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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Why would mafia want a killcop? All that'd get them is a Vig or SK.
  2. Manix confirmed SB's role, so if SB is scum so is Manix. Scorri claimed her spellcard to me. She had the power to edit the post in which she declared her spellcard, for the rest of the game. Except she couldn't edit it during night or after death.
  3. Shadoweh, fullclaim now since nobody alive knows your role anymore Strege, what do you mean? Whose spellcard do you need?
  4. shinori you are the worst I didn't even know Shadoweh's role. I was asking to be told it since I was feeling uncomfortable with defending her solely on faith, and then Shinori randomly decided to kill Proto, which closed the neighbourhood so bleh. @Strege- More correctly it's an interpolation, since the fake PM contains only a portion of their real role. I swear I mentioned this?
  5. fuck this shit first I learn that I was supposed to get vigged and then Proto gets shot Shinori, did your potion kill Proto?
  6. We don't know that BPV is all his role is though. Remember, at least one member of the mafia has a fake PM that includes a portion of their real role that they scan as. He could easily be BPV <role> instead who scans as BPV. Kirsche, if we were a cult, we'd recruit people who WERE looking pro-town, wouldn't we? And we can go for Manix tonight. Lynch Proto otherwise tomorrow.
  7. Okay, my apologies, I read something in your ISO out of context. You said the bit about third-party rolespec wrt not claiming the particulars of your spellcard right away, near the end of D4. But, no, that's not how it works. We're not mislynching someone when their role can be proven tonight just because they didn't prove it last night. That's dumb. I'm asking Xinny to claim because Shadoweh's role is known to someone else other than her, and Xinny's isn't. You don't want to lynch Shadoweh anyways, because if you really believe we're a cult, going after the leader, Proto, is more important than going after a cultist. Anyways, if we're not thinning down on inspection, I'm going to go with ##Vote: Cam. As I said earlier, I don't think he's clear by virtue of BPV claim.
  8. Also, we recruited SSG last night so that we wouldn't need to out our neighbour targets in the future. Proto can target Manix to prove he's a Neighbourizer tonight if you think he's Cult, so lynching him because you think he's the Leader is a bad idea when that can be tested. I can at least understand Boron's rationale in that she thinks that Proto might be a mafia Neighbourizer, but suspecting us of being a Cult is dumb.
  9. BTW, who believes Marth's claim that he didn't mass-jan? For him to be telling the truth, mafia would have to have the exact same spellcard, which is kind of weird. I'm most willing atm to lynch one of Marth/Kevin/Cam. Paperblade's rationale for dismissing Cam being BPV mafia was that there weren't a lot of extra kills, but there has been an extra one nearly every cycle. Alternatively he could be BPV third-party as well. I don't think he should be cleared based on that. I dropped Marth yesterday because nearly everyone else did, but I don't trust him. And Kevin being "not mafia" doesn't clear him either. He's willing to lynch Proto based on Cult-spec but then says that third-party rolespec is unnecessary and unhelpful? Xinny needs to claim. I'm willing to do so as well if people want and haven't guessed it already.
  10. Yeah, until someone in the Cult dies and then we're screwed.
  11. Oh yeah, since Marth apparently DIDN'T jan, I might as well out what I knew about Paperblade and Scorri's roles. Paperblade didn't claim fully to me; he just hinted that he was some sort of JoaT (but probably not a traditional one). Proto could probably clarify more there. Scorri was the info-giver, and since more than half of the info her role gave was about the mafia, I doubt that she was mafia either.
  12. Also, I am pretty sure we have a harmful third so I'm not taking Kirsche's "not mafia" scan as cleared by any means.
  13. Shinori, he already did. He said he didn't use the jan, and swapped Paper and Cam. Kevin, why on earth would we as a Cult claim the identities of everyone in it, as well as the identity of our Leader? That would be pretty retarded on our part. And if Marth didn't use the jan then wtf. >_> We're basically trusting Marth to be telling the truth about him not being able to use the jan and swap simultaneously. Shadoweh, Marth said that he could declare his spellcards from his PM. He's the only one who can IIRC.
  14. Anyways, sleeping now. Marth, out whether you used the mass-jan and if so why you chose not to trade like you were supposed to, SSG out Cop report, and Xinny claim whatever's left to your role.
  15. Did you miss the part where everybody in the Neighbour group is immune to alignment scans? For that to be a meaningful drawback, alignment scans have to actually exist.
  16. A quarter of the game has claimed an investigative role of some sort. blah blah blah prims game blah blah blah non-standard roles blah blah blah role madness; that's just too many. And even if you guys don't want to lynch among info roles, I'm still not up for lynching Proto. Also I think there's an ITP other than Strege because we have 3 unexplained kills over 4 cycles, which seems too many for a mafia to have. And what Proto said. I'll reveal what I know about Paperblade and Scorri's roles after Marth comes and says whether he used his mass-jan or not. If he did, he should know himself what roles they were. Boron, you know that the Neighbourizer claim implies extremely heavily that there's a Cop right? So for SSG to be scum, Proto would have to be one as well. Regardless of what you think of Proto, scumbuddies tying their claims together like that is extremely bad play.
  17. There's a difference between role madness and role imbalance. Role madness is just when every person in the game has a non-vanilla role, which happens a lot in SF. Mafia having both a GF and someone who makes people immune to Cops is imbalanced.
  18. Well, gonna sleep soon, but IMO we should lynch among info roles today. We have a Tracker, Alignment Cop, Rolecop, Kill/Hook/Redirect Cop, Info-Giver, and Ascetic Self-Voyeur. That's too much by itself, and though we don't know what the Loudmouth does, if it's anything like the Epicmafia Loudmouth (publicly reveals all visitors), that could be another info role. Boron, the info I outed on D1 says there's a GF. A GF in addition to a Neighbourizer who makes his neighbours immune to Cops is highly unlikely. I'm pretty sure Proto is town.
  19. I asked specifically because IIRC when Marth claimed the mass-jan, he said that using it caused him to relinquish the spellcard trading. But he was supposed to trade Cam's BPV spellcard to someone else, right? Assuming he told the truth about that, he couldn't have done both at the same time.
  20. >_> Marth, did you use your mass-jan?
  22. Marth, you're not understanding the role properly. This isn't info that the info-giver themselves know. It's not a message they're sending to someone. They pick someone and then they receive information about the setup from the mod.
  23. N0 (BBM): At least one member of the mafia was given a fake town role PM that contains a part of their actual role, that they scan as. N1 (BT): Not all anti-town can use their kill and perform their role action on the same night. N2: Nothing. Possibly they targeted Paperblade and their action failed. N3 (Paperblade): There is at least one kill in the game that cannot be roleblocked.
  24. why wouldn't you mention that right away instead of having people rage at you for half an hour?
  25. nobody told us to shut up and talking more at this point isn't going to make him modkill us if he wasn't otherwise
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