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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    The Resistance 2

    Yes, but if Bal was "clear" then that means Pariah is "clear". The two are mutually exclusive.
  2. I meant the usually quality of your every day posts resembles something akin to the excrement of several organisms.
  3. You're going to end up promoting Lex and Ethlin next chapter, but I'd try to give Fin a little more exp. It helps if he's promoted when he leaves. Aideen will promote too, and you can give her Azel's Fire or Thunder tome or something. I'd give Lachesis the Return Staff and spam that a bit, since you can promote her and keep her with whoever she's being paired with more easily.
  4. Psych

    The Resistance 2

    I'm thinking me, Pariah, Darros. Maybe Paper. I can't think of a 5th though.
  5. Lumi and Furet's wedding chapel, gogogo Obviously Astra and Amelia are BM and MoH
  6. I have always followed those as free, along with Dew's Wind Sword. Looks like I am retroactively deserving of some penalties.
  7. Hey, Sylvia's Defender is under the Secret Events Page on the site. It says secret events are free. ;/
  8. Hm. Well, in my drafts it also considers Sylvia's Defender, Laylea's Barrier Sword, and Daisy giving Shanan the Balmung free. Since that last one is basically the other conversations like Warp.
  9. I think he means RF's take over. But you Narga! You have the power to restore it to it's former glory!
  10. Yes, it would Darros. Because it is an event specific to Sylvia only. It also counts for Laylea's Barrier Sword.
  11. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    Whine about PR I'm going to have to assume you protect against kills only then.
  12. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    .... Whine about PR I always knew Bal was a trap.
  13. Incest-obsessed furry lesbian dominatrix. Again, just popular opinion.
  14. I read that as Full Metal Jacket. I really like the Fem!Necromancer and the guy with the custom jacket.
  15. You're like the Mob! Only Love does! *Places Joy Division Here*
  16. Persona FE gogogo There's even classes for everyone. Just make a Galactic Punter.
  17. Aw yeah. Chapter 3: 25 turns/99 turns I send Fury and Levin to die since I figure the might fall in love with people. I still need Sylvia for the Defender, so she's still alive. As soon as Ayra sells the Hero Sword I send her off to die too. why is azel so close to promoting Seriously, he's like level 15. Most people get stuck at the Dark Mage, but Lachesis makes it all the way. I buy some shit with Sigurd since he's close to capping money, and have have him clear the arena too. I decide to tether Midir a little to Aideen, since they need to fall in love pretty soon. Midir also grabs the strength village, and I seize on turn 6. Lachesis gets me the Restore staff and the Clipper, but someone else is gonna end up with it. Aideen and Midir hang out up North to wait while everyone else heads towards Silvail. She also warps Midir a bit to Madino to get some exp. I also get the Earth Sword. Azel nabs the Life Ring and Midir nabs the Leg Ring. Tiltyu dies. I skip Ichival and the Wind Sword, and Aideen Promotes and clears to the Dark Mage on the last turn before the seize.
  18. The other guys sucked that much eh?
  19. Psych

    Hey, if you don't mind, you would you mind sending me a PM about the map editor and anything you've found? I'm curious myself, but I don't know where to find it and have zero skill in japanese.

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