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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Now I want to go play L4D2 :/
  2. So...does Navarre have Weapon Triangle Control on Ogma?
  3. Ilyana! She wants to eat your CEXP! Staves too.
  4. "If you have some time to waste before your concert, I know a couple of places around here. I should probably stop by my house or the guild real quick, but I'm a bit afraid too." Niles reached into his pockets and pulled out a coin pouch. He counted his money quickly, and a grim look went over his face. "I guess I forgot to collect on the fees for my last few deliveries. Rachele won't like that. I'll just...stay with you guys for now, hopefully she won't get too worried."
  5. You have to have Eclipse dead to marry her? .....
  6. Needs more Mahnya battle-death screens.
  7. Heyheyhey Enough about Tangerines. This thread is about Integrity's manliness. Go make Tangy her own thread.
  8. Tangerine can't be President. She's too busy with mod duties. what mod duties Integrity and Fox co-share Tangy's fanclub. And Soul is Integrity's lover, so he has bias. That leaves me in charge.
  9. Paperblade said so. Paperblade Integ Paperblade is the best Paperblade aroooooound Integrity si~ Psychedelica We should make an Integrity fan clu Paperblade we should
  10. I fully support this decision and any side effects that may arrise.
  11. Ethlin already died? :( why do I pick up on the tiniest details
  12. Is there a reason it should be going to black upon loading? :/
  13. ...Now I'm gonna go OCD looking for every seal. :/ Thanks a lot Arch.
  14. Someone didn't promote Dew or Midir.
  15. I suck at light and dark and need to make Hilda something.
  16. MOTHERFU- At least you all got a game over.
  17. That doesn't sound like good new on the Balmunk. In other news, holy crap Patty has pretty high stats save Defense and Strength. :/ Did she take steroids or something? How does she have 7 con? XD
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