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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Yeah the Weapon Editor Module is different from the Player Weapon Editor Module. So you can technically give the player any item you want, they just have to have it in the PWE and then you give it to someone or swap it with an event that gives an item. You can have Diadora give Ethlin Swanchika in Chapter 2 for all it matters. Be careful that an item doesn't show up twice though, that causes both items to deplete and can lead to weird bugs, but if an item comes in a previous chapter you can get it later. For example, if you set it up so two different enemies drop Aura/Rezire in say chapter 7 or 8, the one you didn't give Julia will be droppable while the other one won't be.
  2. I'm suddenly trying to think of what Patty does and I realize it's basically nothing since you get everything from Inheritence anyway compared to Dew. I mean, I guess Elite Ring but that's still only in ranked runs.
  3. For a tier list I'd say Patty should still be split and that Holyn Patty should probably be one of her higher fathers but there's probably a better one. In terms of ranked though I'd almost say it's her best because it actually makes her usable pre-promotion.
  4. dick cheney made money off the iraq war
  5. If you go into the Player Weapon Editor module you can swap Holsety for what you want the event to give. You'd want to then swap the Pursuit Ring or whatever for Holsety probably or whatever but yeah you can artificially change events this way.
  6. I mean you could do Claude as the lord. You start with other units in gen 2 so it's not like you have no combat units.
  7. Yeah I know a good bit about FE4 hacking and what Horace says is right. You can effectively change the Lord Knight class, but like that pic it will still say Lord Knight and the second gen lord will have to promote the the same thing.
  8. why does that case skip eirika out of all the lords? like it even has alm AND celica and it skips awakening but it is the most recent game so i guess it's slightly understandable if it's supposed to be a retrospective
  9. Noish Fury is actually pretty good and what I usually do if I do Levin Tilityu. The only issue is Sety's magic can get RNG screwed but it's not awful considering he has Lightning. I usually do Dew Ayra and it turns out great, I suppose you could do Ardan Tiltyu but that's just a bad version of Lex Tiltyu. Also don't forget there are 6 civilians to save in Chapter 4. The only issue is Ardan can't cross mountains, even when he's promoted, but I think they'll run over them towards the bridge?
  10. There is a way to fudge your great lord class, but then it means your Gen 1 Lord and Gen 2 Lord must be the same class is the only problem. Which I why I'd still say Corple/Claude works better as the lord than Altenna. You can edit the Lord/Lord Knight map sprite and battle sprites to be identical to another class, like say Priest, and then the only way you could tell it's different is due to the name since i don't know how to edit those.
  11. Maybe wait for Chapter 3, since you don't want to pair Ayra till then. Did you already finish 2? Since I don't know if you got Ardan's item.
  12. I'd like it more where after you pick a place for them to move to, they start engaging enemies if they are in range. I forget to change it pretty often. But otherwise I only use it for Ally units.
  13. I started planning one out after seeing this thread, but decided to RR men and women seperately so we don't have weird things like Alec having babies. It led to fun things like Claude Sylvia as Sigurd Diadora, Fin and Lachesis swapped with no one, and if I decided to swap Gen 2 kids with how their parents swapped, Lachesis's kids stayed put.
  14. Psych

    The Well

    Has he been playing longer than you? also r u guys nerds and duo bot all the time
  15. Psych

    The Well

    your top 3 champions for each lane also what do you main and how long have u been bronze
  16. Psych

    The Well

    "So this total nerd added me after a league game and wouldn't leave me alone"
  17. Psych

    The Well

    how many girls does paper kiss on average in a day and why will you never come close to this
  18. I agree with Horace that, in theory, FE4 and FE5 are the games with the best cast balance. FE4, you want to use all the females because of children, and you want to use all their husbands. Then you have things like Dew for money, horse units are just good, and most of gen 1 foot units are just good. The only one left out is Ardan, but the game tries to get you to use him, what with the Pursuit Ring and even forcing a game over if you lose the home castle, making you want to use someone to defend it. In practice, the player never really has a moment where the castle is really in danger, since Chapter 1 probably being the prime example, Eltoshan just comes in and saves your ass. FE5 tries to use things like capturing being required for items and money and fatigue to make you use pretty much everyone, and it works, except you can basically just juggle your max units plus like 3 or 4 more to wipe fatigue of important people for events or thieves for chests and stuff. And Warp breaks everything, but that's another boat and not super required.
  19. I didn't vote for all of them, simply because I think some like Wyvern 1 and the Cat don't really pop enough with their background, but considering they're all already made why let them go to waste, just add them all.
  20. eh this is kind of just my opinion and likely no one will agree, but i think you should really only rate subs against subs, maybe laylea and sharlow in the normal gen 2 list basically there's never a situation where you'd really want subs, except like over idk jamka tilityu, so you might as well just have the gen 2 list be separated into the list of stuff we actually want and the list of wow we're bored let's do a sub only run
  21. Evil enough to be obviously in the wrong, not evil enough to feel bad about aligning with them though.
  22. why would you get athene's in urf why would you get archangel's in urf like come on veigar get a void staff
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