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Everything posted by BBM

  1. VOTALS FFM (3) - Kopfjager, Shinori, Euklyd Eukyld (2) - Elieson, Iris Iris (1) - Green Poet Darros (1) - Refa Refa (1) - Junko Polydeuces (1) - FFM Kopfjager (1) - Eclipse Not Voting (2) - Darros, Polydeuces With 12 players alive, it takes 5 votes to hammer and 7 to lynch at deadline. You have 58 hours and 9 minutes remaining. Phase ends at 5 PM EST (10 PM GMT).
  2. man I played mafia during my IB finals you guys are PUSSIES I may have also underperformed by a large amount on my exams but that's not relevant /in
  3. I think Junko deserves an honourable mention. Your D1 was a little weak, but your reads were decent throughout. What you need to work on is articulating yourself better (I have no idea why your first few D1 posts were formatted so terribly; that made it even worse) and having more conviction. Push your reads harder rather than stating them and letting other people control the game state.
  4. VOTALS FFM (4) - Polydeuces, Eurykins, Darros, Elieson Phoenix (3) - Euklyd, Eclipse, Junko Polydeuces (2) - Bearclaw, Iris, Shinori Bearclaw (2) - Phoenix, FFM Darros (1) - Refa Not Voting (2) - Kopfjager, Green Poet With 15 players alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch at deadline and 8 votes to hammer. You have 6 hours and 21 minutes left. Phase ends at 5 PM EST on Sunday (10 PM GMT). A note: I won't be here for phase end, most likely. If hammer occurs or deadline arrives, stop talking.
  5. My Eliwood on my current file is consistently ORKOing Cavs on C16, although I think he's a little above average. Still, nobody except Marcus, Hector, a LHM promoted Sain/Kent, Lyn, and maybe Oswin with the Horseslayer have the capability to do this at this point. That's fairly decent.
  6. I think your characterization of the Avatar was good in both stories- I thought you described how his feelings came to a boiling point really well in the first story. However, both stories felt unfinished to me. Take the first one. Okay, so Robin blew up at Tharja. Then what? I would have liked to see some more of the fallout that you described in the second story. What's Tharja's next move after getting humiliated in front of the entire army, including her fiance and daughter? It's nice that Henry is okay with Robin's actions, but Henry isn't that important in this story. What about Robin's family? What about Tharja's family? Surely they'd have something to say to Robin. Robin's the tactician of the army. He's just had a major fight with one of his troops. How does this affect their working relationship? The second story displayed this as well. Lucina stabs Luka in the back; Luka recovers. Then what? Surely this conflict isn't over. Is Lucina going to try again? So there are all these sides taken. What happens there now that Luka is back up? Brady and Lucina broke up- does that get fixed? I liked that you showed a little more of the fallout here, but I still think it could have been expanded. It also kind of felt like you were just "telling" us the fallout rather than "showing" it to us. Additionally, I thought that some of Lucina's dialogue was a little wooden, but I haven't played FE13 and therefore can't really compare to what she normally sounds like. I liked the fight scene though; it was one of the better written fanfic fight scenes I've read. I get that they're short stories and were supposed to be kind of like a "snapshot" (especially the second one, since this is like a big deal in the story I think), but to me it just felt like you could have expanded on these a lot more (and still kept them as 1-shots, albeit longer ones). Nothing is ever really completely wrapped up at the end of a story, but to me the main plot never really gets resolved in either. I think a lot of these complaints come with the fact that these are short stories and not full-length fics. I imagine the stuff about the plot not being resolved wouldn't be so much of an issue there. So I think the main flaw from these stories that would still apply to your longer works is the part about telling instead of showing. I think that might have been a result of the narrative style? If your stories are normally written in third-person limited this might be the thing to focus on. Anyways, hope you get over your writer's block soon! I look forward to seeing more stuff.
