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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I'm pretty sure that no matter who the scum are, they bussed Manix at some point or the other, because just about everyone was saying that Manix was obvscum by the end. Scorri in particular was sort of wishy-washy about Manix until he claimed Deputy, by which time it was barely even a question. Weapons and Iris were on Manix from pretty early though. And yeah, I don't see much wrong with everyone bussing each other, especially that the best way to play as scum is to imagine that you're town, and act the same way. So if you see your teammate doing something scummy you point it out and get townie points. Plus, bussing super early is the best way to do it because people suspect it the least and gut reads are formed earlier more often than later, because early there aren't as many non-gut things to use. Also, I don't claim perfect scum reads. It's also possible that I'm wrong about Weapons or Scorri or both, but I think there's a good chance that they might be scum, which is why I've voted for them.
  2. I think it's possible. Although Scorri gave an explanation, I still don't like how quickly she dropped Weapons. It could have been early distancing.
  3. Okay, Scorri, since your change of heart concerning SB had to do with meta, if his play here is similar to his play in BCM/SFM, what's the difference in his play here and his play in SSBU, where he was scum? In that way, SB is hard to read as scum because he looks disinterested and inactive as both town and scum. So I don't really get that point. Also, I don't understand- if pointing out scummy things that I thought other people did is simply trying to "divert attention" and not scumhunting, then what is scumhunting? >_> Also, in Strawman's case the problem is not enough posts not the quality of them. I actually think that almost all his posts have had good content in them.
  4. Well the whole point of the draft was to prove that Seth could be firstpicked and still win an EXP draft.
  5. Yeah I realized after that maybe Saleh would have been a better pick than Artur, but I didn't want to take a prepromote.
  6. On N3, they killed Sparrow/me, not tails/Eclipse.
  7. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Scorri Forgot that bit.
  8. Okay, I'm still suspicious of Weapons, but after a bit of a reread I think Scorri looks worse. This post by Marth against Scorri is pretty decent and I don't think she's answered it. SB's actions on D2 and D3 were pretty much exactly the same, yet her opinion changed pretty radically from this to the opinion she expresses in Marth's post. Also in the post I just linked, she waffles a lot about Manix. She gives reasons for voting him, but then says that some of the scummy things that he's done can be excused. I understand why she wouldn't want to vote for Manix, but the bit about him is still just too waffly for me. Then later she says yeah yeah he's obvscum (just about when other people are doing pretty much the same thing). And then while she's had a valid excuse, she didn't do much scumhunting on D3 at all, or at all this phase either, despite having posted twice.
  9. I'm telling you right now that I am never going to be able to beat two chapters in one take.
  10. Ahh, it doesn't actually make much of a difference as you'll still have beaten me, but I believe you only get to use the second dancer if you had Florina drafted. Either way though, that just increases your TC by 1, or lowers mine by 1, so still, GJ! You deserve the win.
  11. Yeah, Eliwood has WTA. Except he does piddle damage (6RKO?) and the boss 2HKOs him with middling hit rates.
  12. Early bussing is a thing. IMO it's the best time to bus because people suspect it the least that early, and you get more town cred for it than just jumping on the wagon midway through. Plus I'm not really sure that you could say that Weapons started the case against Manix anyways. He placed the first D3 vote against Manix and then didn't actually explain it until later when other people had already pointed out some of the scummy things Manix had done. And also, Marth, you realize that someone has to be at majority or there's a randomlynch, right? There were like 30 minutes before phase end when Rapier voted Wen. The only possible lynch choices were me, Rapier, and Wen. We needed a majority and he piled onto the person with the most votes so that we could reach it.
  13. This makes no sense at all- there isn't a single person except maybe you who would make me look townier if they flipped scum. Why are you using such a bad reason for your tunnelling? This is going to look like an OMGUS but ##Vote: Weapons.
  14. Rein, everybody has the same team- technically, everybody SHOULD be able to get the same TCs, especially as there's no abuse. Also screw it I'm not doing HHM LTC without Marcus. I pick Marcus. Horace is apparently too good for Marcus so I'll take Eliwood.
