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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Elibean Nights

    Well, it would maybe require a different icon, but you could do something like a Stamina Drink. It could give canto for foot units or something else. Otherwise I can't really think of good item effects from Jugdral, there wasn't a whole lot.
  2. Yeah it probably would. Admittedly, we won't get it till Chapter 10 otherwise, but who wants it? Even if we're doing pairings for people to use Magic Swords, or we want someone like Patty to get one for chipping and money stealing, we have Fire in chapter 7, and we can pass down the Light Sword or Thunder Sword.
  3. FE5 does mention Capturing, but not as obvious as you probably would like. I looked for anything about Escaping, but didn't find anything. FE4 does have some things about marriage and inheritance, but not a lot. Most reinforcements in the game are mentioned by villagers, like the cavalry in Chapter 9.
  4. are the candles for the sacrifice or the romantic moment with your love interest
  5. I don't really feel like Oifaye becomes bad. It's just your super kids end up becoming monsters.
  6. I am pretty sure he doesn't 1RKO cavarly, and I want to say he doesn't 1RKO bandits and brigands, but that I could be wrong on. Until he gets the Hero Lance or a Steel Lance he just doesn't have the damage behind it even though he doubles. And I agree, why dump all these resources to make Finn better than Lex or potentially Cuan, when we could just dump them into Lex and Cuan? If we think Finn is as good as Sigurd, what does that make Cuan?
  7. If we give Finn Caun's Steel Lance, what is Cuan using? He doesn't get anything better than it till we can get the Silver in Chapter 2, and we'd probably rather get more mileage out of Cuan while we have him rather than Finn who might seem more use in 2nd gen. Lex honestly does more against Armors than Finn, and he certainly has more use against all the lance cavalry. I would give Beowulf's squad to Finn, but that's not a lot. Fury just feels like she does a lot more. We can give her the Cutter if we want or the Slayer, whereas Midir isn't going to have fun against armors any time soon, and doesn't exactly do a lot against huge groups of Cavalry either. Fury also has an Enemy Phase, is actually useful in Chapter 4, and if we want to pair her with Noish we can give her time in 2, 3, and 5 to hang out with him and 3 and 5 for Claude since she can fly over to him in 3 and won't really do a lot besides kill Fire Mages in 5. And healing is at least something over Midir.
  8. Finn has WTD for all of Prologue and 1, and yeah he has Pursuit and Prayer, but he still uses Lances which aren't Swords. I think he's better than the Social Knights, but I wouldn't say he's as good as Lex. Lex can just get ahead faster with Elite, and then just ends up staying ahead. Finn kind of needs the Hero Lance before I start being impressed with his combat whereas Lex has it a chapter earlier with the Hero Axe. I also think Fury > Midir. Midir isn't really killing anyone unless we give him the Killer Bow and he gets lucky with Charge or a crit. Fury doesn't really have that problem, plus she has access to Swords, and Staves on promo. Plus she makes a lot better use of the Hero Lance than Finn does, so it's likely we could give it to her. She can also do a lot more in 3, 4, and 5 than Midir can hope to do due to terrain. For all intents and purposes Fury won't be doing a lot in 2. I mean, I guess we could Return Levin and then Warp him to Mackily but that seems unlikely. And while Midir might be pretty good/ok in Prologue/1/2, but 3 he's starting to be unimpressive compared to others, and they're starting to promote and push out his range advantage and will be able to do more during Enemy Phase.
  9. I would put Ethlin where Lachesis is. She is still stuck at C staves, which is basically Heal and Return. I'd also move Lachesis down to below Fury. Unless we're doing an Aideen pairing to get the Rescue staff, she doesn't have as much use compared to Leaf. She's also a foot unit with a lower staff rank than Aideen, and not great at combat. I guess she's still useful after promo and has Charisma, but I don't think she's good enough for High. I feel like Ayra could stand to be above Noish, but that's up for debate on how fast we're going/how much we need Noish.
  10. Yeah that's what I'd recommend You do have to be careful she doesn't fall for Shannan but that shouldn't be a problem if we go fast
  11. I usually favorite her and pass down the Hero Sword and a Strength ring but that's just me. You could always try to break the Prayer Sword, and give it to Holyn via that glitch and let him pass it down. Altenna also has shit resistance and comes at a time where about 70% of enemies you have to watch out for are going to be mages.
  12. I think we were still debating how useful Holyn Patty is, but other than that those look good.
  13. I'd like to see Claude Lana, and maybe Lex Sylvia.
  14. Psych

    The Well

    if you love mafia so much why don't you marry it
  15. Claude Sety can only use the Rescue staff if we paired Aideen Azel. Lana can help save maybe 2-3 turns in Chapter 6 by moving ahead when Celice has to seize castles. She can help get people out of Yied faster, and help Celice come back from Darna. I guess she doesn't really help in 8 or 9 due to Celice being mounted by then and her still being on foot, but by then Leaf can take the staff and idk but I feel she should kind of get some credit for the extra availability of the staff. Plus I guess she could help Corple recruit Hannibal or something. I think kids should only be split if having a different father makes you have to reconsider something about how you'd use them. So while for the most part, all the sword twins have the same purpose, there's kind of a difference if you do Azel Ayra for magic swords. Claude Lana works like this, where you know take Rescue into consideration much earlier than normally possible. Another thing is that there's one 3 ways we can get the Rescue Staff before chapter 10. Claude Aideen, Azel Aideen and Claude Fury, Azel Aideen and Claude Sylvia. Claude Aideen doesn't force us into a second pairing, giving us more freedom for something like Lex Sylvia so her kids can promote and get levels faster for EXP ranks, and whoever we want for Fury whether it's Noish for a better Fee or Levin or whoever for Sety.
  16. Going by this then yes, I think Claud Lana should be just above fatherless Finn then.
  17. I'd put Claude!Lana between Levin Sety and Finn, since I honestly feel the turns you can save with Rescue in chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9 are much higher than anything Finn contributes. I could see a case for her being higher than Sety, but I don't know if I could argue higher than that.
  18. I agree with all that, but I think you could probably separate Nanna the way you did with Delmud. I'd probably keep the same fathers since I don't think Claude's staff bump really gives her anything. Actually scratch that, I think Lana could be separated too. Every other father is basically the same for her, but Claude and getting chapter 6 rescue can be really big and pretty high up for her.
  19. Well it's 1-2 range and light weight, so there are worse options
  20. Yeah I do not recommend jungling until you are much higher in account level, around 20-25 or even wait till 30. You really need Armor runes until you can survive and even then it's still tough for some people. The spell you're looking for to help clear the jungle is actually called Smite funny enough. I recommend learning with Morgana or Annie. Morgana I think is the easiest person to learn with, because you just put your puddle down and then try to auto the minions. Unlike Smite, you need to try to last hit them, you don't get money for just being near them. Annie is also pretty easy to learn. After you have those guys down, I might move on to someone like Sivir or Garen. Sona would be good to learn too, but she's a support. Smite's supports are purely tanks, but we also have some squishier utility mages like Soraka or Janna if you want to learn support. Annie and Morgana can be played as mid mages or supports so if you learn them you can try them in multiple roles. Just don't take the farm as a support of course.
  21. Yeah Claude is already promoted, and really just there to kind of spam Reserve and Libro and marry someone.
  22. Psych

    The Well

    elieson bbm refa
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ fuck doors
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