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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    Lynching Mafia

    LOL Marth MVP You should probably do this again with Marth NOT screwing everybody up.
  2. Helios, Manix subbed in for Jedi. Rapier does need to exist more, though.
  3. I still think that it's more likely that the last scum is a mayor then that there are two remaining scum. 3/2/1 (and 4/3/1 from the last day) means joint mafia win with the lyncher, unless that is not possible. IMO, Aere is almost confirmed town at this point. Manix was probably trying to use double WIFOM or something to make us lynch Aere, but the fact remains that other than Aere, only Marth has/had an active role. A scum hooker (and one who can only hook every other night, no less) in a game where the town has only one active night role (and not a particularly amazing one either) is barely better than a goon. Iris is probably not mafia, because even if she was mafia, we would only be LYLO if there was another scum in addition to her AND one of them was a mayor. In any case, lynching her today is not a good idea. So the person, FMPOV, whom we should look at lynching is Shinori, SB, or Blitz. I suppose objectively, I would be part of this list as well, but excuse me if I try not to get myself lynched. Out of these, I think SB looks the worst, for several reasons. The first is inactivity despite being totally present. The second is that a lyncher who has to get a 1-shot deathproof person lynched is pretty bullshit. Lastly, if not voting for anyone during LYLO was a bad idea early last phase, why are people considering it to be a good one this time? Everyone, unvote for the time being.
  4. eww mashed potatoes they should have yelled chocolate
  5. Yes, sorry, I thought I'd posted this, but evidently I haven't. PKL's Wii is getting repaired and he won't be able to play for a few days still, so we're waiting on him. He'll be getting a penalty, probably, but I don't want to just skip him since it's not really in his control.
  6. I'd say C2 was a lot of inactivity for the whole cycle, not just the first two days. To give you an idea, Boron, SSBU mafia, a game of similar size, had 60-something pages at the beginning of Day 3. As for how Shinori looks with Core's flip- I don't think he looks any worse. He was wrong, yes, but I don't think scum!Shinori would argue so vehemently in Core's defence, knowing what the outcome would be after Core flipped scum. It's generally not a good idea for scum to link themselves together to that extent. Gnerally scum are more subtle with that sort of thing.
  7. I didn't like that last post from Aere at all. Honestly, I think the Aere/SB scumteam strategy for D2 has been to lurk and let the town infight. I won't be back until phase end, and my vote is remaining on Aere.
  8. Ugh my head hurts. Going to sleep. I'll be on for 15-20 minutes in the morning (in around 6-7 hours), but I will not be present for phase end. I'll have time to change my vote in the morning if something makes me change my opinion, but I won't be able to tiebreak at phase end. At the moment, I am kind of seeing the case for Manix, but still not Blitz. Maybe an Aere+Manix team, I don't know. My vote is staying on Aere though.
  9. Okay, so I restarted. In bold are the pokemon I am using for combat purposes. In italics are pokemon I am using for HM purposes. Route 201- CrazyBBM the Chimchar Lake Verity- Boron the Starly Route 202- Lol the Kricketot Route 204- Slave the Bidoof Ravaged Path- Useless the Zubat Route 203- Bizz the Shinx Oreburgh Gate- accidentally killed a Geodude Oreburgh Mine- Backup the Geodude So yeah. CrazyBBM basically swept Roark with Mach Punch. I got a bit lucky with Onix's Screech missing, but otherwise easy enough. No deaths yet! Team: Level 17 Monferno (CrazyBBM) Level 10 Starly (Boron) Level 10 Shinx (Bizz) If the levels seem slightly skewed, it's because I focused on Chimchar a bit so that it could evolve before taking on Roark's gym, and then it gained several levels in the gym because it killed everything. Grave: Empty
  10. Blitz, who do you think the scumteam is, and are you going to be here for phase end?
  11. Bizz, why do you think Blitz/Manix is the scumteam? I really can't see it, tbh. I'm seeing Aere/SB as much more likely. Ughhhhhhhh I feel that the scum are going to win this game. ##Vote: Aere
  12. Hmm, alternatively, it's possible that if Kaoz/Elieson was the only player slot to visit Bizz, they took a shot in the dark at that being the Doctor (since it's pretty reasonable to assume that a Doctor might visit Bizz/Prims).
