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Everything posted by Psych

  1. How do I check who is in what group? I tried last night, but it would only show me the moderation team.
  2. Cora sighed and held her staff, ready to cast. "This is what I tell you. And you think a Nialpian would know less than 'professional soldiers'. Now keep still or you'll get infected. I'm not exactly.....a pro at this." Cora bent down and heal the soldier's wound, a strange horse's neigh sounding off far in the distance. The man's wound seemed to close, and Cora gave a sigh of relief. Beginner's luck. At least it worked the first time she tried it. Soldier A +5 HP
  3. Cora stepped off her horse, leading it by the reins. "I don't have any weapons on me at the moment. Just my healing staves I suppose." Cora reached and grabbed her bags, strapping them on her back. "I have a few provisions and healing herbs if you might need them. If you have any sick, I might be able to look after them after I speak with your leader. Lead the way." Cora pulled up her gloves and tightened her cloak in the evening chill. A campfire would warm her up good.
  4. Tangerine's gang needs their own member pic. Full of citrus and orange-ness.
  5. My name in IP chat is Orange now. This is awesome....but do I have to be Tavros now.

    1. Inactive Account

      Inactive Account


    2. Psych


      8ecause he's not the 8est that's what is wrong :::;)

    3. Blitz
  6. I sorta picture female mercs with more short shorts than a skirt anyway. :/
  7. I wanna be in the group. :< Is there an "I <3 Nightmare Group"
  8. I would not say Soulux is shota, just under age. Roxas is the only true shota on this forum.
  9. Allow me to explain. Long ago, it was Ed, Edd, and Eddy mafia. I was randomly chosen for the role as Johnny, and another member, Cascore, was chosen as Plank. We were able to communicate, but Cascore could only post smilies, :), and could not be killed. I had to vote for him. Eventually, he idled for like the last week of the game, basically making me a double vote. It became the final 4, with us, the doctor, and the final mafia. Earlier in the game, someone had been janned, so I didn't believe the doc, used both of our votes on him, and town lost the game. Also I pulled a fake claim as baker in One Piece.
  11. Cora rode up to the man. "I'm simply a traveler passing by. I'm headed east. Though I don't know what you people think you're doing out on these plains. You're fires make you stand out like a sore thumb. Raiders would have an easy time picking you off. Most merchants know to hire mercenaries, but a real Nialpan doesn't stand out in the middle of the open plains. I don't think I'll be able to make it to the next town by nightfall, but if you are all camping here, would you perhaps mind my staying? I can heal minor injuries and wounds, if anyone in your party is hurt."
  12. Psych

    The Resistance 2

    Alright then. ##Give Plans to; Psych, Pariah, Paperblade, Radiant Kitty, and Kevin Edit: Bold
  13. Psych

    Schoolboy Mafia

    I'd like to be an informed observer.
  14. Psych

    The Resistance 2

    Right now it's: Me, Pariah, and I guess Paper, RD, and Kevin
  15. Psych

    The Resistance 2

    Honestly, when I put I was thinking about including him, I had a piece of logic I really liked, and now, a few days later, I can't for the life of me remember what it was.
  16. zorbees is also 100% clear, just in case the others need to know
  17. Well, SoS isn't dying per say, but it's got not much of a community except hacking. I suppose in a way, it's actually kind of sad for such a large franchise as Fire Emblem to have such a small community. Hell, pokemon and whatever is huge, and we've got like only 3000 members. I think things like Serebii has over 200,000. Does anyone know of any large Fire Emblem communities in Japanese or something, with forums like us? I can think of FEBinary, but they're more just a hacking team.
  18. it smells of tears and regret and cheap beer
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