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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Thinking about it a bit I'm inclined to agree with Prims that Terra's actions were just frustrated town, but yeah it's lame. FFM vote is still good; he took the time to post a one-liner asking Eclipse a question but couldn't be bothered to update any of his reads in any way. Euklyd is also still scummy, probably more than Shinori now. 90% of his Refa read is still just responding to badlogic rather than actually finding scummy stuff. To me Euklyd's case is basically that Refa's tone is passive-aggressive and that Refa is picking at SB for lame reasons. Also shit I can't believe I forgot about Doned. If anyone is Doned they should totally contact me unless that's GP, in which case just confirm in thread (don't waste a message).
  2. that reaction is scummy as fuck and reads like scum trying to WIFOM defend because they don't have actual responses to the case on them. Additionally, so much of Manix's case was based on Terra literally just misreading stuff. There's no way Terra as town sees "nothing wrong with his cases"
  3. @Eclipse- you're acting as if rolespec was all SB did. He had one line about it to justify a townread on me and then talked about non-rolespec stuff.
  4. Urgh, so. Rereading Refa, the only truly scummy thing I can see is the beginning where he was asking questions and then just prodvoting. I feel like his play after that is less scummy and more just bad logic wrt stuff like Prims choosing to vote the scumread with less votes vs the one with more. Also with that thing- I feel like if he had any buddies with more experience they'd be telling him to drop it. I feel like Euklyd could be scum off gut and because he's not comparing individual facets of GP/FFM's play to their play in games where they've been badtown. It's just a generic "GP and FFM are scummy every game as town so they probably are town again" even though that doesn't precldude them from rolling scum. It's also not really clear to me exactly how scummy he finds Refa because his RVS vote was there too. Also his play feels like Almost OC with the tunneling. I want to see more reads on people other than Refa. Basically right now I think we should lynch FFM and Shinori and Euklyd should be our CHINESE FIRE DRILL targets (thanks bladescape)
  5. ugh GP's claim If somebody else has a handicap mentioned in their flavour they should contact me or I'm going to assume it is GP even if she's not sure. ##Unvote, ##Vote: FFM His play is scummy as fuck. He began by trying to spin a case on me for what looks like the sake of spinning a case, because a more relevant reason for suspecting my claim would just be that I'm faking Hated so that I don't get votes on me. People have already gone over the Manix/Prims thing, and his SB/Refa thing doesn't make sense either because he's saying they're both suspicious for OMGUS votes against each other? That's just like more bussing theories for no reason, and the abrupt change on Refa from "not too scummy" to "kind of agitated" to "wow so OMGUS" seems fabricated. Don't really like Shinori's last post. His SB vote kind of sucks and is based off SB's first post in the game and ignores everything else SB has posted- ironic because he accuses SB of ignoring other players even though the only person SB doesn't really talk about there who'd posted a lot was Prims. The "random rolespec" is half-joke and half the basis of a townread on me so it's not really random at all. He also says one of GP's posts was scummy enough that he would have voted there but then doesn't even have her in his lynch priority? Why? Also nothing about Refa other than a mention while speaking about SB, but Refa still makes it in that list. Really it looks like he should be voting FFM but he's voting for SB for dumb reasons. tbh I don't get why Refa has so many votes on him. Will reread in a bit.
  6. so do you find Prims's vote switch suspicious? Claiming when your role is scummy is generally up to the player who gets the role. Keeping it to yourself doesn't "harm" the town like, say, a Miller or Ascetic can, but at the same time revealing it at massclaim can feel like scum who were too lazy to come up with a fake. I wouldn't call myself an informed townie (and also I'm Ritz; why would Marche be hated???). I don't know the alignment of the person referred to in my role PM, so knowing that there's someone with a handicap in their flavour doesn't really provide the town with any information which would help them catch scum. They are, however, important to my role, so they should contact me.
  7. umm the point is that you didn't have to say that you had another part to your role at all? It gives info to scum for no reason. Sure scum are going to wonder what the other part of your role is, but you're not going to have something like Cop or Doc in addition to the ability to read people's messages, so they'll discuss it for a while and then just wait for your flip to find out. ##Unvote, ##Vote: GP it seems like she's trying way too hard to read into something that's very obviously a joke to try and draw scum intent
  8. FIRSTLY It's a good thing I didn't get an RVS wagon on me because I am Super Hated. This means that until *YLO, only half the required amount of votes are necessary to lynch me. That means that I get hammered at 4 votes right now, so please don't vote me unless you really really think I'm scum. SECONDLY There is someone in this game who has some sort of handicap, according to their flavour. Elie wouldn't say any more about it than that. I ask whoever this person is to message me ASAP with their identity. I don't think this is an unreasonable request because this doesn't require them to divulge any role information but helps me greatly. ##Vote: kirsche Manix, what was the point behind divulging this role info? Even if you wanted to claim a kind of scummy role sooner rather than later, what's the point of mentioning that you have more to your role?
  9. Yeah, GP, I had no idea why you would think that Shinori wasn't cleared town... there was nothing that pointed towards a SK, and speaking generally, claiming a vigshot as SK isn't smart because then if there are multiple kills on another night, it's quite incriminating. Additionally, the argument that a JoaT can't exist in a game with a lot of vanillas doesn't make sense because the whole point of a JoaT is that even if you have a bunch of abilities, you can only use each once. In a game where the mafia actually gets lynched and the other PRs don't die in the first two days, a Doctor or Tracker can use their abilities more than 4 times.
