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Everything posted by BBM

  1. it's not my fault you didn't use the all ages patch! Are you mad they took your porn Elie? The fact is that guys want to get off, and most of them can't just have sex when they want to do so. It's easier masturbating when you're looking at something arousing as opposed to if you're just thinking about it. I don't think anyone thinks the porn industry itself is a fun place to be, but it wouldn't exist if there wasn't a market for it.
  2. well you can always change DO NOT EDIT POSTS to DO NOT EDIT POSTS WHILE PLAYING MAFIA
  3. It's funny because using Raven most likely sends you to Jerme's map, which costs you at least 3 turns as opposed to Kenneth's map. And it also results in Harken not costing as many turns. I think he only costs like 1-2 on Jerme's map. You don't HAVE to go to Kenneth if you train Raven, but it does mean you need to train one of Erk/Lucius/Serra/Priscilla a greater amount than you might want to.
  4. I would recommend Shimizu Hitomi's 1-shots, most of which center on FE6/FE7. Most of them have romance in some way, but I wouldn't call any fluffy (most are angsty if anything). They're not full-length fics but eh, definitely worth a read. My favourite ones are A Thousand Snows, Through the Glass Darkly, Little Lark, and Nightingale. There was another one-shot that featured DARK MICAIAH called Pawn King, which I enjoyed as well (by a different author though). As for full-length ones, to be honest the only completed full length ones I ever remember reading are Queen of Sorrow and this Valter/OC/Ephraim one. It's not quite as bad as it sounds, although it does have a lot of issues. Can't remember its name but it shouldn't be too difficult to find. It's romance-centric but not too fluffy. There's also this one that focuses on Canas and his wife. I don't think I ever finished it because it had no plot, but the writing wasn't bad (insomuch as you can separate the writing from the plot). There was a novella (like 7 chapters I think) focusing on Sain and Kent. Sain gets injured on a scouting mission and Kent has to bring him back. It sounds like a perfect setup for Kent x Sain but it actually isn't. Nothing amazing but decent. These are all on fanfiction.net.
  5. "never seen again" obviously means "never seen again in Tellius or by anyone from Tellius" in the context. I doubt the writers were trying to suggest that he was never seen again by any human being ever on any continent. Priam can be Ike's descendant while still making Ike x Elincia AU you know.
  6. I didn't LTC or even play efficiently my first run and I couldn't get Priscilla to level 20 until like right before CoD so ???. Granted if I'd had her spam Torch and stuff she could have promoted earlier but I have no idea how you get her 15 levels in 10 chapters to be 18-20 for the desert. Lloyd's FFO just takes a few tries so you know where to put her so that the wyverns and Purge and whatnot can't hit her. And the chapter is probably getting cleared pretty quickly even in a casual run so...
  7. What makes Lyn more of a liability? Keeping her away from enemies in the four or five chapters where she's forced, or babying her for 15 chapters? If you're doing LHM, she'll come out at ~L8-10 probably, in which case getting her to promo is not terribly difficult, but it's still more difficult than sticking her into a safe spot when she's forced. @RFoF- Priscilla isn't going to be good at combat if you promote her early because then her magic sucks. 10/1 Priscilla has like 11 magic and 11 AS and is using Fire. It's not very impressive. And that's coupled with pretty bad durability.
  8. Lyn is actually decent if you do LHM first; she'll have okay starting stats and the Mani Katti is a pretty good PRF. Otherwise don't bother. Personally I like Eliwood because he's good after promotion but it is probably not worth your while to train him especially since it's your first time. I wouldn't recommend using both him and Lyn in any case (unless you really want Geitz); both would like that first Heaven Seal. It's definitely not worth training them JUST because they're locked into the last chapter; it's not difficult at all to stick them in Uhai's room after you kill him. Raven is really good at killing anything that doesn't use magic. Sadly magic is everywhere in CoD, the hardest map. He's still a decent choice though. Harken won't come until late but is pretty awesome as well, mostly due to his high base stats (check out that RES). He'll be your MVP on CoD with a Pure Water The Fighters are honestly not worth it (unless you want to recruit all characters in which case you might as well train Bartre). There's pretty much nothing they can do better than Raven other than that they come a few chapters earlier and have 1-2 range over him until he promotes, and as mentioned earlier, he himself is not even that good for the hardest maps. Comparing them to the character with arguably the best