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Everything posted by BBM

  1. rage ninja'd by Mitsuki ignore that bit then
  2. Sorry guys, I came home, ate, and then completely crashed last night. I still think Raymond was sort of weird regarding Kay because there was very little he said that Kay didn't, but I think his more recent posts are better. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Shin While I get what Shin was trying to say wrt Elie's vote on him, it still completely misses the point. He was different from the other inactives in that he posted something not useful in a stage of the game where relevant things had begun to be said. He also makes a big deal about Elie talking about why Shin is worse than scorri specifically, and even if Shin was just throwing scorri out as an example, it's perfectly valid for Elie to then use scorri again as the example. Also that whole line of defence just felt like trying to redirect attention. It's also literally all he's talked about, even from Elie's content, and the bit about "I can't see how town!Elie would ever make that vote" feels like a justification to not have to look at anything else Elie has done, other than the Shin vote. Shin, what did you think of Elie's initial test on Marth? I think Mitsuki could be scum. She's harping on a couple small one-line jokeposts by SB and that's basically all her content.
  3. Why is Elie scum, Poly? What's suspicious about the Shin vote considering Shin didn't do anything? Even if Shin just thought it was RVS, as you claim, that still means he didn't read the thread, which is lazy if nothing else. Also, you're voting Elie but haven't really weighed in either way on his reaction test other than to say it was dumb.
  4. Okay, so what Raymond said about Elie was fair enough, but his Marth vote feels kind of bad because he tells Kay to "please expound" and then votes Marth for basically the exact same reason as her, but with a few more words behind it. @Marth- okay I forgot about the initial vote. Why is Elie worse than Refa?
  5. Elie's question sucked but that doesn't mean there was a scumslip in it. And your vote wasn't for the action of performing the test; it was for Elie possibly not knowing the town role colour thing was green? I see Raymond's vote but I'm in a rush; will get to it later.
  6. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Scarlet Your comment about Elie's test felt weird to me because it didn't really give an opinion. Is Elie suspicious for making a bad test or not? You certainly seem to see it as something indicative of alignment because you point out that it's valid to argue we shouldn't be in RVS anymore after it. How about the people voting Refa? Are they scummy or not? As for myself I kind of think Elie is town because I don't think he'd pull a test that was so blatantly dumb as scum. @Marth- why is Elie worse than Refa? Your vote on Elie feels like it's for the wrong reasons. Prims is pretty good about making his role PMs standard. Even if Elie was scum, his wincon bit would still be in black. And "you win with __" is what he asked you for in the first place, not the colour that your role was in. Rather than for the act of trying to hunt off role PMs, your vote seems to be because he didn't acknowledge your incorrect answer as correct?
  7. Not really; town Ascetic (by itself and not as a modifier) is pretty useless and does nothing. What's the point of being safeguarded all the time if you have no active abilities? And if you don't claim it you just screw over town roles (see: FFM N1). As mafia it's better because you can make Tracker/Cop/etc actions fail but even then if you don't claim it right away people are going to get suspicious if enough actions fail on you. You kind of still have to claim it. You're still immune to the previously mentioned roles but you're not really preventing them from targeting other people, so eh. It's strong but I wouldn't say it's OP. There was also a scum limited Ascetic in Fakeclaim, a semi-limited one in SF3, and another scum Ascetic in Mirai Nikki on MotK (@Vhaltz). The only town Ascetic I've seen is in Kirby and that's because roles weren't linked to alignment before the game.
  8. ##Vote: Boron been so long since you've played that this is almost mandatory
  9. Okay, firstly... this game was not really meant for a playerlist comprised 50% of newbies- a lot of the town roles were very high-risk/high-reward type of roles (the Manix role) or just very difficult to use well (the kirsche role). Additionally, because we were afraid of the scumteam rolling over, we adjusted what people rolled so that the scumteam had at least two of the more experienced players... which ended up kind of backfiring because even some of the more experienced town players had off games. It also didn't help that the setup ended up being somewhat scumsided. Anyways MASSIVE WALL OF TEXT AHEAD: Whew that took a long time. I'll post the given fakes in the morning because I'm tired. Alternatively SB can do it for me!
