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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Darros's role PM implies some sort of Tracker or Follower variant actually. I have no desire atm to lynch Poly or Marth and I also think the modlynch mechanic is unnecessary. Shin's Marth read doesn't make any sense to me at all. Just because Poly and scorri had a similar number of posts doesn't mean their situations were similar. scorri had more content in her first non-RVS post, #78, than Poly has had the entire game. It's perfectly possible to get a read on someone off scorri's level of activity. Read on me seems kind of semantic; was it really necessary for me to explicitly say ELIE'S PARANOIA IS SCUMMY considering I said that he was the person I'd lynch most? Also Elie's read on the scorri slot looks a lot like distancing; he kept saying she was scummy but never seriously pushed her or voted her. In fact, he chose to push a shitty case on Mitsuki over voting the slot despite the fact that it was his counterwagon and his best chance of not getting lynched, and despite the fact that he was garnering heavy suspicion for the Mitsuki case and nobody was agreeing with him on it.
  2. anybody with items or the ability to make items other than BPVs should contact me; I will be your friend for as long as I survive.
  3. oh yeah I forgot Marth asked for a sub
  4. urgh I feel like Poly's VT claim is townie because why would he claim VT in a situation where he's the last scum and nobody is really averse to lynching him? I also don't think that Poly's the type to WIFOM in that manner, and I doubt the scumteam have two Goons. He should come up with actual content though I agree that Marth's dismissal of the Elie wagon is bad and didn't even address the reasons behind the wagon, but I still feel like him shutting me off for a D2 lynch is town. His reasons weren't great either (me giving reasons for townreading 3 people, 2 of whom were being townread by everybody) and overall his was basically the swingvote against my wagon, even if he wasn't actually voting me. I wouldn't lynch him, at least not today. Would like a Shin opinion from him though tbh I'm starting to feel my gut townread on scorri was wrong. Shin contributed to the Elie wagon, but at a time when it was kind of obvious Elie was going to be lynched, and also at a point when he was the only available counterwagon anyways. His only real non-Elie content is a non-committal Refa suspicion and a halfhearted attempt to get associative reads from Elie's posts. He also has reasoning for a kirsche townread and that's kind of it. The contrast between the focus of the Elie case and the rest of his content is jarring and gives me the feeling he went in with the mindset to make an Elie case. Also I get that he subbed in and it was cool that he could get content out at all, unlike some other people, but he's only spoken about like half the playerlist. ##Vote: Shin Shin, what are your opinions on me, Prims, Mitsuki, and Marth?
  5. Mitsuki- why did you drop kirsche?
  6. I don't really see the point of voting Poly; he's got two votes on him already and I don't think a third will make him produce content faster, or at all really. I'll vote him when I have to. I suspected Mitsuki for literally the span of a few posts before I realized I'd misread her ED2 posts and then retracted my suspicion. This is the second time you've talked about this; I don't really understand why when even Manix hasn't brought that up as a reason for why I'm scum (this is my standard for how outlandish a case is). I did in fact have a vote down at the end of the phase (voting Elie) so you didn't read correctly. The only thing "bad" with my Darros interactions is that I was wrong about his alignment, but that's not alignment-indicative. Manix said something about subtle RVS buddying- let's be real; scum don't defend their buddies from accusations that will disappear after a one-line response. That's just unnecessary effort spent on something that makes the other person look worse when one of them flip. I probably am coasting; that's because I have nothing to post atm other than defence. Poly might be an easy case but he's probably also scum.
  7. btw the theory wasn't the sole reason why I think Poly is scum (that's mainly PoE and his repeated content-dodging); it was just a thought I had about the no-kill
  8. umm no? me giving a wrong theory about Poly has nothing to do with my alignment; please try harder to find the actual scum Manix
  9. well Elie was around for N2 so I imagine that kill really was blocked
  10. I didn't think they were the 6th rated team in the world either just looking at their roster (their best player is... Shaqiri?), but I haven't really watched any of their matches and assumed that their players had great chemistry or something for them to get that high.
  11. "I'll win at the start of the next day" is code for "plz let me live one more day". Out your actual wincon please. also inclined to think Poly is scum LAME POINT the second no-kill might be due to inactive scum
  12. Pokemon Pinball R/S; I was like 8-9?
  13. You know that Switzerland is ranked like 6th or something right? They don't have any big-name players so they get over-looked a lot, and they also underperformed in the group stages. But they're still a pretty dangerous team.
  14. BBM