pure offence in the game is possibly not fair but there's only so many units you can use and even Guy is more useful because of HM boosts. If you really don't care going slow, you might as well support abuse? Kent x Sain is a good one; both will be near each other often. You can support triangle with Fiora but she might find herself going to different places due to flight. If you're going LHM Florina is definitely better than Fiora though. Priscilla will never be good at fighting, but mounted staffing is pretty useful especially on CoD. You can use Erk/Lucius but there isn't really much of a point because Pent shows up and owns, though Canas has some utility due to Luna (Pent is still better). Erk could be useful as a temporary unit for a chapter or two; that's pretty much it. Same as Guy. Honestly more than units, these two things become way more important on HHM as opposed to HNM: Restore and Pure Water. Make sure to have at least two Restore staves and several Pure Waters before CoD (get some in the Oleg chapter); they'll be a huge help.
  9. The game isn't going to start until Thursday anyways.
  10. Since there seems to be a lot more interest than I expected (even with all the IO requests...), and the game isn't going to start until the 24th anyways, if there are >15 signups, we'll just RNG who gets in, and move those that don't to the sub list.
  11. because I forgot to capitalize it so that people think it actually is SFMM4! I don't really have a problem with Open Setup games; it's just for some reason most people prefer making Closed Setup games.
  12. The game probably won't start until ~24th by the way.
  13. Welcome to Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4, or a game that's so similar you won't even know the difference! For those plebeians not aware of what this means, all the characters in the game are taken from among yourselves. Don't worry, we won't make fun of you... much. Only 15 players can play, but if there are more signups, we'll RNG who gets in. Rules/Mechanics: Living Players: 7. Elieson - Boron, Mafia Ninja Neighbourizer, Won D4 11. Shinori - Shin, Mafia Strongwilled Vanillizer, Won D4 15. Euklyd - scorri, Mafia BPV Mimic, Won D4 Dead Players: 6. Phoenix01 - Rein, Town 1x Omniguard, Lynched D1 12. Eurykins - Manix, Town Hooker, Killed N1 13. Dragonfang13 (Bearclaw) - Sho, Town Hated Doctor, Killed N1 9. Frosty Fire Mage - Camtech, Town Ascetic, Lynched D2 3. Iris/Bluedoom (Marth) - Psych, Town Fabricator, Killed N2 10. Eclipse - Prims, Town Governor, Killed N2 4. Refa - BBM, Independent BPV SK/Arsonist Hijacker, Lynched D3 14. Kopfjager (Wen) - SB, Town Librarian, Killed N3 8. DO NOT EDIT POSTS GUY (Junko) - Grassbridger, Town Voodoo, Lynched D4 1. Polydeuces - kirsche, Town Tracker, Endgamed D4 2. The One True Supreme (Darros) - Shinori, Town Delayed Follower, Endgamed D4 5. Green Poet - Elieson, Town Beloved Princess, Endgamed D4 Subs: IOs: Important Links: Day 1 Start Day 1 End Day 2 Start Day 2 End Day 3 Start Day 3 End Day 4 Start Game Over
  14. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Should SB and I put up NSFMM4 or would people like Sword of Hajya to progress a little more?
  15. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    My role turns off in *YLO, so yeah. I'll put my anonyvote on Raymond but tbh I don't really see the point? j00 also made a good point wrt Raymond calling Vhaltz suspicious and then targeting him.
  16. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    wait yeah Eclipse is Hooker right? Please tell me you hooked somebody.
  17. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    I haven't placed my anonyvote on him yet so there's only one vote there currently. But meh whatever ##Unvote I feel like there would be better roles for j00 to fake if she was scum? I also don't think that Prims would give the mafia both Insomniac AND Announcer as fakes and also I just feel Refa is town. Eclipse still has that roleblocking 1v1 thing that doesn't make sense for her to do if she's scum.
  18. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    Oh yeah I forgot that it was a 3p neighbourhood. Motivators generally act on Night X and then enable their target to act twice on Night X+1... So that feels kind of iffy but meh. Raymond could still have chosen to target one town + one mafia so that it looks believable. j00 might as well claim though, since everybody else has.
  19. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    And wait how did you and Elie get to talk again? Wasn't that also on N1?
  20. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    Do we actually have any proof that Raymond used his ability on Elie N1?
  21. BBM

    Big NOCers - Game Over

    ##Vote: Scarlet nothing has changed Also I gave Raymond a PR again because I approved of his usage of it last phase.
  22. She puts two more on her hands and runs on four feet, which still gives her 14 MOV.
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