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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Elite is indeed better than having better growths because even if the child's growths are slightly worse, they'll be a higher level so their stats will be slightly better until both kids cap. And Arthur is not really good without Holsety or Ambush because his durability is crap, and durability in this game matters more than most because of how enemies are clustered together. Azel!Arthur gets hit by one enemy, Wrathkills them back, and then gets hit by the second and goes splat. This can be partially mitigated with a Defence Ring but all that'd do is increase the amount of people Arthur can take on by himself from 2 to 3 or 4. Whereas Lex!Arthur can just Wrathkill them because he'll never get hit after he's below health. His biggest problem is not being able to OHKO after a bit, but he can take a Magic Ring and Tron after promotion and he'll be much better than Azel!Arthur will. As for Lex's kids, most are okay with having their default weapons. Plus Hero Axe raep.
  3. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Aere We need to start moving towards two lynches, and although Scorri would be my first choice, that is clearly not happening today, so I'll go with Aere. He literally hasn't done anything all game. He was super inactive and lurky, and even though he promised a content post a couple times, he never followed up on this. He says that many of his posts have been relevant, but I can count on one hand the amount that have, and even those couldn't have been more than one or two lines. Plus, he's contradicted himself in a way I don't like at all. In post 879 he says Marth is one of his strongest town reads, and then in post 929 he says Marth is one of his final scumreads, although he gives pretty much no reasoning for this sudden flip, other than that Marth is "ignoring everything". He only had one post between these two contradictory posts, in which he did not ask any questions of Marth. In fact, in the 50 posts made in total between those two posts of Aere, nobody mentioned Marth, so it couldn't even have been that someone else said something to change his opinion of Marth. So I don't get at all why Marth went from one of his top two town reads to one of his top two scumreads.
  4. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Aere I talked about this earlier, plus I'd rather not get lynched yet.
  5. IN Is Leg Ring on lords still allowed?
  6. That is true, I had forgotten that Kay had taken leave of our kingdom. I guess that point is no longer valid. However I still don't like what she did against Helios. It's perfectly okay to reprimand him for that, but actually voting for that seems really lazy. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Kay I am not bad at bolding, bolding is bad at me.
  7. You guys are totally misunderstanding me! Thought Process: 1. Aere has been doing very little at all! That is grounds for suspicion! 2. Aere suddenly gathers 3 votes in a relatively short amount of time! That seems too fast! Although he doesn't look town, when wagons accelerate like that, there are probably sum trying to push for a mislynch! Someone there is probably scum, but I'm not sure who! 3. Paper suddenly says, "lol Aere wagon is bad"! He gives very little reasoning for this read at all, which makes me think he is simply trying to look good after Aere actually ends up being town! 4. Therefore, my thoughts are that one of the people on the Aere wagon might be scum, and that Paper might be scum! But few people are saying anything about Paper even though he's lurking really hard, so I try to look for something else! 5. Although I think Aere might actually be town, his play HASN'T been great. Plus, his flip will either solidify my thoughts about Paper and the Aere wagon, or tell me that I was wrong. So if we lynch him, the worst case scenario is that he is town, but we get associative reads! Best case scenario is that I am wrong and he is actually scum, in which case I can change my line of reasoning! Therefore, I wouldn't mind lynching Aere! Also, I don't like Haze's post at all! He gave reasons for why he thought a couple people were scummy, and then didn't vote for any of them! Instead, unless I'm mistaken, he still has his RVS vote! This is Marth, who he DID list on his list of suspicious people, but he said a lot more about me! Why is he voting for him over me if he thinks my play has been bad, annoying, and almost worthy of a policy lynch!?
  8. I see that nobody is agreeing with me about Scorri, so I'll pursue someone else now. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Kay This is reasoning mainly from Helios, but Kay didn't do anything at all D1 (less than Scorri even) and even though I've seen her reading the thread a couple times she's only made a few posts D2, where she, as Helios said, picked at a not very good reason for voting someone, and then returned to not doing anything.
  9. Well... that's just any game really. Most of the time, town is aware of one of the powerful scum roles from early on.
  10. There's still most of the Trainwreck-ing Day left? Also, Mancer, we can't just "look for the scum driver". The driver isn't going to claim. The best we can do is try to lynch scum and then hope that scum is the driver.
  11. Associative reads, Aere! Currently, my idea that Scumblade is trying to profit from defending you is just conjecture, because I can't actually know your alignment for sure! But if you flip town, that looks worse to me, and it also makes me more sure that one of the wagoners (Elie/Marth/Manix) are scum! Plus, I might be wrong in my idea that you aren't scum! Again, my gut about Paper is the only reason I'm not voting you! Currently, I think you're town not doing well, but you COULD be scum!
