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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Serra has 3 chapters over Priscilla in Hector Mode, and 2 in Eliwood mode, not to mention any Lyn mode levels or exp you might get her. I would say Priscilla has slightly better combat once promoted though but it usually doesn't turn out that way for me. And if you're healing thoroughly you can honestly get Lissa to probably level 10 or at least 8 by the time you get Maribelle since Awakening is easy to get healer exp in.
  2. It really doesn't, my level 50 party was able to sweep in about a turn or two with physical attacks. Thank you Blaziken and Metagross.
  3. Since we're talking about mounts, can we bring up troubadours or something? Because I usually don't see them too much stronger over Clerics. You usually have the cleric for a pretty good amount of time before the troubadour and can get her enough levels to where the mount doesn't feel as useful, since stuff like maybe Physic range is limited by usually the troub having low magic. In non-jugdral settings, where troubadours are just female calvs basically, i'd say they don't get too much.
  4. why are we recruiting cass in 16 and not 12
  5. He and Milotic both did. Also I feel like Dusknoir can be excused from getting a Mega because Dusclops got Dusknoir in Gen 4 so it broke being a counterpart back then and I guess Mega Banette was compensation. Which is also how I felt about Jynx and Electabuzz/Magmar back in Gen 4, since they felt like a trio but Jynx never got a third evolution, though more and more I do realize she wasn't a true trio with them due to being dual typed. Hopefully she gets a Mega as they get back around to Kanto pokemon. Lapras, maybe Exeggcutor, Butterfree now that Beedril has one, and I'd say probably Raichu, Arbok and maybe Magnezone are really the only other Gen 1 I could see getting a mega though I do suppose Magnezone is gen 4. I hope Slowking gets one too, since I'd like to see it due to Slowbro
  6. Mana is anti-fun for the player. It's something that's simply a limiter on the character's power level. It's possible to simply lower the character's power level and remove the resource. It's not like this is a problem either. Dawngate removes everyone's resource unless it's actually important, and gives longer cooldowns of 3-4 seconds as trade off. League's handwave justifications of some people having resources and some not leads to immensely different power levels between mana based champs and manaless champs. I can guarentee if you took people like Vel'koz, Azir, or Master Yi and turned them manaless their playstyle wouldn't change in the slightest, and they probably wouldn't even get a large buff out of it. New champs have much lower mana costs now compared to older champs. Riot is realizing mana isn't fun. No one wants to end up just sitting there not able to use abilities. That's not fun. Using abilities is fun, and having a fun game gets more players. Between manaless creep and power creep, yes you do get ridiculous things like pre-nerf Yasuo and I'm still not convinced Rek'sai and Kalista aren't broken. But this year alone we've had 2 out of 6 champs as manaless, and I'd say the other 3 or 4 do not have heavy costs. I guarantee you'll never see something like Ashabel (http://www.moba-champion.com/shapers/ashabel) in League. Imagine old AP Nidalee who's spear is on a 3 second cooldown. And yet you have a balanced champ due to her reliance on skillshots and immobility and poor durability. There are way more oppressive people than Ashabel and it's not because of a lack of resource. Riot would consider her kit probably toxic and unfair but hey guess what? She has a 3 second ability with no resource? Guess what, you don't have to worry about running out of mana and can probably out trade her.
  7. It's possible there could be, but in terms of coding and the actual data in the game, no there's nothing.
  8. My promotions are usually stuff like end of chapter 2/start of 3 for Lex and Aideen, end of 3 for Fin, Ethlin, and anyone I've been giving a bit of favoritism to that run, start/mid 4 for most other people, end of 4 for people like Tiltyu, Dew, Ardan, and maybe the Social Knights aka people who suck and are Tiltyu. I feel like if you maybe gave all unmounted units 1 move and took 1 move away from mounts but mounts get a bigger bonus on roads you might have a chance at foot units not always being behind. Though there's still probably very few places where you don't have roads, like maybe latter half of 8 and 9.
  9. I like how it also disallows heterosexuals who have had sex with a prostitute. "Listen doc, she wasn't technically a prostitute, I didn't pay her. Does that count?"
  10. I was Silver, but between decay and bad games at the start of the season I'm Bronze 1. I realize the reason I'm in bronze is because I have weak mechanical skill which is honestly compounded by my 120 ping on the EUW server. god i'm never going to get over 30 ping and faster DG servers I also have issues properly judging someone's threat level, so often times I'll get into fights I can't win or not trade back with someone I could probably kill. I'm too passive in roles I'm less experienced with like top and mid and too aggressive with bot lane when I end up not having my lane partner follow something. But I have very good objective play and and much better at tactical things. So because I can't really win lanes enough to continue that into late game, I can't really rise in rank. I also get ranked anxiety and never play but that's something else I have friends who do play ranked and are mid gold. When we play in normals they might be slightly better than me, but I can hold my own. And yet I realize they are god awful at objectives. No one wards, no one gets sweepers, no one wants to go for this free dragon. They're never going to get much higher than plat if they keep playing the way they do. So there I am trying to ward dragon, getting caught by the much better mechanical gold players we've been matched against since I'm the only warding and we have no vision. It ends up making me really dislike the game since I'm putting a lot of effort in to try and win a normal game and they just see it as try-harding and end up winning simply because they have better mechanics. Dawngate was a perfect game for me though, because since I had lower ping, I could do more, and while characters did need good mechanics, you had a lot of room in things like no mana which honestly mana is just bad design. You also suddenly had 4 more objectives on the map, so I could gank someone, get a kill, and instantly realize something else I could go for. I got to Diamond at my highest in that game, all because more objectives makes it even easier to play an objective based game.
  11. now we just need a better/easier mapping tool
  12. update your pokemon lp let's see more wallowing

  13. See EXP Share only hyper over levels your pokemon when you have like 2-4 in the party. So when I was going through the game and I only had Combusken and Metang until I beat Watson and grabbed my Roselia, yeah they were almost 10 levels above everything. Getting a full party slows down EXP gain a lot more and just helps save time grinding.
  14. I prefer things like Sol, Armsthrift, Limit Breaker, and then you have two slots for whatever you want, but probably something like Sword/Tomefaire and maybe Ignis since you can use tomes and physical weapons Sol and Armsthrift basically lets you just throw the unit at whatever you want as Limit Breaker can get Sol rates high enough that you get enough healing to never die and Armsthrift lets you never break things
  15. you get the kanto legendaries and most kalos pokemon in xy and almost all the other gen legendaries in ORAS I'm not sure if there are any gen 6 pokemon in ORAS though if you have all 4 games, the only pokemon you can't catch are like celebi, jirachi, shaymin, darkrai, arceus, meloetta, genosect, and keldeo
  16. what do you mean hawaii is more than the big island
  17. Hawaii has never fallen below 68 degrees
  18. You don't get Kanto or Kalos starters but you can get everything else in ORAS
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