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Everything posted by BBM

  1. but idk if scum who'd given up would bother flavourspeccing even as a joke about the scumteam when they'd know it anyways
  2. I guess people could claim to me in private if they wanted to tomorrow? ##Vote: Euklyd 15 minutes left, still feel pretty confident about this. Dunno if Refa is scum or not but pretty sure Euklyd just claimed scum.
  3. taking Performer when I have no heavy BP using classes and will probably also get Conjurer was possibly not a smart idea
  4. wow those were my dream #2/#3 picks screw you guys Performer for ULTIMATE HEROISM and uhhhhhhhhhhh Dark Knight because fuck Pirate without Swordmaster and fuck beating the dragons to get Vampire without Ninja or Spiritmaster
  5. hey, your turn in the BD draft

    1. Lance Masayoshi

      Lance Masayoshi

      I thought I posted ._.

      I said Spiritmaster

  6. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I hope you're using the Indian connotation of Encounter
  7. oh yeah another thing everybody but Refa should know that there's a chunk of the game you can skip- up to you whether you want to or not, and how much of it you do
  8. Okay I think I'll go with Monk over Thief. I think BM should still be free because at the end of the day elemental damage is probably more important than earlier weapons. List RandomizerThere were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order: bbm paperblade cam sz refa Timestamp: 2014-06-04 00:42:08 UTC FIRST PICK damnit such a hard decision I was tempted to pick Ninja for the cheesing or Salve-maker/Spiritmaster but I'm going to go with my FAVOURITE CLASS Spell Fencer this probably means I have no healing other than WM but who cares
  9. may or may not be here for phase end Also @Euklyd- why would you vote FFM/GP if you think they have town roleclaims
  10. well you're not counting Thief's ability to steal, which is the main reason people use it.
  11. Any opinions on Thief vs Monk for free job?
  12. /in also I didn't know british people used so many exclamation marks
  13. The person who messaged me saying that their role seems to indicate that Euklyd is town should have included their character name... Either way I don't think that your role means Euklyd has to be legit. Also you should idle. Don't really like Euklyd's last post; it seems to offer AtE as its main defence and still isn't giving more than surface-level reads. Euklyd, you should also claim the ability you unlock when Totema X dies and also who Totema X is. There's no reason not to claim it at this point. @GP- are you Doned? Also does your unlock condition involve someone dying? And seriously Poly only two people said anything about the fakeslip. Try harder.
  14. SO I just got Bravely Default recently and finished a playthrough. And of course I thought, why not do a draft! Refa is playing and just getting the game today so keep the spoilers such as the identity of the final boss secret. There are only 4 characters, so instead of doing a draft of characters, I think we should do a job draft. There are 24 jobs, which is a nice multiple of 4, but Freelancer has to be free, and 23 isn't a nice multiple of anything. So my solution is to have 4 free jobs, which leaves 20 to draft. Then, depending on interest and whether we want to have 8 jobs each or 9 jobs each, we can have 4 or 5 people. Rules: 1. We're playing just for completion. We play until the final boss is beaten (if you're hardcore you can go for the bonus boss as well). 2. HARD MODE because that's how we roll (you can do NM if you reeeeeally want to). Also on New Game, not New Game+. 3. Other difficulty modifiers (like encounter rate) are up to the player to modify as they want. 4. No Abilinks or Friend Summons because those are LAME and EASY and also people with a lot of friends have an unfair advantage. 5. Norende is allowed I guess because a couple jobs (Salvemaker) pretty much need it and having more friends just cuts down time. 6. Jobs that aren't free or drafted by you can't be used at all, as a main or secondary job. The sub-scenarios for jobs you don't have can still be completed. Free Jobs: Freelancer White Mage - The person who drafted this would have a significantly easier time than everybody else for quite a while. Black Mage - Gives everybody early AoE and early elemental damage (or only BM and SF would have it). Thief - This is still up for debate. I almost put Monk for an earlier physical class, but with everyone having 8/9 jobs, but I think Thief gives a lot of earlier weapons for very little opportunity cost. Monk- By popular vote Signups: 1. BBM - Spell Fencer, Performer, Dark Knight, Conjurer 2. Paperblade - Ranger, Salve-Maker, Knight, Time Mage 3. CT075- Thief, Valkyrie, Templar, Merchant 4. Shadowfrost Zenbiniar - Spiritmaster, Red Mage, Arcanist, Vampire 5. Refa - Swordmaster, Ninja, Pirate, Summoner
  15. a lot of waffling on Shinori and Euklyd, being too lazy to find another scumread even after your biggest one does something townie, and someone who's "not that scummy" being your vote 7 hours away from the end of D1.
  16. damnit my spoiler tags screwed up rage
  17. Oh, and props to Ciraxis as well. I think you started off a little weak, but you played well after that.
