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Everything posted by BBM

  1. D1 scumteam guess: Psych/Poly/Paperblade with SK j00 come at me
  2. Somehow I feel like that really isn't a gambit so some last reads on the playerlist before I GO TO SLEEP, BRITISH MODS wake up, and I DIE won't say my role explicitly just in case it is a gambit but town Watcher is probably more likely than in most setups IMO Annoyed at Prims but I don't think he's rash enough as scum to use a dayvig shot this early, especially in a game with a scumteam of 3p. IIRC in Villains 2, a MotK game where we were buddies in a small team, he wanted me to save my dayvig rather than use it for towncred to shoot a scummy target. Although that one was hidden and this wasn't so he might have considered it worth it to eliminate a good player at a time when they hadn't gotten into the game yet. Dunno yet but I guess still leaning town bc I feel like he would be aware that a game with a small scumteam is very much more likely to have a scum dayvig. Also @above post- because when you active lurk you're less likely to draw fire from the SK? scum meta on Paper is legit; didn't want to outright say this and have him purposely play to thwart it, but Paper will probably respond to the vote by Prims by a flurry of content that seems good. If he's scum, as soon as Prims unvotes he'll go back to lurking. very conflicted on FFM; I feel like after seeing how much people townread the Terra slot in FFTA after the ragesub he might actually try to WIFOM it as scum. Also I read his posts, have one read on them, come back, and get another. meh dunno the first time I was like "Psych might be worse" but then I didn't vote, I was kind of waiting for more people to give their feelings about him and was going to unvote if they both said he was scummy because I felt like that'd be too many people agreeing he was scum. But then Prims said he was obvtown and I unvoted anyways and idk why exactly Psych is scum. Boron has overall a good presence and seems to be making good points for the most part. Probably town; not unmemorable enough to be scum. Walrein: too sheepy to be scum Kay: step it up; one question post that has no actual feelings at all? It's not even the weekend! Could be scum but the last time she was actually scum I was townreading her ;_; Makaze: gut town imo j00: don't really know Cam: I feel like since he's come back he's been a lot more active and his play has been just overall better everywhere. As such it's difficult for me to judge differences between his scum and town play. Eury: didn't read that shit bladescape: yeah idk. Very different from his last game but he's more than competent enough to way better if he was scum. Probably just busy or whatever regardless of alignment Poly: playing to scum meta Darros: gut town but like Cam I have nothing really to compare Junko: probably town in the end; not playing anything like Training despite having better people to sheep than in that game
  3. Prims could be scum; meta suggests that the scumgame immediately following one where he's very active but gets shafted by the SK/other roles is one where he tries an opposite strategy and active lurks. Case against me is lol because the only person who was pushing me on basis of the Junko case was Junko himself. I didn't have a real reason to drop the case as scum. Additionally I expanded on it as not really effort; I didn't use the correct word the first time. I agree with the Paper meta but feel like even as scum he wouldn't be so obvious with sheeping. Therefore I don't find the vote bad, but I have overall just general weird feelings with his posts. My reads feel very gut based atm. Not sure if this is exactly the reason behind the gut but I feel like any questionable play is being turned into scum intent with him. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Psych I still think FFM is scum but this is giving me a better feeling right now: see above paragraph on gut. Probably thinking something like Psych > FFM > Prims > Paper atm? My ISO is not in the OP btw. Don't make me remember my own posts Shin.
  4. net friend invites bro; I have 21 When you're at an Adventurer, on the Save screen there should be an option called Update Data; once a day it gets you 3-4 villagers usually, as well as a bunch of Nemeses but whatever.
  5. It's not just effort as such; it's the change from making a big deal about one small thing and focusing on it to talking about other stuff. Not really sure how to explain it more than that; I got scumvibes from the first few posts and stopped doing so after that. Makaze- why is there only scum intent in what Darros did? You're talking like town are never cautious with their votes, which isn't true.
  6. @Junko- You put in a lot of effort into posts afterwards and it didn't look bad, so I unvoted. I don't think Boron or Walrein are scum currently. I disagree with the Darros votes but Boron put a lot more effort into explaining her's then anyone else and I like her other content. I would like Walrein to post more but I don't feel as if he'd sheep as blatantly as he did if he was scum. Don't like FFM's recent posts. There's too much where he talks about scummy people stuff are doing and then dismisses it as newbtown without much of a reason. Junko's also played enough games that I'm not really sure he still classifies as newbtown anyways. I don't like how he singles out Cam for the Junko vote when other people also voted Junko for the same thing (eg me). AtE is probably a nulltell in the end because FFM probably has reason to be frustrated as either alignment, but it doesn't improve my opinion of him either. Not liking Psych either; he completely misses the point of people attacking him for the Shinori vote. Prodvotes are dumb because people are going to post once they have time, not because one person votes them at some point. It's essentially fake content that isn't going to go anywhere because as soon as the person being prodded posts anything resembling content at all, the vote loses its meaning. I don't like the fearmongering about kills either; 12/3/1 is townsided looking at pure numbers. There was an 11/3/1 game that just ended where town pretty much wrecked. What determined the balance there and what will determine the balance here are roles- and we have no flips to work with at all. It's more fake content. Psych might be worse than FFM actually; will have to consider more.
