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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    I think the argument that Manix would claim Rolecop as scum Rolecop is logically incorrect because assuming Eclipse is town, scum would assume that there is a town Rolecop and would not want to claim it unless they were willing to sac themselves to draw out a CC. That being said Manix is still town.
  2. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    @Conq- I'm not saying that scum don't claim Vanilla but I'm saying they don't claim it when they're being forced to claim under a lynch. The only time I ever remember scum doing so was when they actually were a Vanilla. Anyways I finished reading Refa. My read on him is depressingly leaning town overall but that's less than my read on Manix and SB so I guess I will move my votes there if nobody wants to lynch Elie but I think you should lynch Elie.
  3. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    really you don't remember ABSOLUTE ROHAN in physics class???
  4. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    WHOA BT is reading this game anonyvote not being there is most likely just because Iris doesn't have access to my role PM. I didn't see it wasn't Iris at first. @Refa- that's sidestepping the question.
  5. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    Hey what happened to my anonyvote
  6. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    So I've read 5 posts in 20 minutes, so good. Refa, how does #82 factor into your Conq vote?
  7. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    @Refa- SB actually claimed Hooker if you remember, and then bluffed a mod mistake after he got CCed. I'm rereading your posts but I keep getting distracted by people ninja'ing me.
  8. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    I was also kind of confused about Bal flipping Miller without claiming it. I think he might only have been Miller in some situations or something maybe, and he didn't want to reveal it? For example if he used his role he became a Miller or something like that. Like my rolename is Mayor but if I'd been killed N1 people would have been like wtf. Yeah I still have my anonyvote. I switched it to Elie just now.
  9. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    @Eclipse- rereading the other people with votes. People keep going "man it's a Prims game so I'm going to completely disregard everything about roles" but that's dumb. Then you might as well just play Mountainous games. Roles are there for a reason, and their claims are what make Eclipse and Manix town. Yes I know Eclipse isn't being lynched right now but it was an attitude a bunch of people expressed with regards to her earlier. TBH the only person other than Elie I think might be scum atm is Strege. I remember him saying something like "BBM isn't normally reactionary" but this is trash because he of all people knows that I am reactionary. In high school I got a reputation for having a temper for like two years because of an argument I got into with him where I wasn't even actually angry. Yeah I know that's a small thing to base an entire scumread off but it just really stuck out to me.
  10. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    Elie- yes, I unvote Manix, but literally right as I do it, I say that I'm still wary of him. Dropping him from my #1 scumread to my #2 or 3 doesn't mean I'm not suspicious of him or that I suddenly found him townie (at that point), which is what you're implying. And I as scum would prefer a mislynch to a no lynch in almost any situation, including D1, and especially in a situation where the mislynch comes purely due to consolidation. You don't get shit for associative reads from mislynches where half the wagon is voting there purely to get a lynch and not because they find him scummy. Also, considering my vote was on j00 for like half of the phase are you really asking me why I targeted her? Yes, I did find her suspicious. I was kind of waffling but I didn't have any other reads at the time. Right now I think she's town though, off her posts this phase. @Conq- the two parts of your claim felt incongruent to me and I thought you were lying somewhere. If I'd been less tired I probably would have thought of a shot-based ability or thought that you might be pulling some sort of reaction test but meh. I don't get why people think Manix is scum. There's no reason to make an almost functional Vanilla claim to save yourself from a lynch. People keep saying "but WIFOM" except nobody actually claims Vanilla to save themselves from a lynch ever because a lot of people would rather lynch a Vanilla at deadline over a PR just because it's less risk. Don't get SB wagon either; he is literally the most obvtown person in the thread. basically both these wagons suck
