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Everything posted by BBM

  1. yeah so apparently you can't autobattle in the beginning... PROLOGUE: 2/2 attack, attackx2 CHAPTER 1: 4/6 move, attack, attack, attack CHAPTER 2: 3/9 movex3, attack + movex2, attackx3 CHAPTER 3: 6/15 ok too many turns now to keep up the same strat. corrin took the gunter express to the DV, over bridge, beat boss, jakob trailed and finished things off. hans survived???
  2. i'm missing someone from the OP again but I odn't know who gggg dwyer is also draftable. Totally didn't realize he doesn't come free SORRY GUYS people can also swap their last pick for him if they want but then we have to redraft from that point...
  3. ok sure I'll add that also damnit I wanted Mozu cuz PHOENIX I'll take Nyx and c15 servant
  4. gg I forgot to include Mozu in the list; people are allowed to swap out their character for her if they want
  5. The reputation of mercs being awesome mostly comes from FE7-FE8 really. Raven and Gerik are both among the best units in the game, at least if you're not considering purely speed, while Guy and Joshua/Marisa are average or bad.
  6. PERI and KAZE cam did you figure out autobattle
  7. I'll take Beruka and Arthur + Percy; I'm sure the AI won't have wyverns fly out to the middle of nowhere and hang out
  8. OKAY LET'S GO (but I'm sleeping soon) 1. Jedi 2. Refa 3. Cam 4. BBM
  9. so this is basically an idea to get me to finish conquest... I haven't done an autobattle draft before or a conquest draft before so I'm kind of mashing together a FE13 autobattle draft ruleset with the FE14 conquest draft ruleset that Gwimpage just used. I welcome any suggestions. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players, except 3 players are already auto-signed gg. 2. Corrin, Gunter*, Felicia/Jakob**, Rinkah, Sakura, Azura, Kana, Flora, and Izana are free for all. 3. The game will be played on Normal Phoenix mode. 4. This game will be played with the use of AI commands only (starting Chapter 7) Exceptions: 1. Only the servant who joins you in Chapter 2 is a free unit. The other is a draftable unit that joins in Chapter 15. 2. Gunter is only free for chapters 2-3. He is not free in Chapter 15. 3. Kaze is free in chapters 4-6. 4. All units are free in Chapter 6. 5. Two undrafted units may be used in Chapter 10 without penalty. 6. Camilla is free for Chapter 10, and is available as a drafted unit afterwards starting from Chapter 16. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: Pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling). 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, entering battle, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues excluding 1x are optional and are free up to 20 turns. If your AI-controlled team takes longer than that, sucks to be you. 5. Challenge battles are banned, as are invasion battles. 6. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including free content and Visitor/Battle rewards) is strictly prohibited. 7. Mozu's Paralogue must be completed before Chapter 9. 8. Using the Branch of Fate option on the title screen to change your Boon/Bane after the pre-route split is disallowed. Free Actions: 1. Recruiting is a free action. If the AI does not bring the recruiter in range of the recruitee, you may manually move them there. 2. Opening required doors (are there any?) or using required Dragon Veins (such as Chapter 17, apparently) is allowed. 3. Units may pair up on the first turn. My Castle Rules: 1. You may build, upgrade, and use any of the following: Armory, Staff Store, Lilith's Temple, and Hot Springs. Use of the Private Quarters is allowed ONCE in between each chapter. 2. You may build and upgrade any Siege weapon for the purpose of recruiting Flora. 3. You may not trigger any conversations in My Castle. Corn: 1. Corn may chose any gender, Boon/Bane. They may also chose any non-Dragon (Malig Knight or Wyvern Lord) talent and cannot reclass into the Dragon class line through A+ or S rank inheritance. Penalties: 1. Using an undrafted unit results in a 10 turn penalty per chapter. 2. Giving a non-free command results in a 4 turn penalty per command. Chapter Exceptions Chapter 10: You can have drafted/free characters Wait without moving them anywhere instead of using Auto. You can also just manually do this chapter, since it's a Defend chapter and it doesn't affect turn counts. Chapter 11: You can manually move units (but not do anything else) in rooms without enemies, move them up stairs, and move off the stairs after going up. However, you must Auto for those units once they are in a room with enemies. Chapter 12: Corrin can manually escape if in range. You may either break 5 pots OR break 3 pots and use the Dragon Vein. Chapter 15: You can manually escape with units in range of the escape tiles, or move them towards the tiles if all enemies are dead. Draftable Units Left Players: 1. Jedi - Silas + Sophie, Selena, Xander + Siegbert, Charlotte, Gunter, Shura 2. Refa - Effie, Leo + Forrest, Keaton + Velouria, Odin + Ophelia, Benny + Ignatius, Shigure 3. CT075 - Camilla (Chapter 16), Elise, Niles + Nina, Laslow + Soleil, Mozu, Dwyer 4. BBM - Beruka, Arthur + Percy, Peri, Kaze + Midori, Nyx, Felicia/Jakob (Chapter 15)
  10. I don't think Gen 3 Rock really works? The first rock type you get is Aron, after the first gym, and Aron gets wrecked too hard by Brawly for it to be realistic unless you grind a ridiculous amount. You don't get Geodude/Nosepass until Rock Smash, after the third gym. I would suggest Gen 3 BUG; you get a bunch early on with the Wurmple evos and potentially Surskit if you get lucky, and keep getting semi-interesting reinforcements like Nincada, Volbeat/Illumise, Anorith, and even Pinsir/Heracross. By the way, what's your stance on using pokemon that evolve in to your monotype? I think Poison could also be interesting if you allow Wurmple until it evolves into Dustox. You would have serious problems with Roxanne with either of these though. Gen 3 is probably one of the best Grass generations- you have Treecko, Seedot, Shroomish, Cacnea, Lileep, Lotad, etc which are all relatively unorthodox Grass types. It starts off easy but I think Flannery/Winona introduce some challenges, especially if you play Ruby and have to also fight Team Magma.
