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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Scum!Prims only defends a buddy if they're about to be lynched (and even then, only earlygame). Shinori is under some pressure, but nothing that would really warrant Prims jumping in, since Shinori hasn't really been active enough to garner a lot of suspicion. Of course townies shouldn't overreact. But nobody plays optimally all the time, so saying that townies don't overreact is wrong. My play this game hasn't been that good, partially due to a bad start that frustrated me a lot and is still frustrating me. But bad play doesn't mean scummy play. I'll respond to the rest later since 5 am and all. SB, why did you call out Rapier for not voting Strege and then not vote him yourself?
  2. I wasn't using that as a defence against your entire case, just against the point that I as town wouldn't react to that extent. Prims, what happened to what you were saying near the end of D1 about Shinori and Strege being buddies? Personally I don't think that's likely but I want him to explain his thoughts about Prims/Strege being buddies.
  3. I want SB to clarify something here. At the time of #191, Strege hadn't been CCed by SSG. So why does Rapier's unvote irk you? If he's town (and even if he's mafia, for that matter), he couldn't have known that SSG was about to CC Strege.
  4. you're still voting tables actually
  5. Prims, you haven't "basked" in the MotK game postgame for 30 minutes. Kindly contribute please.
  6. BTW, part of my Shin case is also that in this post, he defends me by pointing out how I was an early Strege vote. Then, only eight minutes later, he turns around and attacks me by saying my Strege case was only me trying to defend myself. This is pretty contrary. Additionally, while I did compare myself to others at times last day, to the best of my recollection I never did so with Strege. I was only a small part at best of my case against Strege. And besides, if I were scum, why would I even want to divert attention onto a scumbuddy? And one that was at the time receiving far less attention than me.
  7. I'm saying that my interactions don't look like a bus and that Shin's do. My case for saying those things don't mix. At the end, yes, I conclude that my interactions look less like a bus, but that's not part of the defence. I'm not using that as a reason for why you shouldn't vote for me.
  8. goddamnit Can I not even defend myself in a straight-forward manner without it being scummy? In that last post, I wasn't defending myself by saying Shin was scummier. I defended myself and attacked Shin. I cited how Strege used me as a counterwagon and how I was a early Strege vote for why I was more likely to be town due to Strege being scum. It had nothing to do with Shin. I just put us beside each other because you're not comparing different interactions as which are more likely to be bussing and which are less. You've basically made up your mind that I'm scum and Shin is town, and are therefore using the Strege flip as it pleases you- saying that my interactions with him could be bussing and that Shin's interactions with him could be town-scum because Strege voted for him at some point without actually looking into them. I want someone to respond seriously to my Shin case.
  9. And also, your meta on me not overreacting is faulty. Refer to Trainwreck if you want examples of me overreacting as town. It was far worse than here, actually. IIRC Boron had me yelling and swearing in caps as part of her sig at one point. And if anyone brings up me using self-meta as an argument for why I am scum, that is the only way I can rebut a meta argument.
  10. Manix, you read my ISO, said "hey these don't really look like buddy interactions so I'm just going to dismiss them due to ed1 gutread". So yeah, stop saying you're reading my posts properly and not basing this on the gutread. Your play here is reminding me of Group where I was townreading you until you started tunneling me on a bad point and I started a slapfight with you. I don't want to do it again. And yeah Boron, I did, because he's not reading the thread. Boron, I made a case against him. It wasn't based simply on Shin's actions, but also Strege's. Don't dismiss it as "but Shin always looks scummy". And if that's a problem, it's his, not mine. Respond to my case if you're going to defend him.
  11. @me reacting badly to pressure- How do you expect me to react at everyone jumping on my wagon for dumb reasons? I can't even analyze the people doing it really, because they all did it for more or less the same reasons.
  12. Manix, if you're not going to read the thread, don't vote. I can't seriously defend myself against an ED1 gutread while you completely disregard interactions between me and Strege. Kay, stating townreads is scummy when that's all you do. Is that all I've done?
