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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Why do you all keep thinking Sharlow costs turns. You have to seize his castle, and once you do he's an auto-recruit.
  2. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    Whine about PR I just noticed something. This was the night I was silenced. If Ether truly visited me then, he must be the silencer. I wasn't kidnapped that day, since my flavor from eclipse said so. If I remember correctly, someone else was kidnapped, but I can't remember who.
  3. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    ##8luh 8luh: Strawman Whine about PR Huge 8itch
  4. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    Admittedly, I forgot to send in an action that night. :/ Whine about PR It's why eclipse was pissed and the night was held up. I figured it didn't matter since I got silenced that night anyway.
  5. Prologue: 18 turns/18 turns I feel like this could be better. Chapter 1: 26 turns/44 turns why am I doing so badly At least I got Jamka and the Return and Warp Staves. Most people (AKA everyone except Sigured) got stuck around 4 or 5. Skipped the Hero Axe. Chapter 2: 30 turns/74 turns I get Lachesis the Elite Ring. That and some Return spam plus healing gets her to 20, but she doesn't get to promote till next chapter. Beowulf and Midir did good too, and Azel hit 12. Levin got me the Bargain Ring and Fury, and Aideen missed out on the last half of the chapter, but she got all the villages in the center. Sigurd got a shit load of rings and the two staves too.
  6. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    Don't you think that if Roth was the Watcher I would have seen him following someone? Whine about PR This means we now know there's a role that messes with results. In addition with a silencer and kidnapper.
  7. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    Alright, since Sho is gone I guess I have to step up. Whine about PR I followed Roth last night, but he didn't visit anyone....from what I could tell. It says something appears to be up with my reports, but I wasn't roleblocked. Edit: Typo
  8. Psych

    The Resistance 2

    I say Eclipse, Slayer, Kevin, Paper, and Snike
  9. Nope. Because as long as you have Leaf not enter combat, Altenna will get recruited. Keep her out of combat, and you just got a green Arion. And curse you for exposing my plots.
  10. Sigurd: Look at your man, now back at Sigurd, now back at your Sigurd, now back to Sigurd. Sadly, he isn't Sigurd. Diadora: Sadly, she doesn't have any free healing staves thanks to us having Aideen and Lachesis. Though she may have Ethlin's, I think. Aideen: It's Aideen. You can't go wrong. Midir: If/Once he gets the Killer Bow he'll be a lot better. Lachesis: She needs Elite and to Return Spam, since she needs to keep up with Beo ASAP. Beowulf: Yeah. He'll like the Hero Sword, so I have to keep Holyn and Ayra alive long enough to at least give me the sword. Azel: He can castle guard. And if he promotes he might get a chance to do something. ----------------------------------- Femina: She is the only one that needs Pursuit, so that's good. She also gets the Hero Lance. Roddlevan: He was good. He's good with some of the utility swords that the mounts will never end up using. Radney: Never used her, but she's got Pursuit. She should be okay. Aeselleo: Basically Jamka. Good thing is that there are two Silver Bows. Aless: Aless, Fuck Yeah. I picked him so Anouleth can help kill Blume. ;/ Sharlow: Berserk Staff
  11. No, but it's nice to have. Also Sharlow is free for all. Let the races begin.
  12. You lose Elthunder. Which you might want, IDK. Also Aeselleo
  13. Yeah, 50k is the gold limit. You want to be really careful and not have Lex and Ayra fall in love till next chapter though. One turn 1, they can talk and Ayra will get a Brave Sword, plus a boost to their love points that'll probably be high enough to pair them.
  14. I just read your post and had an idea. Once it gets dark, I'll have Cora come upon you guys and get confused for a raid or whatever?

  15. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    :< Whine about PR I get more weapons?......I want costumes....
  16. .....Well I guess that means the third wins by default.
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