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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I'd actually wonder if they should all die except Fargo, because he's turning into a Captain Travis dark horse. >_> Where is Travis? Or Synt? Planplanplan plotplotplot.....I have 3 new ideas....1 of which....IS NOT JOAN RIVERS!
  2. I like Meg, and Ilyana! D: And Heather and Laura....>_> Appearently, I chose the characters people hate. Oh, and hello.
  3. Yeah. Charlotte is high, but not that high. Iso should drop some too. Derek under Esphyr. Dani needs to take a drop in altitude as well.
  4. I control all of low? >_> ....That's actually kinda cool.
  5. I usggest maybe the town is through the canyon. That way, rocks fall, usless NPC's die, and everyone is happy? >_>
  6. I actually feel sorry for Shanice....;_; >_>
  7. I kinda want Harold to bust in there like a BMF and save her, if just to look cool....>_>
  8. Rita: Now that Cess had been saved, Rita calmed down. She remembered the book in her sash, and pulled it out. Flipping through it, it seemed to have weird crimson writing. She saw an archer and a shaman on a horse. She couldn't ever remember Cess using a tome like this, but it did look like one of his. She went over. "Um, excuse me. That sword demon dropped this. It doesn't look like Cess's tomes, is it one of hers?"
  9. Pary: Seeing the swordfighter's hands bleeding still, he quickly stopped her and mended them. He could see no one else in immediate danger, save for a few chills and runny noses. He went over to the wyvern, and took out some pots and pans. He boiled some water and began a stew, before making some coffee. A nice warm up would be just what the group needed. ------- Rita and Cess: Her hands fixed, she focused back on the task at hand. Cess's left arm and leg were the only things stuck in ice now. She carefully split the ice down the center, freeing him. She laid him down, and piled some blankets on top to warm him up.
  10. But even Slim Lances weigh him down....>_>
  11. Rita: Rita kept hacking away. She had managed to get most of the right side of Cess out of the ice, and it was melting rather quickly. She could barely feel her hands. She couldn't just stop now, but she couldn't stay here. She grabbed his arm, dragging him outside, and kept hacking away. ----- Pary: Giving Derek another round of healing, he ran over to Viveka. Her lips were beginning to turn blue, and her fingers had the beginnings of frostbite. He picked her up and lead her out of the cave.
  12. Pary: Seeing the bandit's charred skin, Pary walked over to Derek and Dani. Serves him right. He took his Barrier staff, and helped the cavalier's resistance in the event of any after shocks, and began healing his wounds. ------------ Rita: Rita wiped her eyes, and stood up. She couldn't stop now! She kept hacking away at the ice, before a large crack started down the top of it. She hit it one last time, and Cess's head was freed. He seemed to be unconscious, but she kept going.
  13. Rita: "I don't need you help! Cess, why did you...I can do this! Let me do it! I-I..." Rita fell to her knees, and started sobbing. "Is he going to be okay?"
  14. Rita: Picking up the book the woman had dropped, she tucked it into her belt. She ripped off some cloth from a spare rag, and tied her hands to stop the bleeding. Someone could fix it later. She took her Armorslayer, and walked over to the block of ice Cess was still stuck in. She began hacking away at the ice, trying to free him.
  15. Rita: A book? Rita grabbed the book from the woman's shirt, before she was able to fling Rita off a second time. She flew straight at Viveka, begore sliding across the ice towards the exit.
  16. Rita: Feeling the breath knocked out of her, Rita gasped for air. But she wouldn't lose again. What time in a row was this? 5? She stood up, and picked up her sword. The woman was attacking the nomad, and she had to save him. Arrows flew, striking the demon in her leg. Rita gave a deep stab to her back, before jump in her back again, tackling her to the ground. She felt something in the back of the woman's shirt, and stuck her hand down there.
  17. Yeah, I mean when they do, they might take him with them. >_>
  18. No warping? Freezing doesn't kill you if it isn't that long. Like cryogenics or something.
  19. Pary: Seeing blood leaking from Rita's arm, and her on top of the woman, he lookd at the distance. He staff was certainly not a Physic, but it could reach. He walked over to Iso and Irina, to be sure, then lifted his staff and the energy seeped into her wound.
  20. @Phoenix >_> Is Shanice taking Cess with him? >_> I may/may not be okay with that, just ask me.
  21. Rita: "Ha! Too slow!" Rita had dropped her sword, and back flipped out of the woman's reach, narrowly missing the roof. She picked up her sword, and sheathed it, before drawing her serated Armorslayer. As she had gone for Irina, Rita gave a heavy blow into the woman's head, before jumping right on her back.
  22. Rita: "SWORD!" Rita dashed forward, trying to shoulder-check the woman. She gave an upstroke, then a quick kick to the gut, before bringing her sword back down in a slash.
  23. Cess: Having been right in front of Katie, Cess had been caught in the majority of the ice blast. Once the mist had cleared, he was stuck in a block of ice quite thick, with the demon hiding behind him. ---------- Rita: "What the hell? What is that thing? Someone explain this! Ice? Arggggh!" Rita ran forward, both hands on her sword, poised to attack and slice the head of off Katie, or whatever that thing was. ---------- Pary: Pary took his tome out, ready to send a balst of light just in case. He moved closer to Charlotte, and offered her his jacket. "Be careful. It must be freezing, and I we should best stay out of this."
  24. Rita: Rita lowered her arm, but still kept her sword at her side. "Not until everyone explains what's happening. Everyone has a weapon out, why shouldn't I? I thought you said it was over, and we had the mole!"
  25. Rita: Running back into the cave, Rita saw everyone, weapons drawn. "What the hell is going on here? Cess?" She drew her sword, before walking up to Iso. "Explain. Now."
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