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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    VGMafia - Sign-Ups

    You can't just change a game from OC to NOC on a whim; it's a huge component of balance in any game and exponentially moreso for a multifaction game because you don't have any reasons to lynch anybody without massclaiming in-thread D1.
  2. BBM

    VGMafia - Sign-Ups

    I spoke to Paper and he said that he thought it was OC and not NOC, so uh..
  3. BBM

    VGMafia - Sign-Ups

    not really interested in NOC multifaction EDIT: games that are awfully balanced are only fun for one side, and even then only if that side doesn't mind hearing the other one complain rightfully about how they had no chance to win
  4. fuck yeah mega sceptile I see that Elie hasn't actually posted yet this phase. I went through his ISO because of the case on him. I thought there was a lot more to his Mitsuki case but there isn't really. Elie, you mentioned near the end of D2 that you were starting to doubt your Mitsuki case. Why? The cereal box analogy was to do with me, not Mitsuki. And if you don't think Mitsuki is scum, who is scum? I went over scorri's ISO and I can't really remember why I thought she was town but I still do. Gut based I guess but I just feel she's town. Poly's made two posts going WOW I HAVE TO REREAD; if he makes a third one he should be lynched imo Prims is probably town because he's giving a clear clause/situation in which his townread on me could change rather than just changing it later like he does as scum. Also just based on general effort and stuff. gotta go pull out some more trees and shit I have so many scratches on my arms one would think I was a crazy cat lady
  5. firstly sorry guys; I haven't had time to reread because I've been conscripted the entire weekend for HARD LABOUR. Hopefully I'll have actual content tomorrow, but for now, reasons why Manix's case is not actually good will have to suffice. First section is about Darros- I always said that Darros was a nullread on D1 (the RVS defence was "why this is not scummy", not "why this is town"); the only reason he was second on my lynch priority was because I only had the one scumread, which matches up pretty well with my D2. I changed him to leaning town on D2. I was wrong obviously; doesn't mean I'm scum. Second section is about kirsche- most of it is just pointing out why my kirsche read is wrong. Don't have time to respond to that but in any case what is the scum intent in my actions here? They only exist if kirsche is my buddy, in case Manix is using associative reads, which he's using to say why kirsche is scum. He can't go "kirsche is scum because BBM is scum and BBM is scum because kirsche is scum"; it doesn't work that way. No, Manix just thinks I'm scum like always, and is digging up whatever is bad or illogical in my ISO rather than what is scummy. Last part about Elie; no, that's not a scum tactic for exactly the reasons I explain in that quote. Scum want to push mislynches or get others to mislynch people; pointing out some bad stuff but then refusing to push it hard doesn't convince people to change a townread to a scumread. Like right now, Manix convinced kirsche to lessen his townread because he went after it hard. Did Elie do that? No.
  6. JULIO CESAR REPPING TORONTO FC also rip uruguay this is amusing
  7. it was obvtown because there was a dead mafia hooking role
  8. @Prims- My role was provable and obvtown so I wouldn't have been lynched anyways GET AT ME. Also I correctly guessed the SK two days before you.
  9. Beat BEHEMOTH; basically I grinded a little to get Agnes to BM level 6 for Silence Immunity so that she could equip Hermes Sandals instead of White Cape and outspeed Behemoth, and also Damage Dispersion prevented her from being OHKOd by Toothy Rend. Then I made sure to have Tiz keep Defence up all the time, and also Speed as much as possible to ensure Tiz and Agnes outsped Behemoth. Ice Golem was lol; just gave everybody Ice Charms or the Iceflame Shield. The robot should technically be easier than Behemoth but still having trouble with it. ;_; Maybe I'm being too reckless. Also Cam stop making me feel bad I was level 45 against Behemoth. Seriously how are your levels so low? That was like the only time I've grinded (and I don't think anybody gained more than 1 level).
  10. idk I feel like NNR would have said it wasn't hammer if everybody assumed it was and stopped posting, and the Darros thing still means he hasn't been around for the last hour. And technically phase should have ended like 20 mins ago too
