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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Alternatively, take screenshots of the orders right before you execute them, so if anyone tries editing their orders after you resolve stuff, you can refute their claim.
  2. are you going to include the extra rules you decided upon at the end of the Birthright draft? No Seals for Felicia/Jakob until c15 and no mounted classes for Corrin?
  3. Sort of. My understanding is that at the convention at the end, if no nominee has a majority, somebody can pitch to the party that they should be the nominee instead, even if they didn't even run for the nomination before. And if Trump doesn't win a majority then I think it's very likely the rest of the party will try consolidating behind someone at the convention. But it's entirely possible that Trump could win a majority, and at that point the Republicans will mostly be stuck with him. I'm interested to see what they'd do in that scenario. Would they push for Trump because they'd still want the "Republican" to win, push for Hillary as the lesser of two evils, or just talk about how both the nominees are terrible and the world is going to shit. It's probably going to be the first thing, but I think the second would be hilarious.
  4. 14p is the minimum for ITPs IMO. But really it depends on the type of ITP too. SK is the most fun to play as and against. Arsonists are the least fun to play as and against. ITPs are fun normally, unless they are Arsonists. I like role madness games more because while there are hipsters like Prims who like being Vanilla, most people don't. Even if you're one of the people who get a role, the people who don't are less invested and it lowers the overall quality of game play IMO. The wincon of Cowboy Bebop was cool; some of the other abilities he had + how he interacted with the other roles in the game was not.
  5. The nation is looking for a more radical leader because the nation itself is more radical. Obama is actually fairly progressive, though not as much as Sanders. But in his first term he tried compromising more because he wanted to balance pushing his agenda with getting re-elected. However, in his second term he didn't have to worry about it, which is why he pushed a lot more of his landmark policies and executive orders during that time. It also annoyed a lot of more centrist people though, which is why Congress went Republican.
  6. His strategy is probably to become much more centrist/less theatrical after the primary, and bank on the fact that none of his base is going to vote for the opposing candidate anyways. This is essentially what every single candidate on either side does after winning the primary; the US electoral system encourages it. I'm hoping that he becomes alienating enough in the primary that nobody falls for the switch in the general election.
  7. knives are generally a lot harder to kill people with than guns are. Do you want people to get stabbed or shot? Also, yeah, nobody is expecting you to have perfect recall. They do, however, expect you to fact check before posting, especially when you know you're unsure about what exactly you're saying.
  8. @Yojinbo- I'm not American. I also don't think Hillary did as bad a job as people make it out to be. However, the point I was trying to make was that holding arguably one of the five most important positions in the US government is better preparation for the pressures and realities of being the president than simply being a governor would. But in the end, neither of those things have done serious damage to Trump or Sanders. I could argue that Trump is a madman who is a major danger to society, and yet despite all our modern technology, it seems as if he's going to become the Republican nominee. I think that the Trump-Hitler comparisons are overblown, mostly because I don't think Trump actually believes in all of of what he says, but I also think you're underestimating the kind of support Hitler had at the time.
  9. Ana, you don't have to agree with Obama or his policies or like him, but he's the president of your country. You should at least respect him enough to spell his name correctly. 4 years as Secretary of State is brought up in Hillary's favour because it's experience on a level nobody else in the race has. The truth is that with how divided the States are these days (a consequence, over time, of its electoral system), there's never going to be widespread agreement on whether or not someone in a high office does well.
  10. ...is it because the game is called SECRET HITLER
  11. is the drafting order in the last round reversed? I think it should be since otherwise Jedi gets the lastpick in the first and last rounds. so I take HAYATO
  12. Kagero and Kaden I guess? I feel like my entire team comes in the midgame but YOLO
  13. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    don't forget about FIVE PLAYER GAMES
  14. it's because he's actually canadian
  15. I was going to take Kaze but if he's free for the first bit I'll take Hinoka I guess? Can't be worse than my FIRSTPICK PRISCILLA in the first FE7 draft I did.
  16. ^ warning I might not get to this for a few weeks bc I want to finish my main run first.
  17. I think Sanders vs Trump would be way too swingy because of how extreme both candidates are (or at least, are perceived to be). The moderates could go either way there. Meanwhile in Trump vs Hillary the moderates would be more likely to go for Hillary than Trump.
  18. I've never played but I'd be interested in joining if someone posted a guide (or links to one)
  19. I don't really have time. On second thought though don't make me an IO. I'll remain unspoiled so I can sub in if I feel like it when there are less people left.
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