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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Any reason for that?
  2. Right you have Lionel what that's so unfair.
  3. This is my vote, so Cloyster gets a 6.30
  4. I didn't switch back to Manix because while I was aware that there needed to be a hammer to lynch Manix, I didn't want to do it with 12 hours left in the phase. Then I left for a few hours, and when I came back, Manix had been hammered already. And I was arguing against SB because just arguing against Manix for the whole phase when he was pretty obvscum and was going to get lynch anyways seemed dumb to me, when I could simultaneously argue against SB and possibly help find another scum, to lynch the next day. That SB wagon was awfully fast btw, and even if SB is scum like I think he is, Marth's vote at the end seemed like an attempt to be one of the early members on the wagon after SB's lynch and flip. ##Vote: Marth
  5. I think the fact that getting Narron before Map 11 caused to have my 5th encounter before Map 12 when Dio didn't have his 5th encounter until after Map 19 is enough reason to let Holmes!Narron be draftable, even if he's still awesomesauce as soon as he promotes.
  6. PKL (482) CR-S01 (444) Nano (393) Quintessence (390) Vicious Sal (104)
  7. Map Encounter 4: 2/111 Map Encounter 5: 3/114 I swear you're not supposed to run into this many encounters. Map 12: 3/117 Narroooooooooooooon is amazing. He literally ORKOs or OHKOs everything and procs Mighty Shield quite often. Map 13: 2/119 Narron chaaaaaarge. Also sent Shigen and Ezekiel to pick up the Thunder Sword.
  8. BBM

    FE7 RR #3

    Your Athos has more speed than mine and is 5 levels lower. >_> But hahaha that MAG
  9. And in my first run that I had to restart, Garo got 0 SKL in 10 levels. He was still good. And not only was Garo not even in play in Map 9 because he went to Holmes, I took 11 turns instead of 5 to recruit Narcus. I'm well aware that it can be done quicker, but doing so makes you miss Narcus, Bud, Rishel, and Meriah's Aura Rain. I'm pretty sure most of our other tier lists assume 100% recruitment, meaning we're not 5-turning Map 9. And if we're assuming 100% recruitment, there are also several other chapters that you can take slower because you have to wait around. Map 7, where Roger comes on Turn 10, Map 10 where you have to wait until Turn 9 so that you can get Mintz, etc. It's +1/2 MOV, not +2/3. And if the MOV is why Barts is above Samson, he shouldn't be anymore, because he doesn't have more MOV than Samson. This is true enough.
  10. BBM

    FE7 RR #3

    Lucina your addition is faulty there. 16 + 7 is 23, and then 23 + 5 is 28. So your TC at the end of C20 is actually 74. Chapter 14: 5/30 Jaffar charges, Karel kills the Soldiers, while Athos goes down so he can get the Pirates and Cavalier. Chapter 15: 7/37 Defend. Chapter 16: 5/42 Jaffar carried Athos over, using Ninian for a boost. Karel went south initially to kill the Mercs, Thief, and a PK, and then went back up to kill the PKs harassing Ninian. Then he crossed the mountain with Ninian's help to aggro the Cavaliers away from Athos, who'd been dropped. Also fed some kills to Rath and Heath. Chapter 17: 8/50 2 mounts and Jaffar allowed me to shave an extra turn here by carrying both Athos and Ninian forward. Chapter 17x: 2/52 Heath and Ninian dropped Hawkeye on the forest, and then everyone followed them. Then Hawkeye weakened a bunch of stuff on EP and the people behind cleared the way for Heath to be danced to talk to Fargus on Turn 2. Chapter 18: 2/54 Heath and Ninian drop Jaffar by the boss on Turn 1, and then he kills him on Turn 2. All my units except Heath are turning out screwed. Athos has 7 speed at level 14, Karel has 9 STR at level 13, and Rath's gotten 4 stat-ups in 3 levels. FML Chapter 19: 3/57 Heath dropped Jaffar near Uhai on Turn 2 with Ninian's help, and then Jaffar ORKOed him.
  11. Actually, Wen's team might be better. Eclipse has more fliers, but he has better warpers.
  12. aaaaand the reveal! 2. Is prepromoted. (Geitz/Wallace) 3. Can use more than one type of weapon. (Pent) 4. Has, or can have, a mount. (Isadora) 5. Can attack at 1-2 range only after promotion. (Rath) 6. At base, has no non-HP stats over 10. (Sain) 7. Has a Fire affinity. (Dart) 8. At base, has C for their weapon rank(s). (Dorcas) 9. Can only use one type of weapon at base. (Bartre/Karla) 10. At base, has A for all weapon rank(s). (Renault) 11. Starts off as an enemy. (Guy) 12. Can use staves at base. (Serra) 13. Does not have a mount. (Lucius) 14. Comes at level 5. (Kent) 15. Has an HP base lower than 20. (Matthew) 16. Loses AS from one or more of their starting weapon(s). (Raven) 17. Has no base support points with anyone. (Heath) 18. Is a Lyn Mode unit. (Lyn) 19. Their class has different male and female caps. (Rebecca) 20. First appears as an NPC. (Fiora) 21. At base, is ORKOd by the boss of their joining chapter in HNM (Erk) 22. At least one of their promotion gains is 0. (Canas) 23. Gains a weapon upon promotion. (Oswin) 24. At base, cannot damage the boss of their joining chapter in HNM. (Priscilla) 25. Has no paired endings. (Karel) 26. Can use Brave weaponry at base. (Jaffar) 27. On average, does not cap any stats at 20/20. (Lowen) 28. Has no growth rates higher than 70%. (Louise) 29. Has no growth rates below 25%. (Eliwood) 30. On average, caps their SPD by 20/20 (Florina) 31. Has access to a command that is not shared by all classes. (Legault) 32. Cannot support with anyone of the same affinity as themselves. (Hawkeye) 33. Starts with a Killer weapon. (Farina) 34. Can be recruited by multiple people. (Harken) 35. Can fly. (Vaida) 36. At 20/20, has the highest average STR/MAG of any playable character of their class. (Nino) 1. Camtech- Raven, Renault, Serra, Sain, Dorcas, Geitz/Wallace, Hawkeye 2. Nuxl- Nino, Oswin, Rath, Bartre/Karla, Legault, Harken, Rebecca 3. Eclipse- Vaida, Lyn, Eliwood, Farina, Kent, Heath, Erk 4. Kopfjager- Isadora, Guy, Lucius, Fiora, Jaffar, Pent, Lowen 5. Second Pronoun- Florina, Louise, Matthew, Canas, Priscilla, Dart, Karel Eclipse wins.
  13. Self-voting is never a townie thing to do Manix and you know it. Even if the next twelve hours end up at your lynch anyway, that's 12 hours of discussion you're trying to get us to skip by trying to get yourself hammered.
  14. BBM

