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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Another reason why they should have included Krom x Tiamo.
  2. The stuff in the shop stays there- you can wait until you have more money in future chapters.
  3. I'm in, since the other one ended up fizzing after we realized we'd forgotten somebody...
  4. >_> I went MIA for a day, and came back to see that town had won. GJ guys... Wasn't expecting scum!Prims at all. Also ugh I wasn't expecting the game to end this early so I've only submitted like half my reads...
  5. SFM is a bad example of scum!Blitz (even if it's the only time he was scum) because it was an OC game. So I don't think that's a good point against him. However, I will agree that Blitz looks odd. He called out Rapier a lot in C2 and C3 but never voted for him. Looks like distancing, but he didn't actually vote for Rapier on the chance that I was lynched instead. ##Vote: Blitz
  6. Fuckkk I totally forgot Boron was the Vig. ##unvote Ugh I'm an idiot. For some reason I kept thinking it was Manix who claimed...
  7. So I've beaten Maylene and am fighting all the trainers around Pastoria. I caught a Gible in Wayward Cave that is currently in Daycare and got ANOTHER BUIZEL. Also everyone evolved. Team: Level 36 Infernape (CrazyBBM) Level 35 Staraptor (Boron) Level 35 Roselia (CR-S01) Level 26 Floatzel (Refa)
  8. Don't worry Bizz, even I didn't know what I was doing half the time. I'm sorry that I came off as so difficult... I've really got to work on my earlygame play. I'm always sort of lost early on, and being in 3 games and being sick on top of that only exacerbated the problem. I had so few reads that I just sort of bounced all over the place... I'm pretty sure I suspected nearly everybody to be mafia at one point or another. It made me paranoid and I kept thinking that scum were trying to influence my actions, and it made me really stubborn when I fixed onto something. Also, I think part of my difficulties in this game came from me trying to read too much from the set-up, which was pretty difficult to guess until after Iris's role had been revealed.
  9. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Boron I feel like you've active lurked for the past couple cycles, and after C1, once people stopped really looking at you, you haven't done very much. A lot of your posts have felt sort of waffly, and you've sheeped a lot too. And you've said some weird stuff here and there, like Helios, except you didn't have very townie play early in the game like the person he subbed in for did.
  10. Yeah, I do have the feeling that Rapier is/was a SK who could idle (that or Kaoz/Elieson blocked him/scum like a boss). The reason I think he must have had some form of killing (whether as a SK or as a second mafia kill) is because Vig is a pretty questionable fakeclaim otherwise. Also, Manix, since you seem to be under the opinion that Rapier and I were scumbuddies, I started the wagon on Rapier C3, before almost anyone had said much negative about him. If I was scum distancing myself from him, I could also have unvoted him after he claimed Vig, as other people did, but I didn't. ##Vote: Shinori I don't know, he's seemed too eager to jump to my defence, and his logic when doing so has been questionable at times. I feel like he saw that there was a good chance that I'd be lynched C4, and wanted to gain town cred by having defended me prior to my flip.
  11. Looks like we have two vig claims... My vote is on Rapier and so that is where it will stay.
  12. Another reason why I don't like Rapier's claim- he felt "it was too much of a risk to shoot C1/2/3". I can understand not shooting C1 because your action has to be in in the first 48 hours and you might not have developed a solid scumread on anyone yet. But what about C2/3? The best thing about the Vig is not just that he can kill scum- it's also that he can eliminate scummy-looking townies who might otherwise take up the whole Day phase with a mislynch (similar to what is happening with me right now). The town's focused half of their attention on me, whereas if you had decided to shoot me last cycle, they could possible have looked at a possible scum instead. IMO, as a Vig, especially early on when a wrong shot doesn't mean loss for the town, you should shoot as much as possible.
  13. BTW, what happened with Bizz's lynch stop? Why did it get canceled?
  14. Hmm, my mistake, I forgot that you unvoted so that nobody could hammer Rapier. Still, Aere's done like nothing and it feels like people have just sort of forgot about him. If I get lynched today, IMO look at Rapier and Aere next cycle. I also have mixed feelings on Helios. Bizz looked pretty townie, but he's said some odd stuff and has kinda lurked (although subbing in couldn't have been easy, so ehh).
  15. Most hated: FE4: C10, Alvis is a bitch FE6: FoW desert... FE7: 19x, because I'm a completionist and the fact that Kishuna is so very hard to kill is extremely annoying. FE8: 18, because I just really dislike the map design here FE9: Final, for the same reason as C18 FE8- also the game gives you bad advice for tackling this chapter because you're expected to have Aether on Ike and that makes killing Ashnard horribly annoying. FE10: 2-E, because you get a bunch of shitty units and two competent fighters, who have an increasingly higher chance of dying the more time you take. It kinda pigeonholes you into a certain style of completing it- rushing with Elincia/Haar, which is annoying. Most liked: FE4: C8 because you get SETY and SETY is cool. FE6: C24 (the one with Jahn?) because I like the design. FE7: CoD because it's challenging and has a really strategic method of completion that's fun. Also BBD is fun. FE8: C19 is fun. FE9: None really stand out to me, eh. Maybe the chapter where you have to rescue Geoffrey? FE10: 2-P is fun because of all the clouds.
  16. And whoever gets lynched at the end, Aere/Helios/Shinori, you guys better be voting, or the town should go after you guys next cycle. Aere especially has done almost nothing this entire cycle.
  17. Like I said, the mafia might have been weak but the 3rd party was so strong that the game was still in their favour as long as Iris was in the game.
  18. I'm not claiming because I think the mafia have enough claims already, and I don't want my claim to force another townie to give up their role as well. I will say that I have no way of proving my role though, so it's unlikely that I will be spared on its basis. Also, unfortunately, I learnt last minute that I have to go out this night, so I won't be here for phase end. I'll be here for another hour or so, though. For now my vote is staying on Rapier, because I think it's more likely that we don't have a Vig. This is C3, and even though none of the people Rapier found scummy (except Core) have been lynched, he hasn't shot a single person yet. Nor did he claim any sort of restriction to his killing abilities. We don't even know if Rapier has submitted a killing action this cycle. If he hasn't, we'll have to let him off for next cycle as well just so that he can prove his role.
  19. In a bit less than 8 hours, I think.
  20. Cam described Core as "the basically already lynched inactive scum" making me think that he typod because he was tired and meant that Core was your first vote of C2, not the game.
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