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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Clarinets has been prodded. We're looking for a sub for Faerie Knight.
  2. Votals: 3.3 Shinori (1): Yolo Makaze (3): SB, Junko, Prims Strawman (1): Crysta Yolo (2): Makaze, Strawman Not voting (3): Clarinets, Faerie Knight, Shinori With 10 alive, it takes 6 to hammer. You have approximately 15 hours and 40 minutes left.
  3. Votals: 3.2 Shinori (1): Prims Makaze (1): SB Strawman (1): Crysta Yolo (2):: Makaze, Shinori Not voting (7): Yolo, Clarinets, Strawman, Faerie Knight, Junko With 10 alive, it takes 6 to hammer. You have approximately 39 hours and 40 minutes left. mostly to correct the mistake with Makaze's vote
  4. Votals: 3.1 Shinori (1): Prims Makaze (1): SB Strawman (1): Crysta Not voting (7): Yolo, Clarinets, Makaze, Shinori, Strawman, Faerie Knight, Junko With 10 alive, it takes 6 to hammer. You have approximately 50 hours and 45 minutes left.
  5. I'll let Gaius say when N2 ends, but I imagine it'll be in 23.5 hours?
  6. So you guys gathered around Ars Nova, taking turns poking at him with your various weapons. He tried breaking out and attacking Clarinets, but then he screamed in rage and stabbed himself in the stomach. RIP, at least after you finished him off. Day 2 End Votals Clarinets (2): SB, Faerie Knight Ars Nova (7): Clarinets, Prims, Makaze, Ars Nova, Manix, Junko Strawman (1): Yolo Yolo (1): Strawman Not voting (2): Crysta, Shinori Ars Nova was Marisa, Town Vanilla. Night Two has begun.
  7. Votals 2.3 aka the self-voting edition Clarinets (2): SB, Faerie Knight Ars Nova (6): Clarinets, Prims, Makaze, Ars Nova, Manix Strawman (1): Yolo Yolo (1): Strawman Not voting (3): Crysta, Shinori, Junko With 12 alive it takes 7 to hammer. You have roughly 23 hours and 45 minutes until phase end.
  8. Votals 1.4 aka Manix complains about people spamposting Strawman (2): Marth, SB Clarinets (3): Manix, Ars Nova, Prims Marth (6): Quote, Strawman, Yolo, Makaze, Junko, Crysta Yolo/livelystone (1): Faerie Knight Faerie Knight (3): Shinori, Clarinets Not Voting: None With 14 alive it takes 8 to hammer. You have approximately 15 hours until phase end.
  9. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Life has a suspicious habit of coming "back" for a few weeks, stirring up some game centered around him, and then leaving partway through. I suspect he likes seeing how the community still responds so much to him years after but then gets disinterested quickly.
  10. and jesus christ makaze at least protect your south coast instead of having units chilling in the middle doing nothing
  11. I dun goofed but it's kind of dumb that you guys don't want to win together but also are so determined to knock me out that you're still directly supporting each other at this stage of the game.
  12. Trump "flubbed" the name of the most significant act of terrorism ever committed against America, but sure, it's Sanders who doesn't have a good head on his shoulders.
  13. ah, yes, both of you are known for keeping your promises in any case, I have a plan of action in case neither of you contact me, and at least one of you won't like it
  14. Trump called 9/11 7-Eleven... twice. I'm surprised that this doesn't bother all the gung-ho "anti-terrorism" people who love him.
  15. So I have a proposition for whichever of Proto and Makaze contact me first. Proto: I help you take Brest under the condition that you don't attack me until 1911. You might say "BUT MAKAZE CAN CUT SUPPORT" but without you attacking me I can take the territories back that would ensure a successful attack. Makaze: I give you Sweden under the condition that you don't attack me until 1911. You might say "BUT I CAN TAKE IT MYSELF" but this puts your control of NTH in jeopardy, and also if Proto takes my deal, prevents you from stopping an attack on Brest. Attacking is defined as directly attacking, supporting an attack against, convoying an attack against, or verbally assisting against me or Blitz. I can't technically see if that last one happens but if either of you are still helping the other at this point then I'm not sure why we haven't reached a surrender agreement.
  16. someone should host an Iris Throwback Mafia, where all the roles are taken from games in which Iris played, and only players that played in one of those games can join.
  17. so is Proto going to keep attacking me or switch back to Makaze now that he'll finally have a fleet on Pic? dun dun dun
  18. so I was actually a SK-only BPV but only if mafia is alive. that's kind of cool I guess. gj SB and gj Mitsuki; I'll sheep everyone and say the flavour was great and the roles were all funny too.
  19. And does makaze want to use Kie to take Den or Ber? I'm betting he'll hedge by taking Den but moving Hol to Kie. That way he can check to see if Austria forgets again or if it was a one time thing, and if he does forget again, he can take Ber in the fall. Of course, he could also move Mun to Tyr to try and block Proto off from the Austrian heartland.
  20. eclipse, he's referring to how he was about to lose and then begged Proto to let him survive anyways, time for Proto to make the tough decision between convoying Tus to Lvp and moving it towards Austria now that Izhuark got lazy.
  21. why hold? as soon as I figure out which one of you and Makaze I want to spite more; I'll actively support the other in taking my territory. Leaning supporting Makaze right now because having him win despite your bragging would be hilarious, but he also betrayed me two or three times and you betrayed me once. Or I could just wait until you or Makaze backstab each other now that it's been established neither of you wants a draw. Or maybe Izhuark will realize that you're going to attack him sooner or later and stop being your lackey, but that seems unlikely.
  22. meh there's no point in dragging this on for pride I'll agree to a Proto/Makaze/Izhuark win. unless Proto didn't agree to my previous suggestion because he actually wants to win solely by himself, of course.
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