  7. well it was pretty obvious, although your first wallpost fooled me at first because I didn't think you could RP that well
  8. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    well if you're going to treat it like that I was mafia so it wasn't a mislynch
  9. yeah but he's using that to run away from enemies or run to the throne from very far away
  10. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Well there was this game on MotK called Town Mafia that was like Inception except it took things a step further. Not only was the uninformed majority the Mafia and the informed minority the Town, lynches occurred during night phases (and were actually the mafia voting on the "nightkill"), and actions were during the day phase. Additionally, the roles reflected this. Like I was the "Mafia Governor", which basically meant I was the doctor The mafia goon was actually "Town Mason". So yeah the point is we lynched scum N1.
  11. VOTALS Bearclaw (3) - Shinori, Phoenix, FFM FFM (3) - Polydeuces, Eurykins, Darros Phoenix (3) - Euklyd, Eclipse, Junko Polydeuces (2) - Bearclaw, Iris Elieson (1) - Green Poet Euklyd (1) - Elieson Darros (1) - Refa Not Voting (1) - Kopfjager With 15 players alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch at deadline and 8 votes to hammer. You have 18 hours and 40 minutes left. Phase ends at 5 PM EST on Sunday (10 PM GMT).
  12. yeah the Manaketes don't seem to coordinate their moves. Like on Turn 2 EP two of them could have ganged up on Miledy and killed her, but they went for Percival instead because he had less DEF I guess.
  13. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Cop Doctor Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla 1xHitman/1xJanitor Godfather
  14. Eliwood has around the same STR as Kent (base is 1 lower, but gets 1 more than Kent on promo and also has 5% more growth). His offence prior to promotion is mediocre, but post-promo, it's much better than you're making it out to be. +2 STR and lances help out a lot. Note: I still would probably not recommend Eliwood for a first playthrough of HHM. However, most people here seem to be either vastly underrating him or overrating him.
  15. To be fair to Eliwood, Sain's STR is overkill when he doubles. A weaker but tankier Sain is, in places, a better Sain. Obviously he's not better than Sain overall, but to be like him for the last 7 chapters or so isn't shabby. And the RES lead he holds over Sain after promo is actually pretty large.
  16. VOTALS Elieson (3) - Green Poet, Refa, Iris FFM (3) - Poly, Eurykins, Darros Refa (2) - Junko, Euklyd Bearclaw (2) - Eclipse, Shinori Darros (1) - Bearclaw Kopfjager (1) - FFM Iris (1) - Elieson Not Voting (2) - Phoenix, Kopfjager With 15 players alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch at deadline and 8 votes to hammer. You have 43 hours and 45 minutes left. Phase ends at 5 PM EST on Sunday (10 PM GMT).
  17. Eliwood's Tier 1 performance is pretty cruddy. His Tier 2 performance is good and so I like using him, but his unpromoted performance is a huge downside. It's even more of one if Lyn takes the first Seal, because then he's not promoting until like 28x or something.
  18. Raven doesn't generally need anything other than Iron/Hand/Steel, all of which he can use at base. Killer would be nice, but really more than his weapon rank what holds Raven back from using axes as well as he wants to is his CON. He has good SPD and can therefore afford to take the hit most of the time, but it can suck against the CoD Valks.
  19. So your logic is that because both erotic fiction writers and Stephanie Meyer have similar male leads, Stephanie Meyer is an erotic fiction writer? You shouldn't need me to point out the flaw in this logic. I'm aware your point isn't specifically about erotic fiction as much as it is about designing to attract females. Nevertheless, Twilight isn't erotic fiction. Also I don't actually believe Stephanie Meyer purposely designed Edward to attract female audiences. She designed him as a depiction of her own fantasies, yes, but that doesn't mean that as she was writing the novel, she sat and thought "hmm what do all females like?"
  20. It's regardless an extra hoop you have to jump through to use Raven in an LTC playthrough. You have to invest effort into training units for no purpose other than to get you to Kenneth's map just to use a unit whose contributions in an LTC playthrough are already questionable.
  21. fixed If anyone changes their name in the middle of the game, please let me know. I may miss it otherwise.
  22. @Dondon- Twilight isn't erotic fiction... It's just a romance novel. You'd be better off pointing to 50 Shades of Grey or Harlequin novels or something.
  23. Unfortunately I need to speak to SB before we can start sending out PMs, and I likely won't be home until after SB goes to sleep, so the game will probably start tomorrow.
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