  18. Yeah, like I said, d) was the weakest reason and kind of something that reinforced my suspicion rather than what started it. Also, props to Makaze and Terra. IMO they were the town/scum MVPs. GP gets an honorable mention but she died N1 so yeah. However, @Makaze- You should have considered more options on the final day. It's rarely a good idea to vote hastily during LYLO. @Terra- The scummiest thing you did was constantly wagonhop on D1 for what seemed like not much reason to me. Also the questions you asked at the beginning weren't inherently scummy but you never actually made any effort to use the answers you got from them at any point of the game, which makes them fake content, and that is scummy. I can't remember anything else overtly suspicious but really it was kind of obvious to me that you were scum when you weren't killed N1 despite the Doctor being dead and several people stating they found you town and someone even answering the question "who would you kill N1 as scum" with "Terrador". Still, you didn't deserve to get lynched the way you did (and personally I don't think you would have been lynched any other way either). Good job.
  19. on skype during d3 to Manix: [5/29/2014 7:09:08 AM] Rohan Kulkarni: imo scumteam is [5/29/2014 7:09:16 AM] Rohan Kulkarni: junko/eury/terra to Poly in our role PM after he died: fairly sure the last scum is Eury at this point because: a) The bus is the most plausible reason for choosing Eury for the 1v1 when there were scummier people against whom a 1v1 would have been easier to win. Skipping over those scummier people only makes sense if they're Junko's buddy. That could be FFM but Vashiane would also have been a comparatively easy 1v1 to win, and they can't both be his buddy. b) Eury's reaction to the Watcher report didn't read genuine. Something about the wording feels off, like "wow I can't believe you chose me again". Obviously, who else would she choose as scum? Getting into two 1v1s would be kind of dumb. c) I don't like Terrador's interactions with YX. He went from "wow this is shady" to "eh I can see this being lazytown" even though YX hadn't made any posts in the interim. The reasons he gave for unvoting applied at the time he made the vote in the first place. My hunch about this is that Terra saw YX's cruddy Ciraxis vote as an easy way to jump off the Ciraxis wagon that looked like it was going to get lynched, and then when people followed him onto YX, he jumped ship again because he didn't want his buddy to get lynched. d) Eury is playing to her scum meta I think. Instead of spewing forth 5+ paragraphs every other post, she's posting a wall every now and then and then making small posts with not much content to them in the middle. Probably the weakest reason here because Eury hasn't rolled scum in a while and she's improved since Healer or whatever her last scumgame was.
  20. If mafia was a chess game, town would be like a regular chess side, and the mafia would have a couple queens but no other pieces (scum goons could be non-pawn non-queen pieces I guess). And then catching scum is like simply taking that piece. Sure, it's easier doing so if you're a knight rather than a pawn, but it's still possible, and pawns are still an important part of the chess game. And as people have said, it's much better for the other side to take a pawn than a knight.
  21. There was a town mass-hook in Chilean Musician Mafia. @Bladescape- generally in games where flavour is widely-known, the host gives character fakeclaims for the mafia to use, because catching scum based off their character name is dumb. Also ##Unvote I didn't realize that Euklyd had so many votes.
  22. I don't think Marth is scum because I don't feel that he would claim like that just to push a mislynch. I mean, yeah, it wouldn't be impossible to back out of an FFM mislynch but I just don't feel like it's a good scum move on D1. I don't think FFM is scum either because I don't think FFM has the confidence to claim by himself, and his buddies probably would tell him not to claim a mass hook if they had one. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Euklyd Euklyd's last post was really bad IMO. His most detailed blurbs are on people he's ultimately townreading, such as eclipse, GP, FFM, and to a lesser extent Shinori. He'd stated before he began that post that he found FFM's claim town- why even bother casing him? Pointing out all the scummy stuff he's done isn't content if you don't find him scummy. At the end of that post I still find that his largest scumread is Refa for tone. And hey ~tone~ but for someone who finds passive aggressiveness scummy there's a lot of it in that last line about Refa and GP voting him. Additionally, I have a feeling his claim is scum. Numbers + Neighbour PLUS an ability unlocked when a specific totema dies that's apparently also quite strong. Compare this to my role, which is Super Hated + role unlocked at condition, and unlike Euklyd I don't even know what the role I unlock is. And my condition is about the same in terms of difficulty to achieve. Also, at this point with me, GP, AND Euklyd all having locked parts to our role, I'm beginning to suspect that this might be a theme of the setup. Are there any other people with locked parts to their roles?
  23. wow screw you SB you beat me to everything I wanted to say about FFM's post. The bits about Prims and Manix especially stand out to me because there's no reason given as to why he changed his opinions. Also the reason he gives for the initial thought that they were bussing makes no sense. Why do people interacting a lot have to be scum? And for that matter Prims/Manix also voted GP together, not just Refa.
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