    FE7 RR #3

    Chapter 11: 7/7 Chapter 12: 4/11 ALMOST 3-turned it due to a Drakeflame crit on the boss. If Athos had gained even one point of speed at any point, he could've ORKOed the last Peg Knight, but nooooo. Chapter 13: 7/18 Not enough people to clear the snags in Jaffar's way for a 6 turn, sadly. Chapter 13x: 7/25 Athos has gained one point of SPD in 8 levels and Karel has gained no STR in 4 levels. FML. If Athos keeps up this level of screwage, he is not going to be as helpful as he was last time. >_>
  15. There's almost always a Miller/Godfather (often both), or sometimes a Tailor, to limit the power of the Cop. The Cop is always a powerful role.
  16. >_> Town Deputy. I'm not sure whether to believe that or not because Deputy Cop can be faked pretty easily by the mafia since they know everybody's alignment anyway. And I also have to question Manix's scan of Paper. He prodded Prims like 4 hours into D2 saying he needed to exist, which implies that he found Prims suspicious even on D1. So why scan Paper and not Prims, who was his strongest scumread? I'll keep my vote off for the moment, but ehhh I don't know.
  17. BBM

    FE7 RR #3

    And drafting is done!
  18. Oh, so you were talking about Shinori, not Manix. Well, that changes things I guess. Shinori wasn't really in danger of getting lynched, so my theory about those two posts doesn't really work.
  19. Same old RR, but with a few changes. We've decided to see if Vaida really should be banned, and if Jaffar is broken enough that he needs to be banned after a point. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Athos, Jaffar, Merlinus, Ninian, and Hector are free for all to use. 3. Karel and Eliwood (replace Bartre/Karla) are drafted as a pair. 4. Priscilla and Erk (replace Wallace/Geitz) are drafted as a pair. 5. The game will be played Hector/Athos Normal Mode Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Renault is free for Chapter 11. 2. Louise is free for Chapter 12. 3. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 4. Hawkeye, Isadora, Heath, and Rath are free for Chapter 16. 5. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. Units Left: Guy BBM: Heath, Karel/Eliwood, Rath, Erk/Priscilla, Hawkeye, Dorcas, Wil Refa: Farina, Isadora, Karla, Renault, Florina, Lowen, Wallace Lucina: Vaida, Harken, Canas, Geitz, Kent, Legault, Bartre Jedi: Fiora, Louise, Lucius, Serra, Lyn, Marcus, Matthew Kopfjager: Nino, Pent, Sain, Dart, Raven, Oswin, Rebecca
  20. I think you missed a map somewhere, because LM has 10 chapters, not 9.
  21. Okay, going off my recent draft experiences, Garo could stand to go up quite a bit. Yeah, his move sucks. And yeah, this tier list doesn't assume the limited deployment characteristic of drafts. But his combat is really good, with both high STR and high AGI. His SKL is shitty, but he has a great support with Julia that can help patch it up, and he learns some good skills later on. Now take Barts. ALL Barts has going for himself over Garo is a couple points of SKL that are more than made up for by the Julia support, and +1/2 MOV. Meanwhile Garo has better base stats for the most part, and learns some good skills later on. And even with 4 movement Garo can help out a lot. Yet this difference constitutes a 3 tier gap between the two? And Thomas. Sure there are some broken Bows in this game, but his STR is atrocious and his MOV is even worse than Garo's. And however broken the bows might be, there still isn't a single one with 1-2 range.
  22. I said that because it was a thought that I had that I wasn't very sure about, and wanted to ask the opinions of others on it. You're right about that part anyways.
  23. Do these posts remind anyone of SSBUM where SB initially claimed Tracker and then switched to Watcher, citing a mix-up in roles? This goes against the idea of scum!Manix, but it feels like his scumbuddies told him to look on Manix's side after town!Manix flipped.
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