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Status Updates posted by Psych

  1. update your pokemon lp let's see more wallowing

  2. damn that is some kawaii ass shit

  3. Why must Psych be tormented by the love of millions?

  4. wondering whether to block comments tomorrow to turn off influx of notifications for birthday (thanks in advance)

  5. givvve me till thursday, cause my spring break starts then and I have midterms and two papers till wednesday

  6. ¿Mi amor, dónde está Levantamos? Tu eres su gemelo malvado.

  7. I need to remember to turn off notifications on my birthday, caus I end up with a bunch of messages. Thanks guys for the birthday wishes though.

  8. That's the point. :P

    (also paper cuts?)

  9. You can start it if you want. I'm fed up with all the arguing in the threads and the trolling.

  10. Psych

    Can I run some mafia stuff by you on IRC?

  11. So when is versus going on.

  12. Where is Mind and Heart.

  13. If you want me for versus, I may need to wait till Thursday or Friday, as this week is midterms, but I have a threeday weekend, so I'm not sure if anyone else is doing anything for Halloween, but I'm good Saturday to Monday.

  14. My name in IP chat is Orange now. This is awesome....but do I have to be Tavros now.

    1. Inactive Account

      Inactive Account


    2. Psych


      8ecause he's not the 8est that's what is wrong :::;)

    3. Blitz
  15. Psych

    Hey, if you don't mind, you would you mind sending me a PM about the map editor and anything you've found? I'm curious myself, but I don't know where to find it and have zero skill in japanese.

  16. What was the link for that Homestuck album that you played during your stream again.

  17. I just read your post and had an idea. Once it gets dark, I'll have Cora come upon you guys and get confused for a raid or whatever?

  18. You can draft for Shin while he's gone if you want.

  19. Psych

    You should totally go draft so we can get this show on the road.

  20. Happy Birthday Roth


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