  15. Huh, Iris was scum... I thought she was town. Regardless, two scum down is good. Anyways, saying this ahead of time- I will be mostly absent for Saturday and Sunday, though I should still be there for phase end. I'll be here all tomorrow, though. Also, if the scum had a Watcher, them hitting the Doctor makes sense- watch a namekill target and you'll probably see the Doctor visiting them. But a Tracker has no real reason to target a namekill target, and I don't think any of them were acting particularly scummy D2. And since it's unlikely that the scum have both a Watcher and a Rolecop. So I still feel it's possible that Aere was killed for his reads.
  16. Fuck it I'm in Also no free Marcus?
  17. Are you trying to be an ass on purpose, Rein? I left to eat, and then there was an internet failure in my area for the last three hours. I get that you don't approve of the ruleset- but it is what it is, and anyone who signed up for the draft knew that it would be unfair in that sense. I pick Artur and Gerik.
  18. BBM

    cam come on irc to draft for seth exp

  19. Okay, so I got firstpick, and then the order among everybody else was randomized. The order was: 1. BBM 2. SB 3. Cam 4. Shinori I pick Ewan Seth.
  20. No offence Sharpy, but as I actually AM trying to prove a point here, I'd really like it if everybody finished, and you have a reputation of not finishing drafts. If CR really doesn't want to do it (you're a bad person CR), I'd prefer someone else does it.
  21. comeooooooooooooon or this draft is declared bull and seth is declared best EXP draft firstpick
  22. So this draft is created especially to prove to SB and CR that Seth, if draftable, would be firstpick even in EXP drafts. As such, he is draftable, and I get firstpick. In addition, CR and SB are auto-signed up, but we need one more drafter. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Eirika/Ephraim, Orson, Tethys, Ross, and Myrrh are free for all to use. 3. Seth is draftable. 4. The game will be played on Hard Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests. 3. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from. 4. Visiting the arena is strictly prohibited. You can stand or lollygag all over the arena all you want, but under no circumstances are you to enter the arena. 5. All drafted units must be recruited. 6. BBM gets firstpick. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Vanessa may be used to Rescue Ross in Chapter 2 even if she is undrafted. 2. Ewan and Amelia may be leveled to 10/1 in the Tower Of Valni, however their trainee levels do not count towards your EXP total (regardless of whether you leveled them up in tower or not). (This next paragraph was written by Refa for the first FE8 EXP draft, so I will be stealing it and making slight changes so it'll be relevant to this draft) (this next paragraph was written by Elieson for a similar draft for FE7, so I will be stealing it and making slight changes so it'll be relevant to FE8) Now, how do you figure out your grade at the end of this draft, you ask? Well, I'll tell you! The object is to gain as many levels as possible. I.e., Eirika starts at Lv. 1. You level her up to Lv. 20, then promote her, and level her up to Lv. 20. From Lv. 1 - 20 is +19 levels, then Lv 20/1 - 20/20 is another 19, so Eirika can contribute up to 38 levels towards your final number. All your units combined gained levels may be represented at "TL". Seth joins at XX/1, so if you raise him to XX/15, he will contribute 14 levels to your total score. Units promoted at an earlier level, such as Marisa promoting at Lv. 10, then going to 20 will provide you with 24 levels to your total (Base Lv. 5 - Lv. 10 = 5 levels, then 10/1 - 10/20 = 19 levels. 4+19=24)And how about your turn count? You could just take forever and fart your way through the game. Well, you have a timer. Complete the game in 175 turns, and you can rest easy. For every 5 turns over the alloted 175, you take a ((TC - 160)/5) approach to add to your total levels gained. For every 5 turns under 175, you receive a bonus +1 to your score, and -1 for evey 5 turns over 175. Represent your turn count as "TC". So the formula for coming up with your score is: TL - ((TC - 175)/5) = Total Score [spoiler=Example of scoring] Are you a bit confused. That's ok. I've provided an example, so you can see how it works. So, if you gained 150 levels and finish on 150 turns, then;150 - ((150 - 175)/5) = 150 - (-25/5) = 150 - (-5) = 150 + (5) = 155. See how it works? Good. 1. BigBangMeteor- Seth, Artur, Gerik, Kyle, Natasha, Innes, Syrene 2. Serious Bananas- Franz, Tana, Saleh, Joshua, Duessel, Ewan, Marisa 3. Cam- Vanessa, Garcia, Neimi, Forde, Amelia, Moulder, Knoll 4. Shinori- Gilliam, Lute, Cormag, Colm, Dozla, L'Arachel, Rennac Units Left:
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