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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Yeah, 35 and 4 were designed as the "safe" picks. None of the characters that fit the description are unusable.
  2. Map 9: 12/73 asdafs screw you Narcus.
  3. I think this proves that Raffin does not need to be banned/free. Dio is actually ahead of where I was after Map 4.
  4. Okay, first off, Paperblade messaged me with some questions about the hints because he wanted to figure the characters out (but he didn't want to actually play, the jerk), so here are the answers, to help everyone out in their guesses: 3. Do staves count as weapons?- Yes 6. Does this include Con?- Yes 6. Is this inclusive? ie can a stat = 10- No 8. Does Lyn Mode count (this is only relevant to Rath)?- No 9. Do staves count as weapons?- Yes 11. Does this include units that show up as enemies in a map before they're recruited (such as Dart), in cutscenes (such as Jaffar)?- Yes 11. Does Lyn Mode count?- No 13. Does this mean "cannot ever have a mount?"- Yes 15. Does Lyn Mode count?- No 16. Does Lyn Mode count?- No 19. Does this include classes that have no playable female counterpart but includes data for the female class (such as Nomad Trooper, - Yes 20. Do units that show up as NPCs before they're playable count (ie Eliwood)?- Yes 20. Does Lyn Mode count?- No 22. Does this count prepromos?- No 31. Does this include commands that aren't available in Hector Mode (ie Lyn and Eliwood can Seize in their respective modes)?- No 31. Does this factor in that Cleric/Troubadour cannot use Attack?- No 34. Is this limited to just Hector Mode recruitments?- Yes 34. Does this include people who are recruited via village?- Yes 36. Does this include HHM boosts (yes, this matters for Guy vs. Karel)?- No 36. Do ties count?- No (the winner should be clearly ahead) The most important things are that Staves count as weapons, LM does not count for factoring in base stats, and HNM only is assumed. And the Drafting Order is.... 1. Camtech 2. Nuxl 3. Eclipse 4. Kopfjager 5. Second Pronoun Drafting can now begin! Also, for my amusement, I'd like everybody to say who they think they're picking when they pick someone. So for example, if someone picked 2, they might think it was Sain, and they'd say that. Also, you guys can send your picking lists to me if you won't be here, since I'm impartial.
  6. So, this draft is partially inspired by CR-S01's FE8 Round-Robin draft, in that players do not know the identity of the unit they pick, and must choose based off character descriptions that are provided. However, there are some differences. First off, this if FE7, not FE8. Secondly, the Round-Robin element has been removed. And finally, the character descriptions are much more gameplay related. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Hector, Marcus, Wil, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Bartre and Karla will be described and drafted as one unit. 4. Geitz and Wallace will be described and drafted as one unit. 5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 16. 6. The game will be played on Hector Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 6. Undrafted units will be banned. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 2. Lyn, Kent, and Sain are free for Chapter 16. 2. Is prepromoted. (Geitz/Wallace) 3. Can use more than one type of weapon. (Pent) 4. Has, or can have, a mount. (Isadora) 5. Can attack at 1-2 range only after promotion. (Rath) 6. At base, has no non-HP stats over 10. (Sain) 7. Has a Fire affinity. (Dart) 8. At base, has C for their weapon rank(s). (Dorcas) 9. Can only use one type of weapon at base. (Bartre/Karla) 10. At base, has A for all weapon rank(s). (Renault) 11. Starts off as an enemy. (Guy) 12. Can use staves at base. (Serra) 13. Does not have a mount. (Lucius) 14. Comes at level 5. (Kent) 15. Has an HP base lower than 20. (Matthew) 16. Loses AS from one or more of their starting weapon(s). (Raven) 17. Has no base support points with anyone. (Heath) 18. Is a Lyn Mode unit. (Lyn) 19. Their class has different male and female caps. (Rebecca) 20. First appears as an NPC. (Fiora) 21. At base, is ORKOd by the boss of their joining chapter in HNM (Erk) 22. At least one of their promotion gains is 0. (Canas) 23. Gains a weapon upon promotion. (Oswin) 24. At base, cannot damage the boss of their joining chapter in HNM. (Priscilla) 25. Has no paired endings. (Karel) 26. Can use Brave weaponry at base. (Jaffar) 27. On average, does not cap any stats at 20/20. (Lowen) 28. Has no growth rates higher than 70%. (Louise) 29. Has no growth rates below 25%. (Eliwood) 30. On average, caps their SPD by 20/20 (Florina) 31. Has access to a command that is not shared by all classes. (Legault) 32. Cannot support with anyone of the same affinity as themselves. (Hawkeye) 33. Starts with a Killer weapon. (Farina) 34. Can be recruited by multiple people. (Harken) 35. Can fly. (Vaida) 36. At 20/20, has the highest average STR/MAG of any playable character of their class. (Nino) 1. Camtech- Raven, Renault, Serra, Sain, Dorcas, Geitz/Wallace, Hawkeye 2. Nuxl- Nino, Oswin, Rath, Bartre/Karla, Legault, Harken, Rebecca 3. Eclipse- Vaida, Lyn, Eliwood, Farina, Kent, Heath, Erk 4. Kopfjager- Isadora, Guy, Lucius, Fiora, Jaffar, Pent, Lowen 5. Second Pronoun- Florina, Louise, Matthew, Canas, Priscilla, Dart, Karel
  7. A question- must Narcus be recruited in Map 9 to recruit Bud later on, or does Narcus just have to survive?
  8. Map 8: 10/61 Why is Runan so slow Why is Zeek so good Why does Raffin kill everything even though he's kinda screwed
  9. Another thing that I really like about TRS compared to other games I've played is that the secondary characters don't just disappear from the script after their recruitment chapter. Many of them have conversations with each other after every chapter.
  10. Map 7: 6/51 Runan full-moves towards the throne every turn, while Raffin and Zeek clear the way (Raffin from the top, Zeek from the bottom). Enteh gets the Armorslayer, Plum gets the Bridge Key, and then Garo and Ezekiel kill the Generals that Raffin and Runan ran right by near the Gate. I also recruit Thomas for the hell of it. I don't bother waiting around for Roger.
  11. BBM

