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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I think the problem may have been a lot of these ideas are actually pretty good on their own. Dismounting, Capturing, uniform stat caps, Fatigue. But then when you have to take them all into account together, it causes a lot of unneeded complexity. Personally, I hardly use mounts in FE5 just because of how much I dislike the sword lock. I'd much prefer if mounts simply lost their horse and stats and kept their weapon rank that they used so you could actually have lance and axe users indoors. It's kind of a cycle too. We have these mounts who end up needed swords, but because we can't afford to purchase them because this game is cheap as fuck gives no money, we have to capture and steal items. But our units end up getting stat nerfs to do it, so the uniform stat caps hurt when we want to capture with foot units that we have to use because we can't bring our mounts indoors or because they're fatigued. this one is weird too
  2. I'm impressed. I knew FEXNA was going to make games easier to make sort of like an RPGMaker style thing but I didn't realize what it would end up like. I presume something like this would require custom coding unless Yeti is doing something like it in FE7x that I don't know about, but would it be possible to make magic aoe and hit multiple targets somehow? Kind of like the Shining Force games? and I presume any custom staves or status effects would need code too huh
  3. Yeah i'm confused why the wind tomes are a rank up on their counterparts too
  4. Name Psych "the Psych" Psycher Sex yes please Class Medic Other totally defenseless and can not attack have fun
  5. Well presumably you could have all the Lords, and some villains, and then a few other important characters like Soren and Titania, or maybe Ninian/Nils Only problem I could see is a lot of lords use swords and that could be hard to make unique between them all.
  6. I think if FEif sells really well they may look into doing a Fire Emblem Warriors. The way Hyrule Warriors basically brought multiple games together works well for Fire Emblem and Mario for potential spin offs, but I don't think Pokemon really fits into the mold. Like I remember seeing a post about this, but basically what pokemon are considered the weak minions? For Mario you can have stuff like koopas, toads, goombas. There's a lot of options, but for Pokemon it would just be weird.
  7. Really? I managed to grab a Link amiibo today and got the Spinner and from what I played it wasn't that good. He had great clear but against single target bosses I just felt lacking though that maybe have just been the 80 attack but idk Also I do think some of the Dynasty Warriors are on Xbox or something so Sony platforms aren't your only hope
  8. I got a used copy of DW7 on Xbox a week ago at gamestop and I beat the first mission, but besides that it wasn't very fun at all compared to HW. So I'm probably not going to do much with it.
  9. if by female shampoo you mean salon quality stuff then I already use that naturally
  10. Psych


    It appears the man's name is Therin. As you can see on his character sheet, he is a Mage, with stats that seem to support that. His Aged Scroll helps him cast spells, but is not that great for normal attacks. He wears a Big Hat, and has an Owl Trinket that he says imparts knowledge for this who are in trouble, but it kind of just creeps you out. You swear you saw it blink. It appears Therin's stat sheet also has a spot for Elemental Alignment. His is currently marked down as Lightning. You don't currently have one yourself, but maybe you'll figure out how to get one some day. Therin also has a second page to his character sheet. This one seems to be filled with various spells he can cast. All the basics are there, Fireball, Whirlwind, Lightning Bolt. He also can use Snowblast and another spell called Investigate, which allows him to ramble off various information about enemies you might be facing. The corner shows how his Lightning spell will deal additional damage to Water enemies. He keeps babbling about "super effective" this and "elemental advantage" that but you're ignoring him and continue walking through the woods. It's not long before you run into a monster, and this one appears to be a spirit. Therin notices your sword, and takes this opportunity to ask about your combat prowess. "Magnus, you can't just go running blindly into battle, you have to have a strategy. For example, you might use a normal Attack, or even special Skills. You can also change your Equipment if you have something that might work better against a new foe, and we have Items we can use to heal or replenish mana. And we could Run if we get in trouble too. Oh! That reminds me! If you press THE A BUTTON after landing an attack, you can do bonus damage!" He keeps rambling but you start phasing him out. Man that guy loves to talk. So what's your strategy for this obviously easy tutorial fight?
  11. Psych