  10. Since Grassbridger flaked from SF, you guys decided to kill Junko for it. Makes about as much sense as the first two lynches I guess. Dear Junko Enoshima, you are Grassbridger, the Town Voodoo. You have this habit of looking really far into peoples wording and scumreading them on it, just because they used a couple of words you didnt like. We came up with this role before Periodic Table of the Elements was hosted. We laughed when we found out what your role was in it too. Unfortunately infinite strongkills are op, and so you got majorly nerfed. During the night, you may post in your role pm <##Voodoo: USER, WORD>. If USER uses the designated word, you will call them out on it and place a ghostvote on them.You cannot directly ask or manipulate the target into saying the word, nor can it be a necessary word for sentence structure (like a or the), or something thats part of basic mafia terminology (such as lynch or mafia), or someones (nick)name. Basically ask us if something is alright to use. After you call out USER for their word choice once, they will be informed of what word they cannot say. If they do it again in a different post, youll drop another vote on them though. You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated. Darros might not actually be a tracker, but he is still definitely dead! Dear Darros, you are Shinori, the Town Gamer. You tend to join a lot of games but not end up posting that much, because youre playing League of Legends or World of Warcraft instead. Come to think of it, referring you when I signed up for League probably wasnt the best idea to keep you from being inactive. Half your posts seem to be you saying that youll post later. Post another excuse later, anyway. During the night, you may post in your role pm <##Following: USER>. You will play LoL with USER during the night, and when they go afk they will tell you any actions that they have to go and perform that night. Unfortunately, youre too busy playing to bother posting, so youll get your results a night phase late. You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated. Green Poet tried to use her Commuter ticket to escape, but got hit by the train instead! Dear Green Poet, you are Elieson, the Beloved Father. Oh god why did they mislynch you dumb reasons again. You really don’t have good luck with surviving day phases as a townie, seeing as how people seem to come up with the weirdest reasons to lynch you. Even though you should be clear, that won’t save you. All it will do is make me even more annoyed that people insist on your lynch. On the other hand, somehow people didn’t want to lynch you until LYLO in Fakeclaim despite your claim being so obviously bullshit, but what can you do? If you are ever lynched, all town players will spend the night raging at how about how they lynched you for dumb reasons, and will be unable to act. Antitown factions obviously won’t care, and will be able to act as normal. You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated. Poly probably would've seen all of this happen, had his liver not failed due to overdrinking! Dear Polydeuces, you are Kirsche, the Town Drunkposter. You're a pretty good player, but every now and then (read: every game), you have a bit too much to drink. Of course, since you're so dedicated to mafia, this doesn't stop you from posting. Or trying to post, anyways, with various levels of intelligibility. You're also really bad at hiding your identity in anonymous games, with a 2/2 record of revealing yourself (thankfully only a 1/2 record of getting modkilled for it). Every night, you may post in your role PM <Night X - ##Track USER>. You will follow USER and note who he visits that night. Of course, since you'll be drunk while doing it, you'll tell your results to anyone who visits you that night. However, you yourself will have no recollection of your results in the morning. You should probably stop drinking You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated. And with that, there were two. Uh, three. I forgot about Elieson until he started yelling. Dear Elieson, you are Boron, the Mafia Invisible Woman. You're a good player, but since you don't always push your reads as hard as you could, you get accused a lot of slipping under the radar. You also always roll Courier and/or Rolecop. Once, you even rolled both of them at once. Good thing you're not either of those things this time right? Once during the night, you may post in your role PM <Night X - ##Neighborizing USER A, USER B, and USER C>. You will yell at your targets during the night, so that they notice you exist, and will be able to talk to them for the rest of the game outside of the thread in a quicktopic. In addition. because everyone seems to forget that you exist or what you've done, any kills you perform will not show up on other players night reports. You are allied with the Mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated. Shinori stood there wondering how hard he would've stomped town had he actually decided to use his role more than once. Dear Shinori, you are Shin, the Mafia Englishman. You play SF mafia on a somewhat regular basis, although everything went downhill for you after your first game, Trainwreck. For some reason, your amazing excuse of "I'm British, new, and have timezone problems" stopped working. Now people just tend to lynch you. Over and over again. If not, you usually tend to eat a vig shot or something. Jerks. Theres a reason youve only survived two games or something in the whole time youve been on SF. Every night, you may post in your role PM <Night X - ##Disable USER>. You will meet USER during the night and confuse them with your excuses. As soon as they finish performing their night action, they will continuously try to figure out your alignment, but to no avail. As such, they will be too busy to perform their night action on subsequent nights. Passive abilities will also be disabled. Of course, if you die, they will stop trying to figure out your alignment and regain use of their role. In addition, since you live in England, your night time is different to many of the other players. If any players try to interfere with your night actions, youll probably be asleep at the time anyway, and so you cannot be roleblocked or redirected. You are allied with the Mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated. And finally, Euklyd stood proudly holding up his medal for "most out of place claim that didn't get lynched"! Dear Euklyd, you are scorri, the Uninterested Scum. You used to get killed a lot early, which led to you purposely coasting on D1 so you wouldnt die as town, which led to you purposely coasting early as scum, which led to you complaining about boredom to me on Skype when we were scumbuddies two games in a row like every other minute. Goddamnit it, go play SWTOR. Or pet some kitties. Every night, you may post in your role pm <##Mimicing USER>. You will complain to your target about how bored you are, and in an attempt to entertain you they will tell you about any abilities they have, be they active or passive. Alternatively, after copying an ability, you may post in your role pm <##___ USER>. You will roleplay as the target of your mimic ability and use their action on the designated target. If you mimic a day action, you must post this in thread instead, and will not be able to carry out any non-factional actions that night. You may only mimic a player once each, and if you use an ability, you lose it and must mimic another player instead. If you mimic two players consecutively, the first ability is overwritten. Also, dying is boring. As such, you'll avoid the first attempt that anyone makes on your life, aside from the lynch. You are allied with the Mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated. Congratulations to the Mafia for winning I Can't Believe It's Not SFMM4! Mod QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/PZShPB42eRz SB can post the spreadsheet later; I can't find it atm. Comments coming up.
