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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    I'm pretty sure we had half drivers in JB's multfaction FF game. But I forget the name of it.
  2. oh my gog kiryn how do you light source
  3. This and Pokemon Just This and Pokemon
  4. Please welcome to the center stage, PAPER.
  5. Add Homestuck Mafia to the list too. If I ever decide how big to make it....
  6. Also, I know this is going to sound incredibly scummy, but in regards to what Proto posted up there, if I was a vigilante, I would totally be shooting everyone of you bitches on N0. It's much better to at least have something tomorrow than to have to shoot randomly later in the game.
  7. What do you think we'll get from playing through the game multiple times? 7 had the different modes. 8 had another route to try and super trainees, even if they weren't that good. Plus the secrete tower/ruins characters. 9 had various arts and trial maps 10 had Pelleas and Lehran. 12 got you unlocked classes, Lunatic reversal. I see the game maybe having two routes again if that one girl is a lord and we have the map again. Thanks to thank, there will probably be secret grinding area characters. What else do you see unlocked? People? Routes? Promotions? Candy?
  8. Who are her other two muskateers? Rita and Erik, gogogo
  9. Psych

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Also, I would like any of the other lake trio to contact me.
  10. Psych

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Tables is so bad with genders.
  11. I choose Jake, if he's still in it.
  12. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    So that would have shown up if I had seen Snike visit someone? Huh
  13. Who knows. Maybe they'll even make the game hard enough where grinding is almost required.
  14. I also don't check the last page. I open the thread, see who's left and type in the box at the bottom. It's not my fault if I haven't drafted for like 3 days and the OP has not been updated in that time frame.
  15. Psych

    The Resistance 2

    XXY Eclipse is special
  16. Oh hey we get the world map back. That can either be really cool, or end really badly.
  17. Cora looked down at the man on her horse. "What shall I do with him? I'll be more than happy to come along though. I simply-" Cut off mid-sentence, Cora noticed the girl from earlier walking towards her bleeding profusely. "Oh no! Did I miss you? I thought I had helped everyone who was injured." Cora walked over with her staff, quickly trying to heal the wound. "There are some bandages in my pack if you need them but otherwise-oww. Hey! No need to push! I'm coming!" Cora walked with the man grabbing her by the arm, but they seemed wary of George. Cora motioned for him to come along, still carrying the unconscious man.
  18. Oh, I just meant I found this really cool picture, but okay.
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