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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Les trois, parce que tu peut parler en francais, en espagnol, et en anglais.
  2. Je ne peux pas parler l'espagnol, alors pouvez-vous parler en anglais ou en francais? Confirming.
  3. @Marth- I never stated that Mancer was scum either, I just stated that his actions had been too null to declare him as newbtown rather than just newb. I also don't see much of a difference between my reasons for thinking Aere is scummy and your's, but w/e. Also, you're calling me out on stuff scum do, but it's not stuff that only scum do, or even stuff that only scum do most of the time. Town are perfectly capable and within their rights by saying that two people look to be in-fighting. Also, that's two counterclaims now- I'm starting to think there might very well be duplicate roles in this game, which makes me hesitant to vote any of the people who've been counterclaimed. I'd vote Marth otherwise. My role is Brianna, Town Tracker. N0, I targeted Paper (random target) and he visited nobody, which fits into his BPV claim, I guess. N1 I targeted Prims, because of the D1 shenanigans, and he also visited nobody. Next, Scorri hasn't really done anything this phase except counter-claim Cam. Finally, it's my mistake for saying that there were 4 kills. Before that statement, I don't think Scorri had said that she shot Paper N1 (or at least I didn't see it), so I assumed that she idled and a fourth killer shot Paper.
  4. This post is objectively terrible. Mancer hasn't said anything at all except for blundering around ED1- the only way you can get newbtown instead of just newb is if you think that newbscum don't blunder about just because they have scumbuddies to advise them, which is not really a great reason to think someone is newbtown. Second, if Aere always has bad logic, that doesn't mean I'm never allowed to vote for him, or he'd never get lynched when he actually does roll scum. Also, you do know that in SFM I was purposely trying to make you look bad by buddying up with you, right? Also, what exactly is a safevote? And then the last line, as Bizz has already pointed out, is just stupid.
  5. It's not that you weren't voting, it's that you weren't doing anything at all. Also, when you don't vote for someone, it allows you to step away from a mislynch much easier.
  6. I'm getting town vibes from both Helios and Bizz right now- both their posts feel sincere. I think they're town infighting. Aere, on the other hand, is not doing anything other than saying that because there was a scum neighbour in that one game he is automatically suspicious of Bizz. And he's not backing that up with a vote either, and unlike Darros has no real reason to be wary. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Aere
  7. Yeah, Bizz, you said that you were just about to vote Helios, implying that your negative feelings towards Helios began before he began to target you. Yet you're not giving any reasoning for why you think Helios is scum outside of the post made defending against his post against you. ##Vote: Bizz
  8. Okay, we can't really afford to nolynch after that D1 blitzlynch that told us basically nothing, especially since the main parties involved are now dead. So if a mislynch will automatically result in a town loss, I'd advocate everyone claim their role and actions. I am perfectly willing to go first. Current Roleclaims: Cam- Vig Scorri- Vig Darros- Mayor Bizz- Neighbour/Mason Paper- BPV Also, I'm inclined to agree with Paper- we have 4 claimed/known kills (mafia NK, Cam, Scorri, Paper's shooter(SK?)), so a scum Mayor in that set-up would be fairly dodgy. Additionally, Kay is a somewhat odd target for a N1 mafia kill, since because D1 didn't really give the mafia any good targets (as in claimed power roles or obvtownies), it was essentially a randkill. Two things make this better. The first is that it was Kay who was killed by the possible SK, while the mafia actually tried to kill Paper and hit his BPV. The second, and this is sort of slightly out there, is that Bizz is scum neighbour and they shot Kay so that Bizz could claim Neighbour for an easy ride. Other than that, Cam's logic looks bad but I can't see scum!Cam claiming Vig like that- doesn't make sense to me. Plus it makes more sense for Scorri and Cam to just duke it out at night anyways. Nothing else is really standing out to me yet.
  9. Hello Darros. Give me a few minutes to gather my thoughts.
  10. Mancer, you know that a bunch of other people also voted for Elieson, right? He's at like L-2 or L-1 now, not L-6. Also, Elie, what? If someone says that they're not joking about a cop scan and then other people vote for someone who came up scum, that's not called sheeping, that's called "lynch the person who scanned guilty".
  11. So yeah, I'll leave my vote where it is until Elie can get in here.
  12. So yeah, I'll leave my vote off until Elie gets in here.
  13. ##Vote: Scorri ugh bolding
  14. Don't think Prims is being serious. ##Vote: Scorri
  15. He can have one, but it will be the generic support all children get with their variable parent. So all of Selena's parent-child supports with someone other than Tiamo will be the same, except for one or two lines difference here and there. So look at Selena's father-daughter support with someone else, and you'll get the gist of it.
  16. BBM

    Gym Leader Tower

  17. shinori had to be a non-killing, investigative role no vig unfortunately
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