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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    Inception Mafia: VOTALS Strege (5): Refa, kirsche, Poly, Grass, Quote Rein (1): j00 Quote (4): Strege, SB, Rein, Boron Voteless Town (1): Euklyd It takes 6 to lynch. Phase ends in 2 hours and 45 minutes. Phase ends in 10 minutes
  2. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    Inception Mafia: VOTALS Strege (5): Refa, kirsche, Poly, Grass, Quote Rein (1): j00 Quote (4): Strege, SB, Rein, Boron Voteless Town (1): Euklyd It takes 6 to lynch. Phase ends in 2 hours and 45 minutes. Phase ends in 21 minutes
  3. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    VOTALS Strege (3): Refa, kirsche, Poly Rein (3): j00, Quote, Boron Quote (4): Euklyd, Strege, SB, Rein Voteless Town (1): Grass It takes 6 to lynch. Phase ends in 2 hours and 45 minutes.
  4. Yeah, the real reason I've never gotten FE13 is because they named their FINAL VILLAIN after me, the jerks.
  5. FE1/3/11/12, hands down. Every time I play them, I feel so sad for the sheer amount of characters in the game that just don't have a personality...
  6. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    VOTALS Strege (4): Refa, Levity, kirsche, Poly Rein (1): j00 Quote (3): Euklyd, Strege, SB Grass (1): Boron Voteless Town (2): Rein, Grass It takes 6 to lynch. Phase ends in 13 hours and 38 minutes.
  7. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    Votals Kay (6): Grassbridger, Euklyd, Boron, Poly, j00, Strege Rein (2): Kay, Levity Levity (1): SB Strege (2): kirsche, Refa Poly (1): Rein Not Voting (0): Nobody And then you lynched Kay, even though there was no way someone so stabulous could be anything but mafia! Kay was Anton, Mafia Goon. It is now Night 3. You have ~24 hours to get in actions.
  8. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    Votals Kay (5): Grassbridger, Euklyd, Boron, Poly, j00 Rein (3): Strege, Kay, Levity Levity (1): SB Strege (2): kirsche, Refa Poly (1): Rein Not Voting (0): Nobody, like the only time this game that this has happened 1 hour and 45 minutes left
  9. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    damnit the one day I had the capability to sleep early ;_;
  10. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    Votals Rein (2): Strege, Kay Strege (2): kirsche, Poly j00 (1): Levity Levity (2): j00, SB Kay (1): Grassbridger Grassbridger (1): Boron Poly (1): Rein Not Voting (2): Euklyd, Refa 7 to lynch. You have a bit over 16 hours left.
  11. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    Votals Rein (2): Strege, Kay Strege (1): kirsche j00 (1): Levity Levity (2): j00, SB Kay (1): Grassbridger Grassbridger (1): Boron Not Voting (4): Euklyd, Refa, Rein, Poly 7 to lynch. You have a bit under 37.5 hours left.
  12. BBM

    Inception Mafia

    Votals Rein (1): Strege Strege (1): kirsche j00 (1): Levity Levity (1): j00 Kay (2): Grassbridger, Boron Not Voting (6): Euklyd, Kay, SB, Refa, Rein, Poly 7 to lynch. You have 55 hours and 45 minutes left.
  13. Probably won't be here for phase end. Mitsuki's conviction that she won't get lynched feels like an attempt at intimidation because I can't imagine Elie would put any super obvtown would-not-lynch roles in the game when there are also Masons. And she's at 2 votes and SB indicated earlier that he also found her suspicious, so she's definitely a viable candidate. Also, scum say that they have trouble getting reads literally all the time as an excuse. What I said was pretty null. I think it's an attempt on her part to fake more content because she really doesn't have any solid opinions on anyone other than Blitz atm.
  14. Mitsuki, is Vhaltz hydra-ing with you? Finding it difficult to get reads atm. Yeah some of what Blitz said was weird, and I said that too, but I'm not liking either of the people voting Blitz right now. It just feels like a really easy vote on both of their parts and neither really seem to be voting him for scum intent, just his weird actions towards Refa. Mitsuki's posts about Refa are also all over the place. First she votes him, then forgets about him in her next post, and then why SB asks her what happened to that read, she says she never found him that suspicious. So then what's the point of going over and giving her opinions again about Refa's initial vote? And this makes her suspicion towards Blitz for changing opinions about Refa hypocritical too. She also classifies Blitz defending Refa as "trying to stop discussion" which is painting a null action in a really bad light. And the bit about Blitz answering for Refa is bad play, yes, but what's the scum intent in it? Do you think Blitz and Refa are scumbuddies Mitsuki? idk I'm thinking like Mitsuki > Prims > kirsche atm? I just don't feel Blitz would seriously say "wow can't believe nobody finds me scummy" if he were actually scum.