    VGMafia - Sign-Ups

    formally /in I guess although I doubt the game will fill
  15. fsr I thought Elie had 4/6 votes earlier; I guess I mixed up L-2 with 2. And now he actually does have 4 votes but there isn't that much time left so ##Vote: Elieson Elie's Mitsuki vote still reads like being paranoid for the sake of being paranoid because he's still talking about CMV and Fakeclaim even though he was pressured to claim in both those games by a big wagon and a cop report respectively, whereas Mitsuki claimed without any substantial pressure and had been crumbing it for a long time.
  16. @kirsche- I don't actually think Mitsuki is scum; I unvoted her pretty quickly if you see- my vote was based mostly off a misunderstanding. I don't really like Elie's Mitsuki vote; despite acknowledging that Mitsuki claiming ITP is way different from all the times he's faked it and acknowledging that she's been crumbing it from D1, he's just like "lol not town" even though there's no indication of a harmful ITP. There's no reason given for why he doesn't buy Mitsuki's harmless ITP claim despite all the evidence supporting it. He's probably whom I'd lynch most right now but he's got enough votes for the moment. Kinda demotivated because I'm townreading so many people and the two people whom I have seriously scumread so far have both been town. Last scum is probably one of scorri/Poly. Mitsuki, it would be in your best interest now that you've already outed yourself as an ITP to claim your wincon.
  17. Yeah except as you point out Mitsuki crumbed her role on D2 when she was talking about harmless thirds. She's not claiming it under pressure like you did in CMV and Fakeclaim. Also what I was saying was that you're not inactive here like you were inactive in Volcanic, so what was the point of bringing up Volcanic? It's kind of AtEish. Also plenty of people roll Vanilla and do well as it so if you actually can't play as Vanilla then >_>
  18. BBM

    VGMafia - Sign-Ups

    on one hand there are a lot of people with whom playing a game again would be cool on the other hand these are also the people most likely to flake partway through (Kay, Proto, Blitz) if Wen promises that there are no other components to the setup that he randomly changed after it was checked because he thought it would be fun I'll join, but otherwise count me out
  19. Elie's vanilla claim feels weird to me bc of the way he brings up Volcanic, which was a mountainous game where he went into it knowing he'd roll vanilla. He's been vanilla in other games as well (Draft, Strip) and he definitely tried in both those games (and this one too, when he was around) and somehow this just feels like WIFOM to me, since he didn't do shit in Volcanic. And like... what was the point in bringing up Volcanic? Nobody was really pushing you seriously for being inactive like you were in Volcanic. Kinda frustrated that because of Mitsuki's claim Elie has a reason to not deliver on his promised Mitsuki content. Regardless, Elie, I still want you to answer my questions. What changed between D2 and D3 that you no longer doubted your Mitsuki read, and why were you doubting it in the first place? And why did you think she was scum?
  20. sigh now I have to go reread people
  21. and strege's role could have jointed; he just lost regardless ##Unvote I went and reread Mitsuki's first post talking about the SK and remembered she thought there was both an SK and a survivor. also Mitsuki please don't actually sub out. >_>
  22. also her "wincon" makes no sense because harmless thirds by definition joint with someone. Even if they don't win on the same day as town/mafia, if their wincon is exclusive to town's and mafia's they are by definition a harmful third.
  23. ##Vote: Mitsuki if she was a survivor and doubted the existence of a second third she would not be talking about SKs on D2.
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