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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Psych, you haven't told us if a hammer is needed for a lynch. And if it is, what happens if we don't reach a consensus?
  2. I think that the players whom Shinori doesn't have enough information on need to start getting more out of him. That, or everyone whose alignment Shinori knows should tell someone else what their alignment is as well.
  3. I'm done C15- C16 is unlikely to be done tonight but I will try. Mainly it's what Raven said.
  4. But if it doesn't benefit you, how is it an advantage?
  5. I think the question, Shinori, is if it's not beneficial to blackmail people in this game, why DID you blackmail people?
  6. You're being pedantic now. And the reason lynching Shinori himself is not really useful is because anything he knows his team knows. They can "blackmail" you just as well as he can.
  7. If Shinori's fishing so hard, stop giving him info. >_< Seriously, how did it get to the point where Shinori knows the alignment of nearly all the players already/ BTW, guys, Shinori's reason for trying to lynch Kay is fairly obvious- as one of the inactives he has the least info on her. Her flip will let him better fill in the holes in his spreadsheet. If we don't want to give him and his team such easy access, Kay is not a good lynch target. A good lynch target would be someone whose alignment he knows but whose alignment the majority of us do not. Ideally, someone on his team.
  8. All the wagons atm are dumb. Manix being Manix, someone wanting to leave the game, and inactivity are not good reasons for voting for people. Especially the latter two, really?
  9. One man's goose is another man's gander. #Vote: Boron I'm suspicious of your motives slightly. I don't really like how you first said voting for Manix was not something you wanted to do, and then you suddenly voted him again.
  10. I'd vote for Shinori but OC things are making me think that it's probably better we don't lynch him (for now)
  11. I might have taken Leen over Laylea for teh moneyz
  12. Can we hand in only 1 chapter tl dr; bbm is lazy/was busy/doesn't like C16/has a longer tl dr than the main post.
  13. I'd recommend you redo Jungby then, and start the chapter over. Don't give up so easily PKL!
  14. no you killed me i hate you all my eskimo poetry will prevail! Taffy was a chemist eskimo INUIT YOU RACIST Taffy is no more What Taffy thought was H2O Was H2SO4
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if Manix is the leader of his group, and he's baiting the lynch so nobody dies. >_> The only possible reason I can see for why he'd do this is to draw attention away from somebody else on his team. Possibly Furet, as he was the only one with multiple votes on him? I for one don't really care for hammering Manix.
  16. I haven't played any Multifaction games, but what you'd try to do, I think, is get whomever you feel is detrimental to your team's objectives lynched. So, example. I decide Kay is a threat to my team, and I want her lynched. So I try to convince other people that her death would help them as well, so that I can get her lynched. That being said, I'm not really seeing any person yet that's a threat to my team, so I'll refrain from voting, since I don't really think RVS votes have much use when I could just talk to the the person I want a reaction from outside the thread.
  17. Je vais essayer de parler en francais aussi, parce que je ne l'ai parlee pour trop de temps. Si je fait des erreurs, je l'aimerais si des personnes qui les envoient m'aideraient.
  18. BBM

    dont post here

    Well, Hunger Games Mafia has items (and what is basically a Baker), but the items and other game mechanics made it reeeeeeally complicated, so I decided to first make some more simple games to get experience in hosting.
  19. curses i wanted to play music again
  20. I just like a lot of classic rock bands- Queen, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc.
  21. 300 back on topic PEOPLE SIGN UP
  22. I'm sorry I'm gonna have to drop out. Just too many drafts and not enough time.
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