  11. hammer gg about to start watching a movie so you'll have to wait a few hours for flips but it should be pretty obvious
  12. I'm not going to count votes in that format.
  13. ELIESON you should join so the game starts sooner imho
  14. Euklyd (2): Refa, Green Poet Refa (2): Euklyd, Junko Not Voting (5): Shinori, Elieson, Kopfjager, Polydeuces, Darros With 9 players alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 5 to hammer. Phase ends in 45 hours and 15 minutes, on Monday May 5th at 5:15 PM EST (10:15 PM GMT). It is also potential LYLO.
  15. start start start Unlike other people who become more free as time goes on, my free time stops on Monday, so if you start today/tomorrow that'd be cool.
  16. BBM

    Epicmafia Thread

    lol you got shot because you did nothing for the majority of the phase and then when someone suggested a shot on you, you were very obviously taking refuge in audacity
  17. People realized that turbolynching is gay as fucccc and so they killed Eclipse. RIP in pieces. Dear eclipse, you are Prims, the Town Turbolyncher. You're a decent player who fakes dayvig shots or cop reports every other game. If you actually rolled dayvig at some point people would probably be shocked. You also love suggesting last minute lynches on people who aren't around to claim near phase end, due to disagreeing with the other wagons. They almost always flip town, and at least two of the times you've done this its resulted in the lynch of a Doctor. Not that it'll stop you from doing it again. But apart from that you're cool. Once during the day, you may post in thread <##Turboing USER>, in all of its bolded glory. USER will be lynched and the day will end as soon as the host sees the action. This may be used in LYLO and variants. You may only do this when there are less than 24 hours left until deadline though. You may also not target no lynch, because no lynch is gay. Additionally, if your target happens to be a town protective role, you will be able to use your role one more time. Isn't that wonderful? You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated. Then you found Marth dead too. I guess people got mad about potentially fatal false advertising? Dear Iris, you are Psych, the Quality Townie. You’re a cool guy who just tends to make the odd mess up or questionable choice in games that leads to people finding you scummy. Unfortunately, everyone else just can’t seem to appreciate your Quality Psych Material. Of course, this material isn’t always (read: usually not) intentional, but that’s okay. Your intention is always good, at least. Even when the execution isn’t always perfect. Every night, you may post in your role PM one of the following: <Giving USER a gun>. You will gift USER with one of your handmade guns, ready to kill some scum! Unfortunately, you’ve never made a gun before and as such if someone uses it they’ll probably die. Oops. <Giving USER a medkit>. You will give USER medicine that they can use to heal another player who was attacked during the night. Unfortunately, the medicine hasn’t been properly tested, so it’s likely that their target will die instead. <Giving USER a ticket>. You will give USER a train ticket that they can use to get them out of town for the night, where no night actions will be able to target them. Unfortunately, it’s only a one way ticket so they’ll have no way to get back after using it, and will no longer be able to participate. At least they’ll be safe from all the night actions though! You may only use each one of these actions once. You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated. Well, that night could have gone better... With 9 players alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 5 votes to hammer. You have 72 hours left in the phase. Phase ends on Monday May 5th at 5:15 PM EST (10:15 PM GMT). It is also potential LYLO.
  18. VOTALS FFM (5) - Kopfjager, Euklyd, Refa, Darros, Eclipse Eukyld (2) - Elieson, Iris Kopfjager (2) - Shinori, Polydeuces Iris (1) - Green Poet Refa (1) - Junko Not Voting (1) - FFM With 12 players alive, it takes 7 votes to hammer and 4 to lynch at deadline. You have 4 hours and 46 minutes remaining. Phase ends on Thursday May 1st at 5 PM EST (10 PM GMT). A note that I may once again be absent at phase end.
  19. Bluedoom (Marth) has been subbed in for Iris.
  20. VOTALS FFM (5) - Kopfjager, Euklyd, Refa, Darros, Eclipse Eukyld (2) - Elieson, Iris Kopfjager (2) - Shinori, Polydeuces Iris (1) - Green Poet Refa (1) - Junko Not Voting (1) - FFM With 12 players alive, it takes 7 votes to hammer and 4 to lynch at deadline. You have 24 hours and 56 minutes remaining. Phase ends on Thursday May 1st at 5 PM EST (10 PM GMT).
  21. Huh, the rules are supposed to say >1/3 of all votes... meh whatever I'll keep it as at least 1/3. @Poly- you are voting Wen.
  22. VOTALS FFM (4) - Kopfjager, Euklyd, Refa, Darros Eukyld (2) - Elieson, Iris Iris (1) - Green Poet Refa (1) - Junko Polydeuces (1) - FFM Kopfjager (3) - Eclipse, Shinori, Polydeuces Not Voting (0) - None With 12 players alive, it takes 7 votes to hammer and 4 to lynch at deadline. You have 41 hours and 35 minutes remaining. Phase ends on Thursday May 1st at 5 PM EST (10 PM GMT).
  23. You could always play separately...
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