed town read but it feels like what I was trying to do in AM/PM where several people kinda thought that Strawman was town and I just refused to go along with it for no reason except because I wanted to not remove him as a lynch opportunity. I know Bearclaw isn't scumreading Bizz- the point is he's just going like "Bizz isn't that townie" and then not giving any reasons why or disputing people's reasons for it- contrast to Blitz who is in fact doing so. And he's still not like... giving any content. unfortunately I'm going to be busy this weekend it seems q_q hopefully I'll be able to post again tonight but for now I think I'm going to go with ##Vote: Refa for now. He just kind of sheeps Psych's reasoning which doesn't make sense like I pointed out earlier and then his bit on me is okay but I don't really like his Bearclaw bit at all. He says that the Bearclaw cases are okay but then defends Bearclaw??? Like I can see not finding a case scummy just because you disagree with it but then the case still wouldn't be okay. Then later he goes like "I just wanted to put my vote somewhere and didn't have anything better than Weapons" except he talked about me afterwards so wouldn't that be a better vote? And he explicitly tells SB that he does in fact find some of what I've said suspicious and not just wrong/weird. Refa > Bearclaw
  11. rage I did not get cute cat site Bearclaw, why do you disagree that Via is town? Refa, I don't really care if Via finds me suspicious or not. I just wanted to see what she would say in response to my question. In hindsight it was kind of spoiled by me saying I was leaning town on her in the next sentence. As for Psych I don't really like how he jumped from Weapons joking about being cultproof to scum reasons for doing it when Weapons jokes around about roleclaims like all the time in every game regardless of alignment. I don't really think revealing the existence of a Cult is pro-town either because if I were Cult Leader in a game where Cult wasn't announced, I would claim Informed Townie who was told there was a Cult. Additionally, I've like never heard of a cult who dies upon targeting mafia, but if Psych believes that to be the case, why would a member of the mafia joke around about being cultproof and reduce the chances of eliminating the cult via them suiciding on him? I g2g more later maybe haven't had time to look at Refa
  12. ##Unvote was in a rush getting that last sentence out and forgot to unvote before I had to leave. ##Vote: Bearclaw doesn't really give a reason for not townreading Via- it feels like he's disagreeing for the sake of it just so that there are fewer townreads. Basically what Via said in #62 and #63 and what Boron said in #66. Weapons's cultproof claim seems like an obvious joke to me; people are looking way too much into it. I'l look more into whether Refa or Psych are scummy tomorrow. I'm like really tired right now so I'll speak more tomorrow after sleeping for a long long time Marth do you have any opinions about actual things
  13. People react differently to a question when somebody votes them as well. Do you disagree? inclined to think Via is TOWN because IIRC as scum in SFMM3 she was less willing to talk about bad vibes and gut
  14. going out to eat with FAMILY, won't be back for a few hours I voted you to see how you'd react to some pressure. Is it suspicious?
  15. I'm Prims inb4 Weapons is a Dayvig Assassin ##Vote: Via what was weird about Blitz's vote switch?
  16. yeah I beat Braev a few days ago; in Everlast Tower atm
  17. joke's on you Refa; Boron told us she's extending phase
  18. I can quit playing mafia anytime I want /in
  19. I would like... echo what Prims said even though I know nothing about the setup, less so because of the roles than because of the flavour. The SFMM series is based on the SF mafia players themselves, and as such people who're unfamiliar with the jokes and history over the last few years won't find the game as entertaining. I mean, I doubt the hosts would refuse letting you play if you really wanted to join, but I don't think this is a good game personally for it. /sub from second week of September
  20. random 1x roleblock out of nowhere when there was nothing (other than kills) that could be attributed to a SK instead of the scumteam? And if you had only a 1x hook why would you use it as a rand on N1 instead of saving it for an investigation roleclaim you can't kill right away? And that's not even counting that BP is a pretty SK claim and should have been lynched after Commuter. And considering Prims used "man I can't see there being a Commuter and a BP in the same game" if people hadn't used that to crucify him the next phase I would have been highly disappointed.
  21. BBM

    FE8 Promotions

    okay so this is not actually promotion related but I don't want to make another thread for every issue I run into. I replaced some of the unused classes to make my new trainee classes. Take a look at my Recruit (M): When the cursor isn't on the unit, it's showing the Recruit (F) map sprite, which is the stand-in I'm using until I learn how to sprite/find a spriter willing to create stuff for me. However, when the cursor is on the class/it's undertaking an action, it reverts back to the Tent that was replaced. How do I change the pointers to the same values as Recruit (F)?
  22. oh I was talking about the video with the goalie goal in my second sentence lol; probably should have made that clearer
  23. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Taking a mafia break at least until September; possibly October.
  24. tbf bayern had both robben and ribery resting also that goalie obviously fucked up but the kick WAS pretty far
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