  13. Since when has Strege not flipped? Did you even read my post? I explained why the interactions between Shin and Strege were likely to be bussing. Strege only voted Shin after he had already been called out for not pushing his main read. I'm not just saying "bussing exists". Admitting bussing exists doesn't mean anything. You have to look at each interaction and whether it's likely or not to be bussing. Strege pushed Shin but never voted him on the pretext that Shin already had votes on him. Shin voted Strege on an activity prod and unvoted as soon as Strege posted anything at all. On the other hand, Strege pushed me as an alternative wagon to defend himself. I was one of the earliest people to vote Strege for a serious reason and made it into a wagon on him. Which interaction looks more like scumbuddy interactions? ##Unvote, ##Vote: Shin Not that pleased with Rein's gambit. All he accomplished with it is pulling out a claim. If Rein actually did it to draw reactions from people, why isn't he looking at those reactions? All he did was say "yeah there were reactions".
  14. Rein has no reason to fake a cop report after a scum lynch D1, so ##Vote: Kay Shin is probably scum for calling out Manix's vote as funny in his first post while pushing me and Strege being buddies eight minutes later. Strege pushing Shin while not ever voting him is also a point against him. Bussing IMO. I think the remaining Mason should claim tomorrow (since Kay is a pretty much guaranteed scum lynch today), because if they leave it to MYLO/LYLO to claim Mason, we'll probably get CCs and that'll be lame. Unless there are more than one of you left, in which case you can back each other up and it's all good.
  15. IMO you should make her a level 20 WL with capped stats in everything and the ability to move as many times in one turn as possible. She'll be so good that nobody else will be necessary, so everyone else will be equal in standing and the game will be balanced.
  16. It is hammer, but people know that posting is still allowed until a deathscene is posted right?
  17. Strege basically claimed scum there. Shinori's response to me asking him to give reasons behind Prims/Strege scumbuddy interactions was to refuse giving reasons, which is dumb. Shinori, please at least state the reasons before you start assuming we're going to dismiss it.
  18. Prims was the first person to vote Strege, IIRC. Why do you think that these might be scumbuddy interactions? And obviously nobody is going to agree with Prims and Strege being buddies if you don't explain the reasons behind that.
  19. For the record: 2 x Tracker needs 5xI 2 x Watcher or 2 x One shot Doctor needs 6xP 2 x Vigilante needs 5xK 2 x Roleblocker needs 4xR 2 x Jailkeeper needs 3xP+3xR
  20. I actually specifically asked Tables the odds of duplicate roles coming up. For there to be town Jailers, there would need to be 3xP rolls and 3xR rolls. Which makes it highly unlikely.
  21. The bolded rather heavily implies that I'm lacking in content, especially the part in parentheses.
  22. I'm just going to claim because I'll be gone for a while (though I should be back well before phase end). I'm vanilla.
  23. Do people want me to claim? I guess I'm the counterwagon if people want to let the Jailer claim go.
  24. Jailer could easily be a Hooker fake, so not really sure whether to believe it. I'm not trying to redirect stuff by pointing out other people who're doing what I'm doing. I'm not saying that you should vote for X because they're doing what I'm doing- I'm saying why are you only calling me out and completely ignoring X doing the exact same thing? I'm being singled out over other people for shitty reasons and it pisses me off. For one last time (and I would rather get lynched than repeat myself here again) I wasn't trying to defend Manix in particular, just saying that I thought he was probably town. If anyone's going to bring up this post, I misworded myself there because I misunderstood what Paperblade was saying. Strege, out of the things I've been accused of, I don't think that not producing content has been one of them. Elaborate on how I've gotten myself into such a hole that I'm not producing content. Shin, if "that's all" Rapier's vote was, echoing Paperblade, then that's another problem with Rapier's vote. Manix, there's a clear difference between a blank vote that is clearly supposed to be a reaction test of some sort and the type of ambiguous statement that Shinori made that didn't really mean anything. Compare that to Prims saying he didn't think you were scum and me saying I didn't think you were scum. How is the latter comparison not a more valid one to make?
  25. Rapier's voting patterns make me go ;/ He starts with voting me when a few people already are, and as people start unvoting me and voting Strege, he unvotes me and votes him as well. What makes it worse is that just before he switches to Strege, he still devotes a little portion of the post to attacking me, so his opinions of me clearly haven't really improved. So why the switch? Why is Strege worse than me? And since he still has me as scummy, he keeps himself open to switching back later. Strege- what exactly could I have said that would have made my vote switch look good, in your eyes? After unvoting, I could either still find Prims suspicious, or find him town. The former is what I did, while if I did the latter, you could call me out for a drastic change in opinion. I don't really like that point of your's because of it. I also haven't been mafia in a non-anonymous game for a pretty long time, and my play has probably evolved since then, so tbh I'm not even sure how my play differs from town to mafia at this point.
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