    You hear the man whispering to himself. He uses a lot of complicated words and phrases, and you aren't sure what a lot of it means. He's talking very fast and you can only catch parts of his soliloquy. "...and if one is able...the inverse coefficient...elemental harmony...meditative state..." He pulls out a scroll, unraveling it and reading aloud. The words begin to glow, and a strange humming fills the air, his eyes go blank and he seems almost possessed, before a huge lightning bolt strikes down just feet from where you are standing! "What was that?!" You shout. You startle the man and his eyes and demeanor return to normal. "Oh my, I didn't expect anyone to be here! I apologize, I was simply testing out my new research. That is the result of months of research, that bolt of energy. I have finally found out how to harness magic!" He exclaims, unable to contain his excitement. "Magic? Magic isn't real. It's just boring party tricks like lightning a candle, or shocking someone when you shake their hand. No one can do REAL magic." You say, not quite understanding what the man is trying to say. "Ah yes, normally that is true. But let me explain." "Magic is the invocation of mana. Most warriors use mana to fuel themselves in battle, as it can allow for tremendous strength and energy. But Magic is performed when one is able to use mana to invoke an Element. 8 Elements govern the laws of Magic; Water, Fire, Wind, Holy, Lightning, Ice, Earth, and Vile. These elements combine to create the lifeforce in every living being known as mana. Typically, calling forth an Element to infuse your mana with power is almost impossible. It requires such massive amounts that using it in a combative environment is impossible, as the stress of battle prevents focus. Thus, it is reduced to simple tricks and slight of hand. In fact, some scholars believe there is no longer enough mana in people to use Magic anymore. ....Or at least that's what they told me at the academy. Through my research, I've been studying a phenomenon known as 'Sleep'" "You mean the thing you do every night?" You interrupt. "Not exactly, but it is similar. When you sleep at night, your body is able to produce and replenish any mana you may have used during the day. Sleep is a state of being one can invoke during battle, a realm between the consciousness and unconsciousness. It mimics the act of sleeping." "By substituting the mana one is to expend naturally, with the actual force of one's life, you can use that massive amount of power to actually cast Magic. And I've just proven my hypothesis correct! ....But it's not perfect yet. It's all just conjecture at this point, but should something go wrong, one could actually lose their life in this process. Using up all of your mana and disregarding the strain it puts on your body could lead to death. Though for the power to summon tornadoes, snowstorms, and fireballs I'm sure some would say it is worth it." "That all sounds really dangerous. It could hurt a lot of people. Why do you want to study this? And why are you out here anyway?" "That is true, it certainly could be. But think of what it could also do to help people! You could bring rain to a region plagued by drought, or who knows what else! And I am out on field research because....I simply prefer it to academia. And if you must know, I am currently on expedition looking for a Witch! She is said to be potentially the last magic user in the world! Or well...I guess she was until I just summoned a lightning bolt. Anyway, if you're going deeper into the woods, I must insist on going along. I need to search for her, and recently there have been monsters appearing. It's getting quite dangerous." "Alright, I guess if you can do that Magic thing we'll be okay. Oh I don't think I bothered to introduce myself either, I'm Magnus." You say, extending your hand. "Yes, and I'm....." What is this man's name?
  12. Psych


    You head up the hill and see a beautiful vista of far off mountains and trees that seem to swallow the horizon. The woods go on and on, and you notice a pillar of smoke rising from somewhere far off. Bravely, you put one foot in front of the other and head into the sea of trees. You have entered the Dark Woods. You walk in circles for hours, and any sunlight that might still be up is consumed by the dense branches that loom over this place. As you continue, you feel like you hear things, and keep checking over your shoulder. The sooner you're out of these woods the better. You end up coming upon a clearing, illuminated by a fire, presumably the one you saw earlier. A man seems to be talking to himself and staring intensely at the flames. It looks like that must be his shack. Could anyone live out here? Do you go talk to the man, or eavesdrop from behind the tree?
  13. Psych


    Why do you even have this Shitty Sword? You're so bad at swordplay you're surprised you haven't cut your hand off yet. In fact, that's why you came out to the forest in the first place. You're trying to get better at actually fighting stuff and not running away, which your Running Boots help you do. You also have an Old Cloak and after you fill out all your stats, Health, Mana, Strength, Magic, Speed, Defense, Resistance, and Luck, it appears you seem to fall into what is called the Knight class. Except knights are brave and strong and defend princesses and kill monsters and go on adventures and things. And you're here, in the woods. You clean up your campsite and head deeper into the woods, looking for maybe something to train your sword on. Like a bunny. But hopefully not one that's too vicious. Just one that hops and chews flowers and stuff like that. God you're pathetic. As you continue on, you come to a clearing with a forked path. You can continue down hill as you hear some water down there, or try going uphill, but those tress look pretty spooky. Where do you go?
  14. Psych


    Yes, your name is Magnus, you remember now. You're always groggy after sleeping and can't hardly remember a thing. But luckily your character sheet says your name right there. Oh wait, that's right, the rest of it is blank. You really ought to remember to fill these things out, how else will anyone get to know you otherwise? I suppose we should start with your combat style? How do you like to fight? What weapon are you carrying? Or maybe you know magic?
  15. Psych


    Read the story in a vaccuum http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&andor_type=&sid=f2a8254e0ac8cb2072493018cf39e314&search_author=Psych&search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortKey%5D=date&cType=topic&cId=51581&search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortKey%5D=date&search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsearchInKey%5D=&search_term=&search_app=forums&search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsearchInKey%5D=&search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortKey%5D=date&search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortDir%5D=1 A young man is sleeping in the woods on his bedroll. A warm fire glows beside him while he slumbers. This part of the woods is known for being quiet peaceful, and birds can be heard singing in the branches. The cool breeze is gently waking this man. What is his name?
  16. My first game was FE7, and I'm never going to let this go because it's so burned into my memory, I thought if you treated battles like a quicktime event and pressed A at the right moment, your character would double attack.
  17. What's that? Could you guys be forgetting the game where this seems to fit best? Gaiden prehaps?
  18. hey so klok when is fe6 happening
  19. I recently got pretty into HW, but now after I cleared Legend mode and am doing Adventure mode, it turns out my warriors are pretty underleveled. Any tips on grinding them up? My highest are about level 40 but I only have Shiek, Lana, Zelda, Link, and Ruto that high, most of the rest are mid 20's or lower.
  20. hey so when do we get the new box on the side of the page
  21. Is that magazine incredibly offensive, racist and islamaphobic?
  22. Yeah isn't there some code for a Serperior or something? I don't remember though.
  23. or there's always build increasing cheat codes aka the fun way of playing where you can steal EVERYTHING
  24. It was decent as an alternative because it was the only other option for a fire type until Platinum.
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