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Everything posted by BBM

  1. ##Vote: Helios Formatting fail!
  2. ##Vote: Helios You! You are the reason I can't do my standard Scorri RVS vote!
  3. @Elie- I'm not voting you because of meta. If you notice, I said that you're not playing like your town OR scum self. You're just playing really passive-aggressively, which I normally find scummy in anyone. It's something in the tone of your posts that seems really snippy. @Psych- read what I just said to ELie. In Nostalgia your play was slightly more aggressive than it normally is, but you were still playing in a townie way. Elie is not, IMO. @Cam- Please explain what exactly is bad with my idea, especially as most of the town is in fact going to lynch Shinori today- the current discussion is to see who we find scummiest, and therefore who Shinori should shoot as he gets lynched. And Elie, why exactly is Mancer newbscum and not newbtown? Remember SB in his first game, SFM? He just blundered in and voted for the town leader, Shinori. That's no different from you voting for Prims in SFMM2. What both of you did was you guys being inexperienced, and not any indication of alignment.
  4. Also, did Paper have both a BPV and a dayvig shot?
  5. >_> gg Paper/Helios Mancer, don't fake claims like that for no reason. If there are counterclaims, they are the LEAST likely people for the mafia to shoot, because they know that they are the most likely to get lynched. And I'm sorry guys, I've been really busy the last few days, or I would've done better. :(
  6. Except we can't take it for granted that you are town. Even if you are town, how can we know that? Look at it from our point of view, please. We have no reason to believe you over Paper.
  7. Paper, what character are you? And Helios, fullclaim pl0x.
  8. @Marth- just because Mancer doesn't flip Hooker doesn't mean that there ISN'T a Hooker. That's stupid. Also, ##Vote: MancerNecro
  9. The mafia doesn't have a role that allows them to do the killing- their kill is a factional ability that any one of the surviving mafia members can use each night.
  10. Mancer, did you Safeguard Marth? Also, since it isn't MYLO, we should lynch one of our two Safeguard claims today, I'm thinking.
  11. I tracked you, but I received no results. But the town hooker is dead and nobody claimed that they were hooked N1, so I'm guessing there's no regular scum Hooker. That's why I asked if other people got hooked as well, to see if there was a mass-hook. Or did you Safeguard yourself?
  12. Elie is giving me a bad vibe. Like, he's not playing like his usual town OR mafia self, but his posts are striking me as too passive-aggressive.
  13. The MYLO last phase was probably because of the possibility of the SK and Vig both hitting town, or something. It's probably something like 5/2 now? Also, did someone have a game-wide mass hook or something? Asking this because nobody died despite the Doctor and Hooker both being dead, and because I received something that looked like hook flavour last night.
  14. Although we should probably lynch Shinori, that doesn't mean we should lynch him right now. Also, I want some opinions from you, Shin. You had an opportunity to say something in your last post and you didn't.
  15. I think we should lynch Shinori today. Either we have a basically confirmed townie (lololol unlynchable vengeful scum), and he can shoot who the town actually thinks is scummiest, or we lynch a jester or whatever, in which case it's really no worse than a mislynch, and it also prevents him from jointing with mafia at MYLO/LYLO.
  16. @Rapier- Like I said, I was sheeping Shinori, meaning I agreed with his (and, for that matter, Bizz's) reason for voting Marth. I phrased it in such a short manner because I was running late for one of my classes. To expound, he's made a lot more jokeposts than he normally does, and even though there's stuff he could be talking about, he's not talking about any of them. He didn't say anything about Shinori's various actions until Shinori started prodding him, and even when he did, he just spoke about how nothing yet had mattered at all.
  17. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Marth Going to sheep Shinori here. I'm getting a scumvibe from Marth.
  18. Except if he indeed is town, then he CAN be sure that you're scum.
  19. Okay, I swear I will submit this on the weekend. I swear.
  20. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Boron I feel you're being too passive and not saying anything.
  21. ##Vote: Scorri also i don't see a role that says we can only speak in english
  22. I can speak English, French, Hindi, Marathi, and Pig Latin. get on my level
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