  11. NNR hasn't been online on SF since a couple minutes after the hammer. It's possible he just isn't around atm and hasn't seen the pings and whatnot. Something that supports this- if he WAS around and the phase was still ongoing, Darros would have died by now.
  12. Yeah he's not allowed to even enter a football stadium for 4 months I think. His local career will recover- he's too good a player and he got a 10 match ban last time too and was still voted Player of the Year the next year. But his international career is probably done; I imagine that the next World Cup he'll be eligible for will be 2020, by which time he'll be like 35?
  13. I thought that you were just going to reread over the night phase and post proper reads and stuff tomorrow
  14. yeah I knew the Ninja thing. Doing that also means that both Neuer and Steiner survive. I'm at Behemoth too; he's wrecking me pretty hard although I'm not running into that bug. idk how to survive Roar consistently either because it's not predictable asfsagf But the encounters in Grandship were pretty easy; SPELL FENCER + PERFORMER OP
  15. wouldn't object to Shinori hammer
  16. No, they're about how somebody could have done something that wouldn't be scummy or could be easily argued out of but would be much better for scum to do. And a bunch of them aren't that all. Looking at what I said about kirsche I didn't explain myself well. What I meant to say is that talking about how you're obvtown is more likely to be town genuinely frustrated than scum BSing because he's actually giving reasons in defence. I cited you as an example of a generic scum BSing about how they're obvtown rather than actually defending themselves. Also this whole paragraph is a huge generalization because nothing in my Manix or Refa townread involves those things. do you think I'm scum?
  17. which of my townreads are wrong?
  18. I seriously think your slot is scum off PoE get at me
  19. the image was the motk :) because it's better the smileys are literally the best part of motkmafia prims you should wagon your scumbuddy with us
  20. I don't think mits would be so obvious as to go HEY I THINK THERE'S A SERIAL KILLER if her kill failed on their BPV bc it would look really bad on following nights with two kills.
  21. mitsuki you should vote Shinori with me
  22. you're forgetting the greatest of them all Wayne Shaw Ghana is only like 2 goals behind US in goal differential; if they win and US loses they'll at the very least be tied in GD.
  23. Because it still annoys that you realized it was a reaction test and ruined it on purpose when you could have waited for it to be over to make the same point you did (me being lazy and avoiding effort etc.) and INACTIVES COULD BE VIGGED was the reasoning you gave. kirsche townread: -He was being kind of an ass ED1 but he was still the first one to try and take us out RVS, which is something -I feel like he dropped his vote against me in a townie way; there was no real reason to stop pushing me considering how small an addition I made. Plus I stopped voting him so it's not like at the time anyways he was getting suspicion for it. -Whatever Manix says I think that asking people to comment on what you're doing is townie. Being town mcobvtown isn't always a good strategy as scum because people start wondering why you aren't dead. Posting decent content without having others comment on it much means they're not really seeing anything wrong with it, which means you're still neutral or better to other people without that feeling that you should be dead (see: all my anonymous scum games). Asking people to comment early on is also pushing forward discussion and stuff. -despite being a wagon most of D1/D2 he's still put forward content instead of just going into defensive mode -I reread Draft recently and Prims was saying that he was obvtown all the time but he was just using that as his defence and not actually offering anything else. He also did that kind of in Manix's Unnamed game. Compare to kirsche still responding to points against him makes me feel he's not just saying he's obvtown to WIFOM or something. -generally okay gut vibe -I feel like he wouldn't sheep me so blatantly as scum
  24. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    put me on the ideas list for Cereal Mafia, 15p it'll be the sequel to Sugar Minimafia
  25. something I randomly remembered- Manix, you got suspicious of me for picking an inactive as my claimed cop target because vigs could take care of them. Why didn't you vig an inactive then?
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