  15. People don't generally claim Mason this early but I felt that in this situation, the pros outweighed the cons. Kirsche and Mitsuki are generally more active than this and Kirsche is done his exams so ??? Gotta go right now; will have more in the evening.
  16. ;_; missed that comma though I'll let Mitsuki explain. Her post is still pretty shallow though. Blitz's posts about Refa are kinda bad- they alternate between defending him and talking about his actions are scummy, which I find suspicious considering he had a little bit questioning me earlier about doing the same with Prims. He does something similar about me too, where he calls me really reckless and scummy (how is being reckless scummy?) but then says I'm town because Mason claim. At the same time I'm not sure he'd say "wow I can't believe I haven't done anything scummy yet" if he were actually scum. >_>
  17. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Mitsuki Her vote reads super-opportunistic and by far the weakest of those voting Refa. I don't like what Refa did, but "lol sheeping" with nothing more behind it or why sheeping in that particular case is bad is a weak reason for a vote. It's also worse because her vote is basically a sheep too, just not announced to be so like Refa's vote. There's also no real reason to be like "not fully convinced of this".
  18. Prims is often the lead pusher to get things going early and is the reason I try to make my RVS votes more than just a random whim, whether it's something like just trying to stack votes or trying to exaggerate my early votes a little bit to try and draw reactions. He does put considerably more effort into RVS than the average person (though maybe not in his very first post). See Drafters for an example. I really don't like Refa's vote at all; he just stated that he agreed with Prims's original points. It's probably a jokevote but there's seriously no reason for one at this point. Still bugging me that Prims actually questioned me about why I decided to blatantly crumb rather than claim no-nonsense when he spent like half of D1 once going around asking people voting his Mason partner why they were voting confirmed town, and responding to questions like "Are you Masons?" with "Why do you want to know? :):"
  19. It isn't a great meta read, but at this point my vote is about his reaction to my vote, not the original reason. Clearly I suck at crumbing Mason, because I thought that what I said was a super hard crumb, but I was planning on claiming Mason as soon as I saw my role PM, because two clears in a 9p game right off the the bat is really really strong (and so that I can be NOC TOWN LEADER #WINNING again). Also I originally thought my partner was Kay, and wasn't interested in seeing her wagoned for dumb reasons that are caused partially by her being inactive. Turns out my buddy is actually Proto, which is probably better in that sense because he gets wagoned even more often for not being very good at analyzing non-objective data. BTW masons in a 9p game probably points to an otherwise weak town/buff scum. Prims- what are your opinions on Refa?
  20. Are you seriously questioning the exact method in which I claimed Mason? Is there scum intent in blatantly crumbing it for giggles rather than saying it outright? In fact you did the exact same thing in a MotK game not that long ago, so regardless of your alignment, I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to push here. My thought process was that there's no point to scum attacking something they know they're going to have to drop like two posts later
  21. @Blitz- I think you should surf the M section in the epicmafia role list. Should be near the top of that list. I did defend Prims after accusing him, because his actions confused me somewhat. However, after thinking about it more, I think that Prims choosing me as a target is null actually. While it's true that scum wouldn't push someone who crumbed the role I did, neither would town if they picked it up. And if they didn't pick it up then they can't get towncred for going after me despite that. So OVERALL that makes him scummy because that reaction wasn't good.
  22. lol that was a terrible reaction. You could have just said "it was a jokevote", but choose to try and turn to turn it around onto me with refuge in audacity, which isn't something done by anybody on this forum except you and sometimes Paperblade, and get on my case for trying to overjustify a vote that I begin by classifying as only semi-serious, which is plenty by itself to sidestep accusations of my vote being bad. but I'm legit not sure why scum would start off their game by pushing me when it's clearly not going to go anywhere? will have to THINK MORE
  23. okay done screwing around ##Unvote, ##Vote: Prims Semi-serious now. Why did you choose Kay for an RVS vote when ~weekend makes it unlikely that your vote would have any effect for at least 24 hours (more likely 48). You generally put (a little) more thought into your RVS votes than Refa does, which is why this vote/question goes to you.
  24. Proto you nerd; when the mod doesn't state who the scumteam is in the qt you're supposed to post in it as soon as you get the link, not leave it alone and make me think my buddy is Kay until I think to check with the mods. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Kay I'm obvtown as FUCK; doc on me please.
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