  7. Shinori are you hydra'ing with Eury?
  8. I think that you're missing why those claims were treated as they were, Elie. Mayor claim: I didn't consider the claim itself to be that townie (although I agree that scum Mayor, especially a subtle on, in a game with a bunch of lynchproofs and a SUPER HATED is dumb) but I thought SB was more townie on meta than Eclipse, who looked very obviously demotivated on D3. Hated claim: There has never actually been a hated fake given to scum (maybe it should be done from now on although I think people will expect it now). I'm not really sure why people considered me super auto-town but I don't think my play was scummy either. Manix's role: the truth is that town roles that are intentionally built to look scummy are generally town; see Miller claims. Also Manix himself is generally incredibly obvtown when he's town. Marth: was confirmed town on D3 because there was only one scum left and he'd been redirected to himself via Eury's claim, so he couldn't be scum. Seeker claims: they weren't really treated as auto-town; at least not on account of being seeker roles. Euklyd got lynched, Bearclaw was treated town because he dayvigged scum (also because Tracker in game w/ ninja), I was treated town because of the Hated thing, and GP was treated town for the Lynchproof thing though fwiw I most likely would have lynched her after Eclipse and Eury anyways just to test it. Refa's claim: again I at least didn't consider that Refa and Manix had conflicting roles because Refa's was only for 24 hours and also limited (as he said) but like Eclipse on D3, just looked incredibly demotivated on D2 and in the context of him having been scum so many times in a row it was kind of obvious why. BPV: wasn't auto scum but let's be serious, ITPs often have BPVs and with all the other stuff against Eclipse, it was another nail in the coffin.
  9. Me not getting a night action and only losing the Hated was better balance-wise, but you could have just said like "your role changes when X dies". As it is my role PM literally lied to me by saying I had a night action that was locked when I didn't.
  10. this game was pretty townsided but as promised: get rekt scum tbh I don't even think that Refa/FFM might have died D2 if it wasn't for Prims being so intent on the bus. But when you know there's a SK, that's the danger of bussing your teammates. GP's lynchproof claim was obvtown because having an ITP lynchproof on top of mafia being potentially able to block two lynches would have been dumb as fuck.
  11. this post sounds self-conscious also
  12. fwiw Boron's numbers claim is townie in this context because 12/3/1 is not a "standard" numbers split for a 16p game; I would expect 12/4 or 11/4/1 even, depending on town strength. So I feel like telling town of this is a legitimate reason for a town Numbers (most scum Numbers are just shoehorned in for an easy scum fake). It tells us that we can expect a fairly strong scumteam, rolewise. ##Unvote, ##Vote: FFM Junko looks okay for now. FFM's vote on Boron sucks because I don't see what's scummy about talking about "only" three people at this stage of the game. In fact FFM himself actually only finds Boron, Darros, and Walrein suspicious, because even though he talks a little about Junko, he says to me that Junko just looks like a clumsy townie. Don't like the way the Boron vote is worded either, votes that are in that "forgive me for this" way of speech just ping me. Paperblade is being way too passive but somehow I feel like if he was scum he wouldn't so blatantly just sheep Prims, and at least try to give his own reasoning for the vote. I expect him to pick up his game soon though.
  13. newbs can be scum but still don't feel like making that judgement call atm
  14. Kay was San for a while, so I guess that's a more reasonable mix-up than Paper's It's not that I don't see the Makaze case, but the fact that it's on somebody playing their second game doesn't impress me. Yeah yeah newbs can be scum but For Walrein and scrubs: Poliwrath = Darros Do Not Edit Posts Guy = Junko Sangyul = Boron CT075 = Cam super tired; back in the morning
  15. yeah so WHY IS EURY SCUM? Reiterate; what has she done that's scummy? You keep saying she's your strongest scumread but I'm having to go back to ED2 to find out why your read there is what it is; all you've really said about Eury is that you were confused about the role thing and you don't get why people are clearing her. If you don't see a point to bothering for the sake of bothering and for the sake of being pro-wincon idrk what to tell you. Yeah activity is going through a slump right now. It generally happens when people think someone is considered obvscum.