  10. Well now that motk broke its losing streak, someone has to take up the mantle!
  11. hey we still won! also your point could technically have been proven better by villains 2 D1 but you bussed DNA too.
  12. are you Psych or Paperblade? I bus pretty much when I feel like it and don't bus when I don't. I prefer bussing early to bussing late because even though the latter is better in most scenarios, an early bus lets you coast for a while and also when it's 5p LYLO or whatever I just want the game to end rather than trying to bus my buddy for a win in 3p.
  13. MENTOR POST I would not advocate a massclaim. You know that one of Eury and Junko is guaranteed to be scum. Therefore, one of them should be lynched today. Unless somebody who hasn't yet claimed has role information that they believe helps determine which one of Eury and Junko is scum, they should keep their role to themselves. There's no reason to give the mafia info for free.
  14. The problem with a third political party is that you have only two sides to the political spectrum. Yes, the political spectrum is actually much more complicated than "left" and "right" (for example, the Conservatives in Canada are closer to the US Democrats than the Republicans) but unfortunately that's what it's seen as by most people. Therefore it takes decades, often, for a third party to gain enough respect that people will see them as a place where their vote has a chance of making them win that riding. For example the NDP in Canada just became the Official Opposition for the first time in 2011, some 40 years after they became a federal party. It took the Labour Party in the UK around 20 years to do the same. In India it's somewhat different (but not very) because the "third party", the very recently founded AAP, was created solely to combat corruption in the current government and as such don't actually have many hard positions on anything else. They ran last year in the Delhi state elections on that platform, promising the anti-corruption bill that people had campaigned for for years, and were able to form a minority coalition government. Then they resigned after less than two months after being unable to provide what they'd promised. Then in the recent federal elections they got only like 4 seats partly because people didn't want to waste their vote there (also other reasons such as the huge wave of popularity one of the other leaders was riding on).
  15. If you're confirmed town in 3p LYLO: Chill out, reread both people both in isolation and wrt interactions with the scumteam and all the wagons. Don't make any hasty votes. The exception is if you have a Governor that you can use to automatically end the game; then you've got to do that shit two minutes into the phase. If you're not confirmed town in 3p LYLO and there's someone that IS confirmed: Reread the person you're in a 1v1 with it and marshall your best arguments. If you're not confirmed town in 3p LYLO and there isn't someone that's confirmed: Reread both people. Don't decide hastily who you think is scum, but once you decide, stick to your guns. If you're scum in 3p LYLO and there's someone that's confirmed town: Basically the same as if you were town in this situation. If you're scum in 3p LYLO and there isn't someone that's confirmed: Reread both people to see which one is more likely to find you suspicious, and build a case on them. You don't want the person who finds you suspicious to be the decider if you crossvote the other guy. Don't attack both people; it looks unfocused and like you're just trying to get ANYONE lynched because you're scum. But find some reason to townread the other guy, or the conviction looks unnatural.
  16. MENTOR POST Rolespec might be a weak reason for a lynch by itself (not always but meh), but if it`s in combination with a bunch of other stuff it isn`t really.
  17. I guess that's true but we have no other investigative role claim yet
  18. wow this is terrible ##Unvote why were you so astonished at the day start? okay you expected Poly to flip scum but your reaction felt a lot different from just "man the guy whom I thought would flip scum didn't"
  19. ughhh I feel like this is legit and I'm more and more sure Shinori is scum so ##Unvote, ##Vote: Shinori I'll consider who the third scum could be if not Shin later but GP/Shin/Euklyd should turbo Shinori with me
  20. Shinori's reason for suspecting us make 0 sense, especially Shin. Firstly, "not being in the middle of things" isn't a reason for scumminess, because there's no suspicion right now on Marth or Cam either, so are they scum too? Secondly, seeing as Shin is the largest wagon right now, there's no way you can say that he isn't in the middle of things. His other reason is PoE, but his reason for finding GP town is based off Shin being scum? That's supremely circular. Shin are you a limited Watcher in any way? And what were your results? Assuming you targeted Cam N1.
  21. lmao Shinori has said nothing bad about me or Shin the entire game and nothing about Refa since ED1, and this was supposed to be his post to make up for the fact that he hasn't posted any real content since halfway through D1? I'm like 95% sure Shinori is scum. Shinori, if you are town: Why did Junko become worse than GP on D1? Why is GP now town to you? Why are me, Refa, and Shin scum? Anyways I never really got around to a full reread of Shin. >_> I think he's scum off PoE so I'm fine with the lynch I guess.
  22. Arsonist is the WORST and anybody who's been one can attest to this BEST is Inquisitor because you can't get hooked and cult recruit all the obvtown people except when the protective roles are jerks. Basically you're a Cult Leader who can choose between killing and recruiting.
  23. Because as third party you don't actually know who's going to be a mislynch? You do as scum, and writing a case on someone who's going to get mislynched anyways 3 minutes before deadline is just not worth it. And yeah obviously you want to lynch your #1 scumread over your #2 but complaining when your #2 scumread gets lynched is still not something people do. As for the claims, well, should we just not lynch people who don't claim?
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