  11. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    wow I was expecting a vigshot Conq I am disappoint Also, now that I am thinking more about it, how does this go together with your claim that you get an ability when you get voted? I skimmed all the walls and read Elie's long-promised blurb on me and it is bs like I expected and heavily exaggerates my stance changes on Manix. For one thing I haven't even been active enough to flip-flop as much as he claims I have. I started the game thinking he was suspicious for RVS stuff, moved him to the "wary of" pile, voted him for consolidation over Paper near end of phase, and then concluded afterwards that Manix was probably town due to his claim. While the strength of my read varies, there's only one actual flip-flop in my read of his alignment. He also makes a huge deal of me switching my vote to Conq and about how I didn't explain it until prodded. Paperblade talked about how we should have voted Conq and then literally the very next post I switched my vote there. It is not rocket science to figure out why I switched my vote, and nobody else needed clarification for it either. Also he keeps bringing up these connections between me and Manix that only make sense if we're scumbuddies, except he stated that he doesn't think Manix is scum. Okay, I switched my vote away from Manix and prevented a last second hammer. Does that mean we are scumbuddies Elie? Because newsflash, a mislynch is better than a no lynch for scum 9 times out of 10. time to sleep I will probably not wake up for a while
  12. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    Manix vote was for consolidation and I also said that I didn't think his claim was a scumclaim at the end. As for the timing, my laptop timing was apparently off from the forum/Prims's timing by a few minutes. I thought there were like 2 minutes left. Even if there were 10 seconds, what's scummy about it? Feels like you're just throwing stuff around. Yeah the vote is mine. I can move it around unless j00 breaks the PR she got; in that case it's stuck on her for the rest of the phase.
  13. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    oh yeah conq said he had a dayvig shot I think? I think Balc might be a good target. Also Elie.
  14. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    Sorry guys I have a bunch of reports due today that I've been up all night doing. Skimming some of the posts, I have to agree with what Conq said about Balcerzak. Bal wasn't really tunneling on Eclipse, and if he was, dropping her just because of that and not giving any feeling about her is kind of lame. I agree with SB about Strege's vote on him; Strege could be scum. Everything is due in about 14 hours and 42 minutes, so I should be free then! My role should show up in the next votals.
  15. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    I don't think I've ever 180d on someone as fast as I just did on the Vhaltz/Elie slot since Manix in Shipping. Elie's thoughts are all over the place in a bad way and none of his suspicions make any sense. There's such a huge disconnect in places that it looks really forced. He says Eclipse vs Refa is intown bickering and then proceeds to vote her for... what? Knowing too much about Conq's role? Not only is that pushing reads without a flip, it doesn't even work unless Elie thinks Conq is scum, which he doesn't. "Exploding" in 183, except all Elie says about what that means is that he'll get back to it later. And one other post where she's waffly on j00 and defeatist on Refa- why does that overcome the supposedly in-town bickering earlier? Bal suspicion is a suspicion for an inactive (for no other reason than being inactive) disguised as a meta scumread. Kaoz, who's his top scumread, is basically the same except without even hiding behind a meta read + one barely-out-of-RVS post. Suspicion on me is lol and classified as staged scumbussing between me and Manix, who is Elie's townread. He says that even though Manix is probably not scum because of the claim, he still has a sour taste in his mouth about me except how can he if Manix isn't scum anymore? ##Vote: Elie I gave a PR to j00. I realized later that giving a PR to somebody who has to spampost is rather cruel and unusual punishment, even if she does end up being scum, but couldn't think of anyone better to target and didn't want to idle. You should probably see my role shortly.
  16. In games with well known flavour it's generally the norm to provide the mafia with character safeclaims, or you can just have everyone claim their character and the mafia will be screwed because they're characters are the evil ones.
  17. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Well it probably makes more sense for a Large game to go next if we're running on a single queue for a while, since a Small game was the last one. That being said idk if Elie wants to mod a third game in a row? If he doesn't I could put up signups for NSFMM4.
  18. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I find it funny that Paperblade is listed as an inactive checker in the OP while Tables isn't. Also Manix should probably be added to that list.
  19. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    still time? ##Unvote, ##Vote: Conq
  20. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    urgh I don't think that's a scumclaim so I guess it's a good thing we don't have enough people here? I don't see why there would be a town Vanillizer? I would just out results IMO; a Vanillizer is more likely to be scum, in which case the mafia know who they targeted anyways.
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