  16. actually scratch that about not really having other reads. I kind of think Paperblade feels weird; his first post didn't really give me a sense whether he was joking or being serious and whether or not he actually thought anything was bad about Cam or Darros, and his second post doesn't give me any sense either of where he falls on Makaze. And actually Makaze was voting Cam iirc, so if Paperblade kind of lazily agreed there, why was his vote on Darros and not Cam? Last two posts are just a whatever misunderstanding.
  17. not really what do you think about my vote? @Boron- dunno what to say other than that I disagree. Darros's version of events looks perfectly reasonable to me; he voted Cam; Cam posted; he unvoted. Was it optimal play to unvote and not do anything else? No, but I don't think it was scummy. I don't think the unvote coming in the same post as him commenting on the Nexus claim necessarily means they're linked, and nor do I feel he over-justified the unvote in any way.
  18. case on Darros is literally "omg empty unvote"; meanwhile Junko was being inquisitive over something that didn't need an inquisition; looks like he was being inquisitive for the sake of it rather than because he actually thought something was off there
  19. ##Vote: Junko this is a good vote; seemed way too intent on pushing Darros for fairly routine RVS stuff even though he's played enough games by now. Prims why are you not interested in Junko/Darros?
  20. @Manix- I said that it's possible I might be Cop once I get my role. But I won't get it until GP dies, and until then I don't know what it is either. I'm just conjecturing that my role once unlocked could be Cop, because there's a flipped Godfather without a Cop, and the only person who hasn't claimed is Bladescape. @Eclipse- Nobody cased you for WIFOM until you actually self-voted, so your self-vote being due to other people voting you for that makes no sense. And yeah, I didn't vote you. It was because I didn't know how many votes you had and didn't have time to comprise votals myself. Do you think I'm scum? And you talk about activity coming to a standstill but you haven't actually made any effort to get it out of a standstill. And you talking about OMG SO MUCH ROLESPEC is dumb because all our rolespec is based on solid clears (Marth, Bearclaw, Poly). The rest of the case is PoE based on people who the majority of the players consider townier than you and/or who have made more of an effort than you this phase (me, Manix, Bladescape, SB) If you think Eury is SK then why aren't you voting her? Why are you letting the rest of us dictate whether or not you can vote her? fwiw I do think she could be SK since yeah the mafia strongwilled could technically be for Martyr!Poly or could also just be for protection against the SK rather than the town, and she hasn't really done anything townie. As for why you should be convinced to do anything other than get out of the game... maybe because folding like you're doing is anti-wincon if you're town? Looking at your strongest scumread Eury- it's based on being "a wee uncomfortable" with her D1 wall and her FFM case. What else? Why are people talking about universal loss? We have like a day and a half. I don't see the necessity of rushing and spoiling the odds of having less town deaths than anti-town ones at the end of the game. Currently I'm thinking Eclipse > GP/Eury. On role I feel like GP is more likely to be scum than Eury but on play I feel like Eury's more likely to be scum than her.
  21. Isn't hammer 6? Also the OP has Prims dying on N3 instead of N2, which will totally mess up my postgame pic of the entire scumteam dying in one cycle.
  22. FINISHED CHAPTER 1 Orthrus took a few tries because I was trying to whittle down the health of one of the heads while keeping HP high, but they simply have too much offence for such a strategy to work, especially with Blazzard when both heads are up. So I had Tiz/Ringabel/Edea attack one of the heads for two turns and then on the 3rd turn they all braved to max and took it out (the Bastet Claws were what made this strat possible, since they're SE against beasts). When there's only one head left, the fight becomes pretty trivial. Khint and Khamer were also pretty easy; only had to restart once because I forgot to buy more Phoenix Downs when I ran out and Khint got a lucky crit on someone. But still way more manageable than Khint/Jackal or Khint/Profiteur; Khint doesn't get any stronger, while you're like 5 levels higher. And Khamer just kind of sucks. He only gets annoying if he manages to Stop your healer, but they have the highest resistance to status effects so it doesn't happen too often. The dungeon was actually more annoying because of the stupid Thugs with Psych Up/Strong Strike. SPELL FENCER GET Team: Tiz (Level 20): Level 6 Black Mage, Level 3 Freelancer Agnes (Level 20): Level 6 White Mage, Level 2 Freelancer Ringabel (Level 20): Level 1 Spell Fencer, Level 6 Monk Edea (Level 20): Level 1 Spell Fencer, Level 6 Monk
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