  12. Associative reads, Aere! Currently, my idea that Scumblade is trying to profit from defending you is just conjecture, because I can't actually know your alignment for sure! But if you flip town, that looks worse to me, and it also makes me more sure that one of the wagoners (Elie/Marth/Manix) are scum! Plus, I might be wrong in my idea that you aren't scum! Again, my gut about Paper is the only reason I'm not voting you! Currently, I think you're town not doing well, but you COULD be scum!
  13. Okay, I'm not done re-reading (I haven't started) but upon second thought I wouldn't mind an Aere lynch. I still don't really think Rapier is that scummy. I'll try to explain these thoughts more when I come home in the evening.
  14. Well, FE6 Marcus definitely isn't as good as FE7 Marcus, but I find he's more necessary, because FE6 HM is more difficult for the most part and your units are, on the whole, worse. IMO, Levin!Arthur is overrated in just about any sense- drafting has proved that Celice, Leaf, Lana, and Layleen are all more effective at cutting turns Gen 2 then he is, and if you don't really care about turns, Levin!Sety has better non-Move stats and a better skillset (although he's overrated too).
  15. Okay, everyone post their list of people they'd want to get lynched and vote for one of them! For me it's Paperblade and Aere! Aere is there because although I don't think he's scum, I think his flip will help solidify reads on the people who suddenly wagoned him, as well as Paperblade! So although I'd rather lynch Paperblade, I wouldn't mind going for Aere if other people don't think Paper is scum, so that we get a lynch!
  16. I don't think either Aere or Rapier are very scummy. I'm tired, so I'll give reasons for this tomorrow @Scorri- I've had posts about why I think you, Marth, and Cam are scummy. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, but I backed those opinions up with reasons which are all my own, not what others are saying. And also, a large reason why so many of my posts aren't scumhunting is because I was extremely annoyed and frustrated at the way I was being treated by my subjects when I first logged on after the start of the phase. I honestly gave up for a while because I didn't think there was anything I could do to prevent my death, so I tried to just focus on getting vigged instead of getting lynched, to at least make sure that the town didn't miss a day phase. Now that the heat seems to have momentarily moved away from me, I'll try tomorrow to go over everything again and make more of an effort. You, however, can't really make this excuse, and you've just been posting "TRAINWRECK" for a while.
  17. That is not what I said! What I said was that Aere hasn't actually done anything townie, but I'm thinking that he isn't scum because of your interactions with him!
  18. I still think Scorri should be one of our two lynches. She did nothing at all D1 except post reads with no reasoning behind them, and then hasn't done anything of note D2 after one post near the beginning of the phase that consisted of mostly borrowed reasoning anyways.
  19. Is this seriously all you have to say? Also, everyone knows Psych's role, since I claimed my full role...?
  20. Elieson, can you explain this post?
  21. Firstly, I am sorry for my lack of activity. Not only has my schoolwork ramped up a bit, I had a slight family emergency and then I felt that I had to devote my attention to Trainwreck before this (Sorry Clipsey ) Ehhhh I still don't see anything that Aere has done at all, but that wagon went way too fast for my liking! A bunch of people voted him since my original vote for him, all with one-line reasoning too! Yes, I understand that not much has happened yet, and that it's difficult to have a very in-depth post attacking someone, but I think there could still be more of an effort! However, I'm feeling odd about Paper! He's been strangely apathetic and his posts have been very short and not that good! It's not at all what I normally expect from him! I feel like he's active lurking pretty hard, and his latest Aere defence is reminding me of Class Scum Move # 17: Defend a townie to look good! ##Unvote, ##Vote: Paperblade Also, one might wonder why I didn't vote for any of the wagoners! It's because I'm not sure which of them is the worst (although one is probably scum)! So for now while I look over other stuff they've done, I'm voting for Paperblade, who I think might also be scum!
  22. Prims cleared this, so I am the Town Hated Macho Miller Insomniac Eagle Eye Question Asker Beloved Princess. Be afraid, subjects!
  23. Doesn't everyone have a role name? My original role did, and so did Snike's.
  24. @Manix- No, it didn't. It was a permanent swap, though, meaning that whomever I targeted would then become the Role Swapper. My original intention was to target Shinori with it, in case our Vig didn't kill him, so that we could be sure that he wouldn't vengekill someone again if we had to lynch him. That was, btw, the real reason behind my slip yesterday where I said that we could lynch Shinori today if he didn't do what we wanted him to do when we lynched him. I was thinking in my head that I'd target him if he lied, and part of that accidentally got slipped when I typed.
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