  13. Well, we were right about Core, but I was wrong about Kaoz/Elieson, urghh. I'm thinking that the scum have a rolecop of some sort other than the Tracker/Watcher, because I'm thinking they killed Kaoz/Elieson based on his role over his actions in the thread, which, especially on D2, were subpar.
  14. Kaoz/Elieson visited Bizz? Can you confirm that, Elieson, or not?
  15. Curses, you beat me! I think the main reason (other than difference in skill) was an extra competent fighter on your team. I WOULD have picked Ephraim but I didn't know he was getting fixed, and the nerfed version was pretty awful in the other FE8 RR draft I did. Also holy fuck that Amelia Also I couldn't get Boots because I needed everyone on Peg Knight duty. Getting Warp was difficult enough as it was.
  16. Okay, I am NOT going to be here for phase end, or for the 12 hours before it, so we need to start discussing who we think is scum. A lot of people were waiting for Blitz to say something before pronouncing him fully as scum. Well, he's made his statement. What do people think of it? I think it's fair, and I wasn't really thinking he was that scummy before his post either. Personally, I think we should lynch either Aere or SB today. SB has said that he doesn't want to echo- that's the exact reason he gave last time for his inactivity. And I think we all know the reasons for voting Aere at this point. As for the whole thing about "Why did Marth die?", I've come to the conclusion that the reason was just to sow confusion. Even if the mafia DID know Marth's role, getting him mislynched would still have been rather easy.
  17. I didn't really like that post, tbh. To begin with, everybody he's suspicious of is on his wagon. Sure, if you are indeed town, Core, there are bound to be scum on your wagon. But there are probably scum not on your wagon too. The post reeks of one huge OMGUS to me. His points against Manix are well supported, but his arguments against Aere and Boron aren't. Especially the one against Aere- if he thinks you are scum and if he's offering good reasons for it, why does he need to look at multiple other people? Also, claiming Watcher is not very useful when you don't back it up with results.
  18. Othin, if enemy hit is so high, and with skills like Absolute Hit, do you think the Slayer skills are of any value in Lunatic(+)? Or is the extra hit it also gives you necessary sometimes to hit enemies?
  19. And, like Psych said, even with 300+ avoid, you still can't dodge enemies with Absolute Hit.
  20. I'll be NICE unlike these bastards, so: Lyre Meg Fiona Astrid Kyza Oliver Leonardo Kurthnaga Pelleas Nope, not nice!
  21. :( Take a bit of a break Bizz, until you feel better. TBH, I'm not finding Blitz all that scummy... Look at this from both Blitz's and Shinori's POVs. Shinori, if telling the truth, knows he is a vanilla and would therefore be suspicious of Blitz, who is a vanilla with just a little bit more. Blitz, if telling the truth, knows that he is a vanilla with a little bit extra info, and would therefore be suspicious of Shinori, who is just a plain vanilla. And I definitely think Aere and SB are worse. Aere for reasons already mentioned, and SB, because in addition to other stuff, he said at the beginning of the game that since he was town this time, he wanted to contribute more and be more active than he was in SSBU. Instead he's been just as inactive as he was there. And I know he's been on SF a lot, because I see him frequently in IP Chat, so this lack of activity from him is frustrating.
  22. Also, I don't think Swordmaster Mark can wield the Strong-Busting Bow.
  23. I just realized something. We're in LYLO, meaning if scum hammers and people aren't there for the grace period, we're done. So ##Unvote and I'd like everyone else to do the same please.
  24. My original opinions on Shinori were neutral. So they haven't changed from that. So no, I'm not going to be voting for Aere. Also, I feel more confident of my scumread on Kaoz than my feeling that one of Shinori and Aere are scum.
  25. Well, bad news. I left my DS open accidentally while I went to eat, and it ran out of charge. I hadn't saved either, since my plan was to keep it on the whole time so I wouldn't lose my save file. So I'll have to restart.
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