    dont post here

    We'll seeeeee. I might be able to play a game at like Christmas or something, lol. It's just that my program is supposed to be pretty demanding and I want to give it my all. I'd be able to come on for only like an hour every day and I'm not really a good enough player that I can contribute to my team with that little time. I mean, it's my first year, so I'm just going off hearsay. If, a couple weeks in, I find that I have more free time than I thought I would, I'll consider playing.
  12. BBM

    dont post here

    Also, I won't be playing mafia once September comes. I'll still follow games, but I don't want to half-ass any games, and university comes first. So Theatre is sort of my swan song...
  13. Grovyle still da best Also, Refa, you know Vital Throw has negative priority, right? You basically wasted those X Speeds.
  14. Map 6: 6/45 Why does the boss have so much defense, ughhhh. Anyways, had Runan, Zeek, and Enteh go down the bridge, while Raffin and Garo took the left, and Ezekiel and Plum took the right. Garo cleared Raffin's path as much as he could to allow him to get to the boss as soon as possible. Raffin was attacked by him on Turn 4 EP, and then didn't attack on Turn 5 PP because he would've died. The Boss's AI is weird and he just moved forward instead of attacking Raffin or Garo Turn 5 PP (maybe trying to get to the healer?). Then Turn 6, Garo and Runan both attacked the boss to allow Raffin to finish him off. Meanwhile Ezekiel and Plum tried not to die in the right side. Ezekiel has good DEF, but his hit is so shoddy that he has to fight more to kill things.
  15. Map 5: 4/39 Why is Raffin my best unit even indoors? Goddamn. OHKOd the boss with a Needle Spear crit. Also, Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
  17. If 3/4 people say that they want to include them, I'll change it back.
  18. Well, you have more swordies than I do, so the 50-kill Iron Sword is much more helpful for you than me. I didn't really care about it. In Map 3 I visited everything except the LUK up which I didn't care about with just Runan and Ezekiel though.
  19. I was under the impression that undrafted characters could visit houses, so I had Arkis and Kreiss pick up the items instead of Garo, and had him go straight down over the water. But I haven't used the Herb yet at all, and had I set it up that way, Runan could have gotten the Seafarer, Charm, and Shield villages by himself and still been beside the bridge when it opened. I can restart if you want me to, but I'm quite sure that a 7-turn with 3/5 villages is possible with only Runan and Garo.
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