  11. I guess SB just ragequit cuz he got lynched
  12. @tuvarkz- multiculturalism isn't just blending together western culture with african/middle-eastern culture. Also, basing your entire opinion of non-Western cultures off Sharia law is so ignorant I don't even know what to say. This may shock you, but there are actually other cultures in the world! Multiculturalism is about taking what's best from all cultures and marrying them together.
  13. I wasn't aware logic was something that appealed to people considering Trump tbh. I guess it differs on person to person but personally I think not stooping to Trump's level is a better look for Hillary. I'm probably coming off as a massive Hillary homer here when I'm not. Nothing much about Hillary as president excites me other than that a female POTUS would be cool. I just think the bad things about her get shockingly over-exaggerated and everything that qualifies her gets taken for granted, whereas the opposite is true for Trump. And somehow it's led to a point in time where the US is willing to renounce decades of progress in global relations and multiculturalism because Hillary is boring? Do people in the States want everyone to hate them? Do they think they're so great that other countries' opinions of them just don't matter?
  14. Hillary isn't going to fight Russia. >_> They're not close to each other geographically other than Alaska and both sides have nukes. There's nothing either side gains from fighting each other directly. A war with Mexico if Trump gets elected is much more likely than a war with Russia if Hillary gets elected. Neither is likely though. "Going all out on Syria until ISIS is purged" isn't going to be easy, especially as they'll have a very easy time recruiting if Trump starts killing civilians left and right.
  15. The statement you said "wasn't wrong" was clearly implying that she was more likely to do those things than Trump, or there would be no point in singling her out for it. Trump has actually been relatively consistent about his stance on combating terrorism (burn ISIS to the ground), if not his stance on the Middle East, so if you don't know what he's going to do, you're either not paying attention or don't believe he'll actually carry out what he's promising. In that case I ask- what do you think he'll do?
  16. ...I think you totally missed the point of this tweet. Trump is saying that women would make the same amount of money as men if they did as good a job. However, because women don't make the same money as men, Hillary is pointing out that what he's really saying is that women don't make as much money as men because they don't do as good a job as men. The debates will prove absolutely nothing and convince absolutely nobody? Trump is a terrible debater by all conventional methods of measurement. He frequently digresses from the points being argued to make ad hominem attacks and rarely speaks about what he's actually realistically going to do, to name just a few flaws. But none of his supporters care about that stuff; they care about his ability to be entertaining and "not be politically correct". His supporters are going to take him making fun of Hillary as proof that he's capable of being President, and his detractors will say he's an immature idiot. The people on the fence who are probably trying to decide who they dislike less will see an immature idiot attacking a possibly corrupt alleged criminal and bang their heads on the table. @CyborgZeta- lol seriously. Trump's stance on Iraq is hypocritical as fuck because he's willing to brush under the rug the fact that his VP (and, let's be real, most of his voter base too) was also for Iraq at the time, but is villifying Hillary for it. Trump's stance on Syria is MORE violent than Hillary's, because he's advocated carpet bombing there and advocated deliberately targeting the families of terrorists, which will a) spread terrorism more than anything else and b) is a war crime. Nobody really knows what his stance on Libya is because he's flip-flopped, but IIRC his latest stance was that he would have been pro-intervention too. Hillary might be "crooked" and might even be more corrupt than Trump, but if you seriously think she's more likely to cause a war than Trump, I don't know what to say.
  17. Not really; for all intents and purposes he's been a Democrat senator since 2007. He's received heavy support and endorsements from them. He's "independent" but not in the same way as Trump.
  18. "give up and submit to Hillary"... they're part of the same party. When someone loses in the primary election, endorsing the person who won is the normal thing to do. Hillary did it for Obama, and most of the people who ran against Trump did it for him. Tearing down people who're on the same side as you in the primaries and then supporting them after you lose is literally what the USA electoral system is based on.
  19. I don't really understand what people are expecting from Sanders. Do they want him to run as an independent? If he couldn't beat Hillary in the primaries, he has no chance of beating her in the general election considering she's much better positioned than he is to get moderate states. Him running as an independent would basically be the best way to ensure Trump wins. Him telling people to stay at home and not vote Hillary is also tantamount to telling them to vote Trump. @tryhard- tbh I think the problem is more with the way that the electoral system in the US makes some votes matter more than others. This is true in Canada too, to a lesser extent, but electoral reform was an issue in the last election, whereas there's little mainstream support in the US for changing it. A multi-party system is tough unless there are equal numbers of parties on both sides- see: Canada, which has 1 party on the right and 3 parties on the left. Otherwise either one side's votes get split and the other side profits, or people make a conscious effort to not split votes and consolidate for one of the parties, and then the other party on that same side gets screwed over. The former scenario is what happened in Canada in 2011, where the NDP made a big surge and it led to a Conservative majority, whereas the latter scenario happened this year and the NDP lost almost half their votes to the Liberals so the left vote wouldn't get split, and the Liberals won a majority instead. And the Greens perpetually get almost no votes because everyone knows they have no real shot at winning.
  20. Well that was my point; I wasn't referring to your reasons for voting Trump; I was referring to what the general movement was based on- the fact that he has a big ego. The funny thing about meritocracy is that politically speaking its advocates are generally the people who would least prosper in a true meritocracy where everyone started off on an equal footing. It's especially ironic to vote Trump based on it.
  21. when the #1 reason somebody might get elected to the most powerful post in the world is that they have a big ego, you know you're in for a bad time
  22. if people put EFFORT in this game they'd realize Boron was one of the main people who got the D1 Psych wagon rolling...
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