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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Bottom line would go in character tier list, but I get the point..>_> At least on promo he can double Armors. :/ Rita on the other hand, will be doubling everything except; Mercenaries, Troubadours, Pegasi, Thieves, and other Myrmidons, and after promo only Thieves, Mercs, and other Myrmidons. Provided none are promoted. Her strength will get a boost on promo, so she'l have okay combo with decent rolls, and if I decide to give her Heavy Strike.... Defense is relative, but on promo she's basically gaining 2 defense and resistance. And when she gets her Astra skill....
  2. This is the combat tier. Personality means nothing, and if you think it does, then
  3. Character bias against me...>_> Rita's 6 speed bumps her above all the 4 speed people, and with Miracle.... Cess should move up too, probably around Helios. Above Viv, below Kelas. Somewhere around there.
  4. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    3 hour bump....>_> WHAT! I need just two people. ;_; *psstCynthiapsst*
  5. Actually, it was kinda like this...>_> K: "Have my babies! Oh, and don't touch this." G: "Dun wanna! I have Malcom and he'll buy me clams! And your baby brother is really young." K&K: "Bitch! Fish are better!" "I'm not a baby! ;_;"
  6. Wyvern rape? Really? Just because she doesn't want any babies, you have to go and rape her. Krinkov was all "Make me a sammich", and she was all "Make it yourself", but nooo!
  7. Gemini: She was not in the mood for a mate. And if master caught the magic pink wyvern, he would get golden scales. Which would get her many clams. Delicious clams. This thick headed male and his baby brother were in her master's way. Swatting her tail at the side of Krinkov's face, she readied her tail to strike. She didn't need a stupid male. She had master. ((OOC: FIrst wyvern logic post, yeah! )) WITH CLAMS!
  8. Rita, Malcom, Cess: "Oi, Gem! Stop him!" Gemini walked over to Kiev and whined at him. *Wyvernwyvern wyvernwyvern* Malcom looked back to Lev. "Sorry, you might be Rita's friend, but you still don't have a permit. I don't want to have to take you in. That bounty's mine." Rita and Cess chimed in. "This is my brother Malcom. He's a bounty hunter." "Please go, save me from Rita. ;_; Hi Malcom." "Show me your papers Wyvern Boy. An egg raised wyvern is better than some wild tamed one."
  9. @Phoenix But we're missing people in the NPC slots, which must be filled then obviously. >_> @Snike No, and what act? Unless you want me to go back to ways on how Pary can act evil towards Dani and the bandit, and how Rita can flirt with Iso and Kelas. He keeps me occupied. Also, I never mentioned Rita had just one bottle of the Rudoberry stuff did I? She has more. Like, 4 bottles more. Actually, I asked her about his appearance. She said yes. But otherwise, if he doesn't stick around longer, he's leaving after the wyvern gets captured.
  10. @Phoenix I needed inspiration man...>_> And Cynthia's all "No! No tagalong NPC!", and I'm all "We have HM, Lev, Jasmine, and Katie, and Jasmine and Katie left. So Fargo and Malcom fill in!", but she's all "No!" Cess cuts down Rita crazy by like 15%, but this guy cuts it down by like 50%, so if you want tame, docile, safe to be around Rita, you might want him...>_> Also, for your own safety, don't touch Rita in front of him..>_> He'll go all Kelas on you.
  11. Rita, Malcom, Cess: "Look you-Urph" The man had been tackled to the ground, and Rita was now sitting on him. She removed his helmet, and long blue strands of hair flowed out. The wyvern had gone over to Cess, and was nuzzling him, and he was petting her back. "Brother!" "Hi Malcom." "Urph. Rita, couple questions." "Shoot." "What are you doing here, who are these people, and why are you still on top of me." "Looking for a wyvern, friends of ours, and cause you're soft." Rita got off of Malcom, and went and got his spear to hand back to him. Cess walked the wyvern back to him. "Here's Gem."
  12. More like yell at him. Not actually fight. >_>
  13. Phoenix, do something to him, then Rita will get all angry and attack him, then Cess will stop her, and then we can live happily ever after...>_>
  14. Malcom, Cess, Rita, (And Pary, who will do nothing for now): "Oi! You heard me! Hand over your bait, or I bring you in for illegal wyvern hunting without a permit, illegal substance consumption, and trying to capture another man's bounty!" Malcom held the lance, poised to strike Lev. His wyvern began hissing at him, moving around to his side. "You'll fetch a nice bundle for a new lance." Meanwhile, Cess and Rita were watching. "Hehehe. This is funny." "Shouldn't we stop him? " "Noooo. D: Come on! I wanna see the looks on their faces."
  15. Sword vs Sword, Wyvern vs Wyvern, and Mage vs Shaman..>_> Great pairings Kia. In addition, Helios has 2 magic less than Cess's resistance, Cess has Prayer, Rita has Miracle, and Malcom has some skill, probably Vantage or something.
  16. She's smaller than Krinkov. And 11, so their "ARGHBLARGHWYVERNHUMP" sense should be tingling. NOTICE: If you attack, Rita's joining his side. And Cess is probably backing them up. Go family!
  17. A challenger approaches! AKA Rita's brother..>_>
  18. Rita and Cess: ">_>" "Rita... " --------------------- Mystery Soldier Malcom: ((OOC: Got a name! :D)) As the rider settled into the town or Directus, the wyvern's wings blowing the various things around, a fruit stand, laundry, etc, he quickly dismounted and pulled off his helmet. "Alright Gem, this was near her last location. I'm gonna head in and see if I can get any info." Walking into the station, he headed up to the warden. "I have a warrant for the capture of a wyvern. Lookin' for some info." "Oi? That smelly pink one? Some freaky group is staying up at the Governor's manse. Brought in a whole load of this weird pink stuff. Ask around there." Malcom walked out and remounted, before flying to the north of the town. He could hardly make out the people on the ground, but there where two mountain wyverns on the ground, and the one that looked like the most competent was relaxing sunning himself. "Hya girl! Hyaa!" Malcom swooped down, his lance embedding just feet in front of Lev. He quickly hopped off and retrieved his spear, before holding it threatening against Lev. "Hand over the stuff. That wyvern's mine."
  19. 24 and 11 then. That works well. ^_^
  20. So, Damian is going to kill us, Conrad is a friend and an enemy, and Lev and Irina are not playing. -_- Interesting.
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